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Les Stroud is much better than Bear Grills.



My favorite show on the topic has gotta be SURVIVOR....

I roll in the floor, laughing at the silly city folks, who can't even start a fire or get water to drink. Now, Ya'll, If I knowI'm going on Survivor, you bet I'm practicing those skills every day before I go... LOL

I'm gonna have to vote for COACH from Survivor as the most famous/best in this category... (at least he makes me laugh the hardest)
I like the episode where Les eats the Beatle Nut and starts trippin. Survivorman is one of my favorite shows, Bear isnt too bad himself, but personally, id rather be stranded somewhere with Les that Bear. Either way Id be able to spark some fire for my pipe.

Kola Radical

Bear Grillis is the guy who was caught staying in a hotel when he was supposed to be out surviving.

He can live anywhere in the world with only a cappuccino machine, chef, portable generator, cutlery set, shirpas to carry it all, and a hooker.


Active member
Well you all converted me,I watch both shows but always favored Bear Grills,now that I've read what a fake he is, i'm a Les Stroud guy now(not in a gay way).


I liked the episode where Les was in Brazil or somewhere like that..

His feet started rotting off and a jaguar almost ate him as he ran through the forest...lol

Bear eats things that are so rotten, I don't know how he avoids food poisoning.


Yea bear does eat some nasty stuff. One episode he ate a sheeps testical.. Then he was eating camel.. It's for the shock value I guess. I do like how bear keeps on the move but for actual survival I think Les is more practical. Personally if I was ever lost in the jungle or woods I would gather as much food as I could then just light the whole forest on fire.. Hopefully either they find me that way or I'll kill enough animals in the fire to eat for a few days.. If I was with a girl I wouldn't do that tho.. I would be afraid she would die but if I were alone fuck it haha.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
that is actually a bad idea. Forest fires spread quick. You can't out run it unless you can hit a river. If you cant out run it, then you die.

Stick with a signal fire. use green leaves to create more smoke


Active member
i gotta agree, burn green leaves only :joint:. As for the show i prefer Les's, but i pick and choose the things i take from it. Lets not forget Les made water out of pee.:D


Active member
In one of Bears episodes,he peed/urinated in a snake skin,then drank it straight up.
Of course who to say it was real,as hes known to fake his stunts.


bear just runs around doing fancy rolls and eating the nastiest shit the film crew can find

its like fucking fear factor but with a crazy british guy

les is alot more realistic he gives real survival lessons unlike bear who is more into picking the nuts outta bear shit and eating it for the ew factor to draw ratings

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If you eat nuts out of bear shit you will get a parasite and probably e coli. that shit was fake.
I like the fact that Les actually chills with and learns from the native tribes. Theres no faking that shit!

If you disrespect those guys, the'll cut ur f*ckin head off and then eat you. You definatly have to have some balls to kick it with some canibals.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
People from north america are too fatty for the cannibal tribes. They are on the jenny craig diet. literally they ate her, and the people in her program. hahaha ")


Whew, I'm glad to know that HZ, as I am from North America, now I feel safer.... lol

AND, I disagree about picking nuts from bear shit. I just wash mine in the stream, and then I toast them in the fire afterwards to kill the parasites. Yum. Sometimes, though, I just go get me some of the nuts off the ground that the bear ain't eaten yet. They taste better.... less earthy.... haha...


never heard of les stroud to be honest with you guys i am from the uk.as for bare grills his programs are a load of bullshit after each shot where ever he is hes got a choper waiting for him to fly him back to the nearest hotel hes suppose to be ex sas which i think is the best regiment in the world.but hes an ex sas reserve a part time soldier.hes now presedent of the boy scouts for kids.the real deal is ray mears who teaches the sas how to survive in real life.


ray mears got his own school he has taught people from the sas how to live off the land remember the army are all over the world and ray mears can live off the land anywhere.another good guy is the bare foot bushman


european ganja growers
bro i watch ray mears aswell as Bear& Les,,yeh the guys knows his stuff and is 1 of meny that i would want to be with if lost..But train the SAS lmao thats just never going to happen,,,the SAS were surviving/ batteling in North Africa b4 the guy way even born...

keep it green