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Les Stroud is much better than Bear Grills.



Teddy grylls beats a python to death on one of his shows,clubs it with a heavy hunk of wood,since been revealed the crew picked it up off the side of a road dead while filming,also saw him setting snares,caught a bunny,since been revealed the rabbit was placed dead in the snare,good job really,I have snared since I was a kid,rabbit,hare,and fox,the snares teddy set couldnt have caught a cold.


Well-known member
This is to the folks who might actually listen to bear grills. I fear for their saftey.

I am a real backpacker and survivalist, and if you try to survive like Bear Grills you will die. More than likley like this. You will get sick from eating whatever crazy shit bear eats, and then be dehydrated from diarea. Then you will be weak, and slip while trying one of his many stunts, and break your leg, or neck, etc. Then when you black out, and you will get eaten by scavenging predators, while you are still alive.

Listen To les Stroud he knows his shit. (haha, listen more to les. get it? more, less. ahhh whateva)

Les Stroud, "Survivor man" is much more realistic. Bear grills has a camera crew, and sleeps in hotels. He also has pre built props.

Les Stroud is a hardcore survivalist. He goes out for 7 days alone with 80 lb's of camera gear, and no real backpacking gear, other than a rain shell, and the backpack. When I go out I only carry 40 to 45 lbs, and all of it is backpacking gear.

He statred a fire my polishing a metal can with chocolate, and focusing the light reflection on dry grass. When I go out I have 3 sources of easy to access fire.

He finds water in the desert full of sand and drinks it, because if he doesnt he will die. I carry a carbon water filter so I can refill my bottle in a river along the way, so I dont have to carry to much water weight.

This guy is tough. All of his survival information is for everyone. Not just beginers. It is solid sound info, that will get you out of a jam. Not risky stunts that will get you injured or killed. Most of his advice is based on science and common sense.

His show really is a valuble source of first hand survival knowledge, and if Les Stroud was on these forums I would give him some plus reps.

less is the best ever. best best ever.


Well-known member
This is to the folks who might actually listen to bear grills. I fear for their saftey.

I am a real backpacker and survivalist, and if you try to survive like Bear Grills you will die. More than likley like this. You will get sick from eating whatever crazy shit bear eats, and then be dehydrated from diarea. Then you will be weak, and slip while trying one of his many stunts, and break your leg, or neck, etc. Then when you black out, and you will get eaten by scavenging predators, while you are still alive.

Listen To les Stroud he knows his shit. (haha, listen more to les. get it? more, less. ahhh whateva)

Les Stroud, "Survivor man" is much more realistic. Bear grills has a camera crew, and sleeps in hotels. He also has pre built props.

Les Stroud is a hardcore survivalist. He goes out for 7 days alone with 80 lb's of camera gear, and no real backpacking gear, other than a rain shell, and the backpack. When I go out I only carry 40 to 45 lbs, and all of it is backpacking gear.

He statred a fire my polishing a metal can with chocolate, and focusing the light reflection on dry grass. When I go out I have 3 sources of easy to access fire.

He finds water in the desert full of sand and drinks it, because if he doesnt he will die. I carry a carbon water filter so I can refill my bottle in a river along the way, so I dont have to carry to much water weight.

This guy is tough. All of his survival information is for everyone. Not just beginers. It is solid sound info, that will get you out of a jam. Not risky stunts that will get you injured or killed. Most of his advice is based on science and common sense.

His show really is a valuble source of first hand survival knowledge, and if Les Stroud was on these forums I would give him some plus reps.

I like both

Bear like stated does things differently, still does not make what he does any less hard

But seeing Les out in the wild, I wonder, how does this guy stay alive for 7 days on a few berries and a slug. The guy is the worlds worst hunter. Got a new book from him for xmas


I could not agree with ya more. right on.

hell I get hunger pains if I go 1 day with out food.

Iv seen less split 1 match in half and got both of em to light.
he turned 1 match into 2. wow wow...