A lack of chlorophyll seemed sweet until I started researching variegation in plants, all signs point to trashing this plant, its a dude BTW - waddya think?
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...is there Blueberry in it? Whenever I see any variegation like that I always do the research on the type/strain and low and behold...Blueberry. I think it's a mutation when DJ or Vic High used a mutagen when forking around w/the Blueberry way back when. Some say no..others say yep....having worked with colchicine and the mutants it creates..I say yep!
Back in the day is was often a secondary thought that this type of variegation would be better camouflage for growing cannabis right under unsuspecting noses. Imagine if there was no loss off health with a plant that looked like variegated sage. "No Sir that is not cannabis...just look at the leaves". Also...if cannabis ever does go 'legal'...there will suddenly be a market for ornamentals....save these colorful and variegated types in seed for the little old ladies who think it's pretty 75 years from now.