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Leg Pain


Well-known member
Had the surgery but the after pain is insane, any recommendations on a strain that would help instead of the oxys they gave me.


Hi ho here we go
Strong Indica Edibles..

Strong Indica Edibles..

Had the surgery but the after pain is insane, any recommendations on a strain that would help instead of the oxys they gave me.

100mg THC Edibles and an Ibuprofen

If that doesn't help the try and reduce your oxys and eat Edibles. That way you can at least reduce the amount of oxy you are taking.

It depends on the pain, after my last medical treatment I needed to take Percocet for about five days (blew out CATIV Port and injected Oxaliplatin up my neck, and had to pull that port and put one on the other side)

Good Luck :woohoo: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


Well-known member
:thank you: My friend at vape on the lake in Toronto said the same thing (Strong Indicas) I'm going to see him later. Thanks again 420


Well-known member
I'm back in the hospital for the fourth time. Had a little leg pain yesterday morning went to work , when I got out of the truck and started walking a few steps the pain went from a 2 to a 10. I got back in the truck with the intention of driving home and calling 911, got less than halfway and couldn't take the pain anymore I called 911 and the ambulance picked md up off the highway came to emergency and was rushed into Operating room where I had another double bypass done. Now I sithere in ICU once again.


Cannabis Helper
hello Smokerman, I am very happy to hear that u are still alive! If there is anything i can do to help please let me know.

Good strains for pain are high in CBD and a bit lower in THC.... Hash hot chocolate is what i would recommend.

I am sorry to hear that you are back in the ICU, but you are on IC in the ICU (a joke?).


Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Really sorry about your health problems!!! It pained me just reading it.

Get well soon!!!!



Hi ho here we go
Hang in there Smokerman!

Hang in there Smokerman!

Best of Luck

The ICU is the last place I'd want to be today.

Praying for you man :headbange


Well-known member
Thanks guys, I'm back home now checked myself out this morning. I don't think the doctors understand how friggin depressing the hospital is. I told them I'd feel a lot better at home. go back in 2 weeks to get staples out. There goes my career as a leg model lol. They said I'm out of useable veins now so I better smarten up a little. Going to make a serious effort to quit smoking cigs now. Enough is enough


Well-known member
mixing edibles with oxy makes it so u can take less oxy and receive the same amount of pain management.. or take a few extra oxy and get high but that leads to a shitty situation of withdrawal.. good luck man.. glad it worked out and your back with us.


Well-known member
Ok went for an ultrasound on my leg today then went to talk to surgeon about results. She said the graft is closing up and my hip/thigh is not getting proper flow either so she wants to do another surgery in the next few weeks. This Thursday I meet with the thoracic surgeon to discuss lung cancer and test results. Isn't life great?


Well-known member
Went to see addiction counsellor today ( gorgeous blonde) she said I'm good with her but once I told her all the health issues and what's going on in my life she was almost in tears. Along with leg and cancer crap my left leg is almost numb and front part of both feet are numb with extreme shooting pain. She wants me to go to pain management and see a back/spine specialist. I told her I'll get to it at some point. So she gave me her phone number and said to call her when I'm ready. Still looking forward to thoracic surgeon tomorrow.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Stage 2 non small cell lung cancer. Surgery is May 30 to cut it out. MRI May 9 of the pelvis first because PET/CT scan showed something that he wants the results before surgery. Leg surgery on hold for now.


Hi ho here we go
Good Luck

Good Luck

Good Luck with the surgery on your lungs. Hopefully they can get it all, surgery can be a cure for cancer.

Keep on keeping on :party: Let us know how it goes


Well-known member
Vascular surgeon (leg doctor) called me today and she's afraid that because I have to stop blood thinners for thoracic surgery that my leg will get worse so she wants to try an angioplasty next week before lung surgery. We will see what happens.


Well-known member
Good luck man...keep positive....sounds like your docs really care. Hope you get well soon

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