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LED Grow Results: Grams per Watt


Yes of course but I will add some pictures later on.

As many of the DIY guys, I used GODs instructions (and I mean KNNAs for the LEDs and VerdantGreen for the MJ) :)

but as KNNA was busy and couldnt be reached this winter I had to source my LEDs from other sources. I mainly used DealExtreme for 5Watt Whites running at 700mA (no brand though, and right now you could find better deals elsewhere), and Cree for Red and Royal Blue (both running at 550mA sourced from cutter ).

for vegetative I used 3W, 3B, and 8R all running at 630mA mounted on 3 PC heatsinks, totaling 28W at the plug (to be accurate it stabilises to 28 after 20minutes, as the noname dealextrem driver start from 31W). Passive cooling, temperatures reaching 48C for REDs (they are a little bit overdriven at 630 as max is 700mA), 42C for the blues (as they have max 1000mA) and 58C for whites (they are infirior quality to CREE and have a nominal current at 700mA, so I thought running at 630mA is not overdriving, so the temperatures are ok. No fans apart from exhaust fan (12cm PC fan, regulated at 7V), just passive cooling for the heatsink (well maybe a small fan would be good in vegetative but I dont like the added noise)

That was for 4 to 5 weeks from seeds (but I didnt count them in the equation it would be unfair). All in all 6 plants (yes it was a jungle when I transfered them to flowering)

in the flowering compartment. I used 28R 4B and 5W . The whites were running at 700mA, and the blue/red on two parallel strings under a meanwell at 1100mA (so 550mA each string). I used aluminum profiles as heatsink and led temperature never goes over 42C for Blue, 43C for Red and 46C for Whites which is fine. Just passive cooling and one 12cm PC exhaust fan on a DIY carbon scrubber (but it needs replacing)

I ll post some pictures in the evening, in this run I m driving the flowering compartment at 59W total at the plug and we will see the results (hopefully they will be the same).

the flowering took nearly 65days.

eac string is protected with a fuse and a zener, but in my experience meanwell drivers are as stable as Pyramids

im not very proud of my construction skills but maybe I can start a thread with instruction on how to make my DIY LED light

thanks blimblom,
i am adding you to the list.

can you tell us a little bit about your DIY LED? What kinda LEDs? heatsink or fans or both?

got any pics?

thanks :tiphat:


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Blimblom, can you tell us where you are measuring the LED temperatures? Is this on the LED body itself, the backside of the heatsink or where? I'm getting close to firing up my assemblies, and would be curious to compare them. Thanks


First Cannabis Porn in LED hotel with pictures :moon::moon:

ok I use an infrared thermometer and I stick it as close to the led lens as I can. Then I wiggle it a little bit and keep the highest temperature it records.

for my vegetative cabinet the REDs (which are run very hard at 630mA) reach 47-48C which means Tjunction temperature of 69C , which is hot but not very hot. Keep that Tjunction temperature with a little bit of salt, as I may have screwd up some of the calculation. Blue leds have no problem and for the white I dont have that detailed specs.

In the flowering cabinet 43C for the Red means a Tjunction of 64C which I believe is quite OK. As for the temperature of the back of the heatsink I will report tomorrow in the thread when the lights will be open again

Blimblom, can you tell us where you are measuring the LED temperatures? Is this on the LED body itself, the backside of the heatsink or where? I'm getting close to firing up my assemblies, and would be curious to compare them. Thanks


Power Armor rules
Adjustable spectrums sounds like a nice feature. The price is definitely cheaper than the competitors too.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
hey so i been doin some research on the progrow lights and i ran into this site with this guy saying he got 145g from a progrow 140


70 grams dry... keep reading...

This was one of 3 Nirvana Bubblelicious plants that yielded a total of just over 145 grams. This plant yielded just over 70 grams of dried and manicured Top Grade Meds and was grown under the Pro-Grow 140.

there are much better lights available, but as i have said before most of them can grow, some better than others...

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
70 grams dry... keep reading...

This was one of 3 Nirvana Bubblelicious plants that yielded a total of just over 145 grams. This plant yielded just over 70 grams of dried and manicured Top Grade Meds and was grown under the Pro-Grow 140.

there are much better lights available, but as i have said before most of them can grow, some better than others...

Im looking to replace my 400 watt CMH/HPS setup with LED running around the same amount of watts but i want to pull 1g/watt with it like others have. last run with the hps i got like .5g/watt.

what light would you recommend for me to achieve this?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
most people will recommend the lumigrow units. no doubt they are some of the best available.

the evo lights are interesting and some of the latest technology. several members here have them and are going to see if they live up to the Mr X thread.

i really like my WEX units, but they are not the latest/greatest. however they can grow.

a lot of people will also recommend HGL lights, i won't because of the companies past and reputation...

have you read my LEDs over 1 LB thread? it shows off several of these lights...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
just added Skotty, who got a very nice 1.2 GPW using an HGL 345. 350 grams total... :tiphat:


Active member


Hello guys!
I too am using LED Lighting technology. I also have a 400w HPS Lumatek Digital ballast that I am using with the LED's. I flower in a 4 x4 tent. The HPS is hung in the middle, & I have 3 Prosource Illuminator 90w UFO's in three of the corners. The plants seem to like the mixed spectrum. I am just wondering how you figure out the gpw? Are the veg hours/watts included in the gpw?,
Does anyone know the equation on how to figure out how much it costs to grow one plant? Veg hours times the electricity cost?/& flower hours times the electricity, & add them together?? Thanks guys!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
my gpw rating in this thread is simply (total grams)/(total watts).

there are other formula's around to gauge garden effeciency.

i am sure some others will chime in on the subject...


Active member
Hmm, I do rather poorly when I calculate using the HPSwatt's, but do alittle less than .5gpw when I calculate using the LED watt's. I calculated using one plant vs. one light. I do a perpetual grow so, I figured I'd calculate using the wattage of one light, vs. one plant. Instead of one plant vs. all four lights. Because one plant is under one light.
37g/250wHPS=.148gpw Which is pretty poor! or,
Anyway, I have my light turned up to 400wHPS now. The Chemdog underneath has some fat nugs so far, & has a few more weeks to go. I'll try & figure it out again when it is all dry. Thanks


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
here's an old pic i found that i've had for a while... grabbed this back in the OG/CW days...



Well-known member
Hey Guys.

Nice post.
Why is it, this guy is not included yet?? He pulled 1,56 g/KwH from his Set-up 9, tjek it out : http://ledgrow.eu/
This means he should get the 2 place in the best LED g/kwH .
ps. sorry if I have overlooked a post about him.

Have a nice day .