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Leg Pain


Nothing better than an awesome, cute nurse.
Nothing worse than a horrible nurse.
I had a shitty nurse right after my spinal fusion. lady was pushing on my back to roll me to a different bed only hours after the surgery. I've always wondered if that was the cause of all the problems with my back after the surgery.
I have since learned to speak up -- If there's a nurse I don't like I speak up and tell my nurse that this shitty nurse is not allowed in my room and not allowed to take care of me (the Patient's Bill of Rights allows you to refuse medical treatment from any person you chose)
The funny thing is, this actually puts me in good graces with the other nurses because that shitty nurse is often hated among the other nurses so if you speak up about the shitty ones it kind of validates the good nurses' feelings that the shitty nurse really is shitty

Smokerman, let us know when you're back home and walking around again

Yes. I´ve had my fair share of them, we all have I guess but not taking shit is important and filing a complaint is usually a good thing.


Active member
I have degenerative disk disease in my lumber. Constant pain. Stenosis in my backbone in cervical area too. So I'm kinda fucked.

I have read back surgery only has a 60-70% success rate. Below 65% is failing in most schools. So WTF?

My brother in law had fusion surgery. His pain came back in about 3 months. I have read that happens A LOT. I keep being told not to let them cut into my back from all kinds of places.

I NEED MMJ. FL blows.

But a nice, slow sponge bath from a cute nurse might be fun. :woohoo:


I´ve had my C6-7 fused do to a herniated disc. First operation they put in a prosthetic disc that started slid and started to compress my spinal cord, second op was a fusion and the third was to remove a screw that was making it hard to swallow! MF! But the fusion is working well -never accept a prosthetic disc whatever the dr´s say.


Well-known member
Had about a 3 inch part of the incision open up. Went to hospital and they packed it, now I go every 2 days to have dressing changed. I watched as the nurse packed a 30 inch piece of gauze into the hole. eewwwww now the pain has started, doctor gave me a scrip for Butrans 10 hopefully it helps


Well-known member
Hoping things go better in the coming days/weeks...you've had a rough time.

I'm back in the hospital, had severe leg pain Sunday so I came to the hospital and they found bypass graft plugged. I have had 3 angioplastys done since Sunday night. Now on blood thinners, we will see


Well-known member
Real sorry to hear of the setbacks, and very much hope their efforts will be productive.


Well-known member
best of wishes for you. as dddaver said, "getting old sucks". but, it beats the alternative. keep waking up on the right side of the sod, bro...:comfort:


Well-known member
I am back home now. The pain on Sunday night was some of the worst I have ever had in my life, my foot was starting to turn grey from lack of blood. All seems ok now, have a scrip for blood thinners. Hope all stays ok. Thanks for positive vibes.


Well-known member
My leg has been a little more painful than usual lately so I called my vascular surgeon a couple of weeks ago and she sent me for an ultra sound. Went to get the results today and she said scar tissue is plugging up the bypass, so April 28 I get to go back for another balloon angioplasty. She said I should be in and out in about 4 hours, she also said better to do it now than wait until it turns into an emergency, The joys of getting old. Smoking cigarettes is the worst thing for your body. Going to try again and quit!!!!

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Smokerman you have to quit smoking. I know it sucks. I smoked for 35 years. I finally quit cold turkey. Suck it up you can do it. Its been 3 years for me now and I feel a whole lot better. Quitting cigs will help you heal much quicker. Your body is trying to fight off the harm the cigs are doing, rather than repairing your leg.

Hope you get to feeling better.


Well-known member
Not looking forward to this at all. All I get is a local anesthetic for this. They make incision in my right femoral artery and push catheter with balloon over to left artery and pump up the balloon to open the artery. She called it a Left Profundo Angio Bypass. And I get a good luck from my family doctor when I went to see him for pre-op tests last week. I've had angioplasty's before and its just freaky, on one side you get to watch the doctor and on the other side you get to watch it on some 80 inch monitor the whole time being told don't move. I HATE this SHIT
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Well-known member
Dr's office just called me and changed the date from tomorrow to May 10, now I have to psych myself up all over again


Well-known member
Had procedure on May 10 and have found leg pain just as bad the past few weeks. Went back to the Dr today and she says only option is another bypass. She is going to harvest an artery from my right leg or right arm and replace blocked artery on my left leg from my hip to my knee. Previous Dr just used a plastic graft which isn't working. Going for vein mapping on Thursday then going back to see her on Tuesday and get surgery date. This will be fourth procedure in less than a year. In my opinion previous surgeon was a frigging idiot. I told Dr today I would do whatever she recommends as I trust her and she thinks complete bypass is the answer. I hope so.


Active member
Bubble baths are nice for total muscle relaxation.

Take one with a bottle of wine and call me in the morning.

P.S. Don't take muscle relaxants with wine in bubble baths. You may drown. I almost did. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Surgery set for Monday the 27th 12:00. Dr said she wanted to do a spinal with sedation. I said no it has to be general anesthetic, she said sedation is quicker recovery, and less pain. Had a talk with the anesthesiologist and he said to try the sedation we agreed that if I don't feel any needles as far as spinal we would try, if after sedation I was still to nervous we would do general. Here's hoping it all works out. After vein mapping Dr said all my veins were to short so she's going to use plastic for bypass

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