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Leetdood's growing struggles


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End of day 22 flower in a couple hours. Watered astronaut status #24, 3.9 ec runoff.

Gonna cut ecsd back among some others and keep going with watering and upkeep. Took a small break yesterday but it was meh. Transplanted 3 plants to 6 inch pots and the onycd 3.0 to a 8 inch.


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Still working on watering and upkeep. Gonna cut back and train underdog, tahoe, and Danny sour today if I can, they're the most wild and overgrown. Tahoe especially. Ecsd got cut back but it's in shitty shape so needs more light and veg time and training.

Since I cloned double burnout #1, 2, and 3 I am going to water (where needed) and cut them back today also. Much easier to be honest, lol, so I can feel good about getting that done. Gonna try and continue to remove plants that are too tall or need cloning from the 8x4 and move short, cut back, or revegging plants in there. Most are doing amazing but trying to get a bit organized and deal with the most unruly or tall plants first. As I only took 15 sets of clones, there's still something like a dozen to 20 left to take as I go. So I'm gonna try and get some of that done too.

been checking the two trays I took periodically. As I used very old plugs that came from failures and sterilized them (185f for 35 min in foil) they're not quite so foamy or absorbent I'd say. So I have to make sure none of them are drying out too fast. I'm about out of those and will be using the 12 new plugs I have left in addition until my 50 count bag arrives.

Yesterday I filled a bucket and made feed but then after that sediment started showing up in the water. So I gotta top off feed today if that's resolved. Most of my plants are well watered from yesterday and before so that's a relief. Already went over the mothers/bonsai plants and dawgsbreath.

Pringles seemed to show some discoloration (k lockout? Excess?) From the full feed so I threw some 60% standard in after dryback. She seemed to perk up and like that. Talked to homie (he runs a lot of this work, just sent him that pic of as24) and said because the food is not getting flushed out like in a top fed container or flood table, I think it's best to take it slow and consider the growth factors involved, like only having 100w led light spread across several plants, and how constantly I stall growth by topping or training it. So "less is more" might apply here until she starts to really dig in.

I took some quick shitty pics of double burnout for the breeder. Again, it's a bit messy but I do what I can each day and the goal here is to get all my plants into tents so I can mop the entire floor and wipe everything down for example. 40x40" already going great just gotta bust ass to get the 8x4 firing on all cylinders. It's a lot of work but I do what I can each day and it's finally coming together after these 2-3 months of catching up. Cleaning out that flood tray was so labor intensive and ridiculous, I need to figure out how to get a hose attachment in here. I was considering, after catching up and cleaning, tearing out the bathroom sink and counter and all that (isn't even glued down anyway) and putting in a double sink system with a faucet that you can screw a hose on. Lots more easy to clean all this stupid shit like pots and buckets and ... ad infinitum. Man.

Here's the pics.





With the constant transplants peat dust also gets everywhere. I wear a mask but you should've seen my ac filter. Gonna clean this up after all the transplants are done (yeah, there's more left.) Transplanted #4 last night, I think it's a male. Cleaned it up too.

Pretty burnt out in a way but I'm almost to the "finish line" of starting my best flower run ever as long as I stay consistent and put in work everyday.

Almost forgot to put as24 back in the tent earlier, lol. I did catch that though. Can't wait for those pot risers, I think they arrive Thursday. Hate seeing the pest damage but it looks like to me that the beneficals have eradicated if not genocided the population. Gonna continue and evaluate and order more if needed. Lots of things to buy and order. Plan to look for a job after i get all this going and my house clean and organized. Grow gear costs a pretty penny if you wanna do it right and have a lot of plants.


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Sunset sherbet and wedding cake. Wedding Cake fed to excess to 3.5 ec as it's not a fan of the high feed I find. Start of lights on day 23 flower. Sherb was fine at around 3.9 ec runoff.

All plants watered, got plants batched together to clone tomorrow.


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Continuing to organize things, about to clean and move the existing clone trays to the coffee table under the 100w led and prep to take clones.


Cut back and fed underdog og (lhb) last night. Will need more training and cutting back but this will do for now.


Cut off the leading edge of Enkes II. She's a empress/princess so i won't be too rough on her yet.



Pringles definitely liking the 60% feed more than full, gave her some training and light defoliation. Not topping or cutting back yet.


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Set up my clone trays under the 100w. Third tray was filled last night. Goji margy #1, 2, 3, onycd 3.0 #1, 2, stardawg bx #1, Khalifa mints, chem d, as24. First two trays look good for now, gonna start venting and checking regularly. Cleaned Pringles's tub and cleaned the salt film off the drainage holes again. She hit her dryback (getting hard to tell how dry by weight, she's getting big) this morning so I hit her with some 60% feed. Might add a cup of full strength since I can see a huge effect from all that agsil16h. If you compare some pictures from previous you can see the stems are much more thick and robust. Trying to make sure she hits proper drybacks to build root mass. All the space below the drainage holes is full of perlite for bulk root mass to build. I don't believe plants are truly "rootbound" until you can see roots coming the holes. Hehe.

If you check my older threads on overgrow you can see that bottom fed plants love to build roots into the water if possible, to slurp that hydro up. ;)

Got my bag of 50 plugs today, which is good cause I had only 3 left after last night. Here's a cute pic of Cousin Itt. Not his name but it is my mom and sisters new dog. He got a haircut yesterday and it's crazy with all that hair gone he looks like a completely new dog.



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Still working on my plants. Moved some around, sending snips to a friend on Monday so some really needed that extra light the past week. They look good! I like to send healthy medium sized stems, cutting wise. Too thick is hard to work with, too thin is also hard and not as sturdy. So I try and get them healthy and see good growth before I fire em out. Friend knows my bug situation and is going to quarantine, I also recommended he test for hlvd as I do no testing as it's unaffordable for me currently.

Going to call hp13 "Not HP13" as a homie from Upstate NY doesn't think it looks right. If it gets verified, I'll revert the name. I like the plant so im gonna keep it around for now.

Worked on Tahoe some more. Plants can take a lot of abuse but the stem is really Woody so im trying to not fuck it up too much. Breaking or killing one or two of the main stems is fine, there's like four. But I'm trying to train the plant, not go full Bane knee crack on it. Here's Tahoe Jr, Sr, and a group shot. Jr is in a 8 inch I believe, and Sr is in a 3 gallon. Plenty of root mass on Sr to bounce back but the medium isn't flushed out with feed yet.





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Danny sour still huge. Fed to excess to lower ec to 3.3. Needs topping up with used (hot) media before flower so will need to do that again. Will cut and train properly when i send snips off it on Monday.


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Looks good!
When will I see my d95 in your garden ???
Not sure!

I am still waiting for the big pack you sent me 💚

In my head, I want to run the d95 and HiRo#4 x mb bx. Huge scale pheno hunt, bottom feed with full feed. Let plants burn up if they cannot handle it!

But right now, the priority is simply this:

Cut back to clone

Flower out medicine:
my last 2 runs were only half successful. Therefore, need more of a quality stockpile. This is going well with cutting back, transplanting, and watering to normalize media. For example, chem d and stardawg bx #2 I've fed to lower runoff ec to between 3.0 and 3.5. They are already in one gallons so I don't have to repeat this too many times, simply have to normalize the ec. But transplanting, watering, cloning, etc over 60 plants has made me tired in the soul. So I try and take care of myself first and then do what I can. It's going well but I need a break :)

Reduce plants:
Flower out plants, cut back to clone, toss any plants that are not worth re evaluating. If anything is not worth smoking or growing I will not keep it! Sour apple jaxx for example is very slow veg and short. Maybe it will taste amazing and knock me down! But as you saw on overgrow, the "Mystery Skunk Bagseed" from what I thought was my mystery skunk plant (fake chem 91 x sour samurai) looked amazing! So amazing, frosty, the yield! All culled, because it's just generic weed. Amazing looks, but depressing and demotivational smoke that makes me so down and depressed. All thc, no entourage. So I keep a lot, but some of it is clear to me about its worth: toss it. The more I grow, the more I know what I want or don't want.

Clean my house (I live in upper floor of a house with my own entrance, about 15x30' max)
As I learn more and more and grow more plants, the more clear that I need many things. I need space for plants, but i need space to live and walk in too! 😂 so having a lot of disorganized clutter is very detrimental (makes life difficult.) I was cleaning and organizing before surgery, but with my adhd medication and clear goals, I am more serious than ever about this. Rodney Mullen skates all day, I grow all day. Because of my issues I smoke a lot and relax a lot but I am trying trying to change my situation to make growing easier and enjoyable.

This means more organization, tools, and as fuel and others said, streamlining/pragmatism.

So for a while, I must try and live like a monk. Focus on my goals and not start more. Handle what I have, and be like Marie Kondo more every day.

The bugs must go away!! Routine ipm will allow me to efficiently continue my grow programs and breeding without these severe slowdowns that waste what years of growing I have left.

The only exceptions are incoming clones that are difficult to locate and collect. This is why I am so grateful to farmer joe (@farmerjoe420 on instagram) by the way and have been stacking up albums of singing his praises lately. He helps me so much and has always explained to me things like provenance, feed, the Chem cuts, and so forth. He's also an incredible genetic resource that many people don't pay enough gratitude or respect to. People with more visibility and ""cred"" in the scene will charge you half a thousand or more for the same clones farmer joe sells for only a bill each. 1000, 2000, 500, vs 100. This shows to me that not only is joe accessible, but if you value his services and friendship then it will be one of the best decisions you made in your life in my opinion.

He is my buddy so of course we have fought before ;) but I can't say enough about how excited I am to grab some kush clones and maybe 91 off him. People should realize that some of the clones he sells were made out to be straight up inaccessible to the public. Irene for example. God, i need to run irene better.

So, my apologies @Shevchenko I am obsessed with i95 and will run d95!! But I must reformat my life first.

Let me pull up some pictures and a link to his thread for those who don't know my best pal @Shevchenko


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And here we are, the work of weed wizards @Shevchenko and @MOneYMiKe
14 pics total, my favorite pics pretty much

Link to his grow:

Crab commander told me there's a chem d bx2 called chem double d, using i95. So I asked him, can he find out if chem d bx4 is "Cinco dawg" or "chem quad d" ;)


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Quick pic of my less pissed off D and the stardawg bx #2

It's funny because people look at my extremely upset plant and think I don't have the right plant. It's like, brother, have you ever made chemdog angry? This is what happens 🤣

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