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Leg Pain


Speed of Dark
Stage 2 non small cell lung cancer. Surgery is May 30 to cut it out. MRI May 9 of the pelvis first because PET/CT scan showed something that he wants the results before surgery. Leg surgery on hold for now.

My liver cancer cannot be operated on and did not hurt until it spread to the colon.
Morphine and Marijuana on a schedule for some years now. Do not know if the marijuana is keeping the tolerance levels low or something in my genetic make up but both are equally important at this stage.

"To live is to suffer. Allowing the suffering to cause additional suffering doubles the pain." Buddha


Hi ho here we go
My butt hurts...

My butt hurts...

Stage II b Rectal Cancer survivor :party: had a recurrence and the treatment has reduced the pain.

Are they going to operate on your colon?

Best of luck :tiphat:


My liver cancer cannot be operated on and did not hurt until it spread to the colon.
Morphine and Marijuana on a schedule for some years now. Do not know if the marijuana is keeping the tolerance levels low or something in my genetic make up but both are equally important at this stage.

"To live is to suffer. Allowing the suffering to cause additional suffering doubles the pain." Buddha

Vitamin B17 aka Laetrile (found in Apricot kernels and other fruit stones and seeds) is one of the most popular alternative treatments for cancer.
I take a capsule containing the powdered equivalent of one kernel everyday.


Take PLENTY of calcium. It regulates your bodies ph. Cancer can only survive and grow if the bodies ph is low. Take the calcium and avoid acidic foods and drinks.



Speed of Dark
Stage II b Rectal Cancer survivor :party: had a recurrence and the treatment has reduced the pain.

Are they going to operate on your colon?

Best of luck :tiphat:

Nah, the one in the liver is going to kill me before the colon, it had a five year head start.
A friend of mine in the pain clinic had a grapefruit sized tumor pulled out of his colon. 90 days later over 150 new cancers sites were found, three more months and he was dead.
Different type of cancer but this had a profound effect on me.


Hi ho here we go
Sorry to hear that..

Sorry to hear that..

I've been lucky (?) in that they removed tumor 12/30/15, but didn't get everything on my pelvic wall. I have a colostomy.

So I've had a recurrence but no spread. I'm on Xeloda and Avastin and it's having some effect.

Best of luck on your treatment


Well-known member
Had pre-op today for lobectomy then the vascular surgeon is doing angioplasty on my leg tomorrow, breathing test on Friday. Nurse today said lobectomy is about 4.5 hour operation. Still scheduled for May 30.


Well-known member
Best wishes for a positive out come, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Well-known member
Typing this for the 3rd time on iPad. To much hydromorphone and no sleep cause I have this friggin chest tube sticking out which makes it impossible to get comfortable. Dr said tube should come out tomorrow.
Using the pain pump but this hurts like a bitch.
Should be able to leave Friday morning. Thanks for positive vibes.
Thats all for now, to uncomfortable to sit and type.


Well-known member
Surgeon just came by and said I have an air leak (said its quite normal).
He gave me 2 choices;
1-is stay in hospital hooked up to vacuum pump till it seals itself.
2-wear a little plastic container and let it drain at home. (takes about a week)
I chose 2. So he just put the little container on, going to do a chest X-ray soon and then I can leave in the morning.


Hi ho here we go
I had a drain bottle..

I had a drain bottle..

I had a drain bottle after my surgery and I had to measure the output and record it. When it got below 25ml a day it was removed.

Not sure it's the same as yours (sounds like it), it was only an annoyance.

Best of Luck


Well-known member
Drain on pneumostat plugged up on Saturday with what the home nurse said was a blood clot. So it filled up and leaked and in general was pretty messy and the pain over the weekend was to much. Went back to surgeon today and he took the the tube out. I'm in heaven, pain is virtually gone. Go back in 2 weeks.


Well-known member
Had to go to Dr today to get a letter I need listing all my issues.
Letter said I suffer from; PAD (peripheral artery disease), arteriosclerosis heart disease, lung cancer and chronic pain plus the hernia.
I have to go back to the vascular surgeon next week cause leg pain is back again.
This is getting to be a large pain in my ass.
Seems every few months leg pain starts again which usually ends up with more surgery or angioplasty.
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Hi ho here we go
Damm, you sure are a sickie...

Damm, you sure are a sickie...

Had to go to Dr today to get a letter I need listing all my issues.
Letter saiid I suffer from; PAD (peripheral artery disease), arteriosclerosis heart disease, lung cancer and chronic pain plus the hernia.
I have to go back to the vascular surgeon next week cause leg pain is back again.
This is getting to be a large pain in my ass.
Seems every few months leg pain starts again which usually ends up with more surgery or angioplasty.

I feel your pain (or some of it)....

Besides my Butt pain(Colorectal Cancer), I'll be seeing my Thyroid Surgeon regarding my biopsy. Called to get an update and the doctor is out on vacation, the office person told me the left side was benign but there were irregularities on my right side of my Thyroid. I'm sure the doctor will tell me what kind of cancer it is.

Best of Luck to you! :tiphat: I hope they can work on that pain for you


Well-known member
Went for my 6 month check back in May and ultrasound said everything was good, started getting leg pain couple weeks ago and went back for another ultrasound today.
The surgeon says it’s gone from 100% 2 months ago to less than 70% today.
She says that’s huge, so she scheduled another angioplasty for the end of August.
This will be the fourth or fifth one after the original 2 bypasses, I’m starting to lose track of how many I’ve had.


Speed of Dark
2014, "get a stent or die". After some powerful bullying I got the stent and am still alive.
2019, same as 2014 ultimatum, but I am in a position to resist bullying.

Is it good to be alive? Yes.
Will I do it again? No.

It is good to be alive but it is also a mistake.

More than one outcome can be desirable, at times the choice boils down to where the wheel stops.
I also have colon cancer and some days my choosing can change several times, each choice conflicting with the previous.