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Legit Breeders - Pollen Chuckers and White labelers - Tell us YOUR Opinion!


Active member
That's because of who breed it... Sherbinski used to be buddies with Berner and Cookies came from a herm, everything they make is herms, they run through fields of hundreds of thousands of seeds to find the one that looks good and don't have balls 😂😂😂
Just like that first seed drop Cookies did at $500 or $1000 a 10 pack or whatever it was and the seeds never sprout, and the ones that did had a sausage fest in everyone's grow tent! LOLOL
I think the mistake everyone made was letting go of good solid strains back then to find crappy cookies crosses that herm out your whole garden. What is crazy is a lot of strains these days have cookies in the DNA, but what amazes me is that every other breeder that creates the similar strains don't seem to create the hermie genetic to pass on constantly 🤣
Good Old Stuff?

I will do an F2 of a rare gem, i do have in original packaging..


I will F2 the shit out of them :D
No i didnt liked it. The plant was complete garbage.
I have now popped the last seed, i dont wanna grow her again, but i have to see if i was unlucky or the genetic is that bad.

The Bud smells good after few months of curing.. but i dont even wanna smoke it to be honest.

literally the worst plant ive ever had.
Uh man sorry to hear that. I’ve been looking for a solid CBD strain as I have some chronic pain I was hoping to treat with it.


Active member
Uh man sorry to hear that. I’ve been looking for a solid CBD strain as I have some chronic pain I was hoping to treat with it.
I'm sorry to inform you, but according to the data provided by several studies, it seems like you need a little bit of psychoactivity in order to achieve analgesic effects:

CBD products don’t ease pain and are potentially harmful – new study finds
Of the 16 randomised controlled trials that have explored the link between pain and pharmaceutical-grade CBD, 15 have shown no positive results, with CBD being no better than placebo at relieving pain.

Doctor Doob

Uh man sorry to hear that. I’ve been looking for a solid CBD strain as I have some chronic pain I was hoping to treat with it.
I don't know if you would be able to find it still, but back around 2017 I bought an Oz of some kush and the bud tender handed me a bag and goes "Here's a free gram for the Oz purchase!" I was like, huh? And she said it's some new CBD strain... I just didn't care because I thought CBD was whatever at the time so I threw it aside. One day my wife said "Do we have anything to smoke?" I said "No!..... Oh wait! I forgot I have that gram of that CBD stuff that lady gave me.." she said "Well fire it up! And we can go get something better in the morning..."
So I pulled it out, it was called "Cannatonic", I don't know the breeder. But it has 0% THC, and like 14% CBD which I think was the highest at the time. We smoked it and all my pain was gone! We were giggling and watching Fast and the Furious 😂🤣


Active member
Uh man sorry to hear that. I’ve been looking for a solid CBD strain as I have some chronic pain I was hoping to treat with it.
CBD #1 - ACE has 0,5% THC so u wont get high.
Do u want just strains like that?

I did grew out the CBD Girl Scout Cookies from CBD-Crew (Shantibaba - Mr. Nice).

It was my first time in Coco, it was just a joy to grow that strain, i think it should have 6-8% THC and 8-12% CBD.

I can 100% recommend that strain, just grew one out.. But here are some pictures for you in case u wonder:
CBD #1 - ACE has 0,5% THC so u wont get high.
Do u want just strains like that?

I did grew out the CBD Girl Scout Cookies from CBD-Crew (Shantibaba - Mr. Nice).

It was my first time in Coco, it was just a joy to grow that strain, i think it should have 6-8% THC and 8-12% CBD.

I can 100% recommend that strain, just grew one out.. But here are some pictures for you in case u wonder:
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Thanks T,
I like the old fashioned stuff just as much as the next dude but I’ve got some friends and family that are looking for physical relief more than mental stimulation.
This plant looks very nice! Good growing!
I’ll have to out this one on the list.
Same here. Take a look to find an old Jack Herer Cut, or Sannies Jack as replacement. X-Dog is also my all-time favorite for Pain and Depressions. Sadly its even harder to get the Original genetic, and not just pollen chuckers unstable Lottery, just to abuse the Hypetrain.
Thanks BongBert,
I’ll def check these out!

Doctor Doob

Centre for Pain Research in the University of Bath. The first author of the paper (Chris Eccleston) is one of the world's leading pain researchers.
And he claims CBD is not only "Not-Useful" but "Potentially Harmful"? Did they say what type of "harm"? I guess I will go read it but it sounds to me like (regardless if he is the top researcher or not) like some "Reefer Madness" big pharma literature...
It would totally make sense to bring an article of study like that to light, especially when the big guys selling pills lost a HUGE portion of their medication sells to the cannabis industry and specifically "CBD".... So now all of a sudden CBD is not only a "myth" but it is also potentially harmful....
To me dealing with first hand experience with being "Documented" by the government has shown me all I need to know about anything they truly have to say or try to convince us! They like to read a lot and put a lot of little irrelevant notes so the next guy reading the paper has an idea of who YOU are.... But if you try to explain to them they are wrong, and maybe they should get to know you personally rather than reading someone else's opinion from a piece of paper, they continue to ignore you and assume what is on the paper HAS TO BE...
Which means they go off of hearsay and not actual FACTS! They don't talk about the positive, only the negative. They won't talk about how many thousands of people CBD has helped, cured, and continues to help! They would rather talk about how NEGATIVE it is....
Sounds about right 👍

Doctor Doob

CBD #1 - ACE has 0,5% THC so u wont get high.
Do u want just strains like that?

I did grew out the CBD Girl Scout Cookies from CBD-Crew (Shantibaba - Mr. Nice).

It was my first time in Coco, it was just a joy to grow that strain, i think it should have 6-8% THC and 8-12% CBD.

I can 100% recommend that strain, just grew one out.. But here are some pictures for you in case u wonder:
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That's funny the Cannatonic I was talking about looks similar to this. Almost like they could be twins 😂

Doctor Doob

Centre for Pain Research in the University of Bath. The first author of the paper (Chris Eccleston) is one of the world's leading pain researchers.
I just went and read that whole article and it was honestly laughable 🤣
And the guy you say is "One of the world's leading pain researchers" may have been the one to publish the article or USE his name for influence... But the article clearly says that they PERSONALLY didn't do ANY research as far as CBD goes, they simply gather everyone else's articles and basically add them all together to get their results... Which is like I said before, HEARSAY! This article also goes on to tell us things we have already known since around 2009 maybe before that even. We already know that retailers are selling false fake CBD products because that is what everyone wants, and the cannabis industry isn't all upstanding, good, honest folks! There is thieves, liars, criminals, and all types in the industry just like any other industry. Medical field for example, there's doctors, then there is shady unlicensed doctors that may not have proper training or licensing but the still lie and treat you to get your insurance money.... Same with CBD, some people had it, others lied and said they did! Then the "Study" claims even companies that actually have CBD in their products, the numbers always fluctuated.... Well no crap they fluctuated! Each crop is grown different and will yield different test results! Hell, even a bottom branch nug compared to a top cola being tested at a lab can throw two totally different numbers, so for a test number to be different regularly, absolutely makes sense to someone that actually grows the plants first hand for many years, not "Chris Eccleston" that sits in a lab "Supposedly" but actually admits in his own article all he did was gather OTHER PEOPLE'S studies and put them altogether!
CBD is a medicine... Like all medicine, some people need it, some people don't, some people can handle it and some can't. My wife is allergic to penicillin, so they have to give her sulfur based antibiotics, whereas I can take any antibiotics, that means EVERYONE is different. CBD the article says is claimed to be a "Cure all for everyone" when that is simply just not accurate! It can only work if your body needs it! Just like pain pills work for some, and don't work for others.
The people that published that article can sit and say all they want, it's all talk. The difference is, is that here with us growing and sharing our experience we call bro science. That don't mean everyone is honest. Same in medical science. Anyone can say anything, but where is the PROOF? Other than TALK? How can he say ANYTHING, based off of studies HE personally never did himself? And what about all the people with epilepsy and seizures that CBD has helped and continues to help? How about the patients that can't eat but CBD allows them to? I know personally by my experience that CBD does have a healing effect, by my own personal experience, has this Chris Eccleston ever actually tried CBD himself? Or is he just going to talk about something someone else talked about at another time, several different discussions, and then try to put them all together to add up to more than what it really is? Everything they say in this article is not true, or pretty obvious and generic info. Even the part they said "Potentially Harmful", they claimed it has the ability to raise the risk of liver problems.... But then they don't elaborate! I can say "If you smoke CBD you are going to end up married to a super model and own a mansion with a garage full of hot rods!" Do you believe me? What makes it true or not true? And how would you know? If I don't explain how it is possible, I just state a simple statement, than at the end of the day all you are doing is smoking CBD, and if it helps you personally, and you know it... Than what would me telling you it CAN'T be working for you even mean? That you are right because you know it helps, you have seen and feel the difference, and I am wrong because I am not you and I am simply reading generic statements I honestly don't even know are true or not but I am going to tell you you are wrong CBD is fake and you are imagining the better health and all the things in your life that CBD offers because of something I read and ignore your health advancements?....


Active member
Weed definitely works for pain management. It's just that CBD without THC is pretty much useless.

Prescription cannabis products with more THC may ease chronic pain, at least a little, study finds

I believe THC causes a rise in an individual's pain tolerance, and it does this by first heightening bodily sensations.

At first, you feel the pain more intensely, but then you grow accustomed to it.

The more "out there" the effects are, the greater the initial discomfort, and the greater the resulting relief.

Doctor Doob

Weed definitely works for pain management. It's just that CBD without THC is pretty much useless.

Prescription cannabis products with more THC may ease chronic pain, at least a little, study finds

I believe THC causes a rise in an individual's pain tolerance, and it does this by first heightening bodily sensations.

At first, you feel the pain more intensely, but then you grow accustomed to it.

The more "out there" the effects are, the greater the initial discomfort, and the greater the resulting relief.
I disagree! You keep basing everything off of "Studies" and also your own personal experience.
EVERY person is different. EVERY strain is different. Each person will have a different experience, based off smoking the same strain. So the way you see it and explain it seems one sided or closed minded! I can set an ounce of OG Kush on the table at a party and I guarantee you EVERYONE that smokes it will have a different experience! Some may laugh, some cry, some hate it, some enjoy it, some will fall asleep, some will stay awake, some will get the munchies, some will lose their appetite, etc....
I can smoke some Trainwreck and go get a tattoo and not feel a thing because the Trainwreck relieves the pain and also takes my mind somewhere else, but there could be someone that smokes the same bowl as me, then goes to get the same tattoo as me, and they could be in there staring at the tattoo the entire time freaking out, can't focus and just stressing the artist out, feeling the pain the entire time and now they never want another tattoo lol....
I think you got to open your mind more and try to see things from other perspectives rather than just yours, and stop believing everything you read on a study!
CBD without THC is not "useless" that's just how you THINK.... It may not work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for others. The other way around as well, bud with THC and no CBD is also not "Useless"... It just sounds like it may be "Useless" to YOU! Other people find it "Useful"... You could have cannabis with no THC or no CBD, the plant is still "Useful"....
I personally stay away from CBD products because I KNOW what they do to me! They actually WORK, and they make me very sleepy... How would I know that and that I don't like the effects on a day to day basis if it has NO effect on me? And I always ignore studies on cannabis because 99% of the time it's some "World's top medical researcher" spreading false information with claims he can't even back up! Who do you believe, people in your own cannabis community that actually grow, use and work with the plant daily? Or some lame researcher that just randomly publishes mumbo jumbo several times a year online to keep their name relevant? 👍✌️