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Lemonade 🍋 OG


Well-known member
Just given the girls some water and they are looking perky… definitely growing ok so I think it’s flip time. They’ll be going on 13h light/ 11h dark for the first 3 weeks or so.
54 days old / 0 days flower 👍






Looking thick and healthy, the wind has prepared them well


Well-known member
Looking very green, bushy and healthy.
I’ve taken out a few central large leaves on each plant to allow the side shoots to come through and it seems to be working well.
I’ll try and do a picture update tomorrow night if I get the chance :tiphat:
Didn’t get the chance to do a picture update, only had time for a quick peek 🫣 tonight… watering day tomorrow though so I’ll do it then.


Well-known member
First I was hell no, way too early to top, now I HAVE to try it myself soon enuff...

Great thread, great plants, rooting for you @mr.brunch !!
Thanks 🙏 mate, It definitely works for me… second or third node, then topped again at the next… I like to get them shaped early on and the led seems to produce better results when they’re spread out


Well-known member
The plants respond very well to your care. Like Kimes I also felt it was early to top but seeing the progress it speaks for itself. Good to know that under led this is a good way to go. Always something to be learned.
Thank you 🙏
I like to get the shape established early when possible, and by stripping off the side branches below the split it saves all the fluff and still gives space to water easy.
I used to top early with hps also, but usually only once


Well-known member
Moved the light up a little again, they’re definitely heading upwards… hot day today so I gave them an extra water
Another hot day tomorrow, makes me glad I run the lights at night … I’ll do a picture update tomorrow night as they have changed a good deal :tiphat: