After I strained the serum from the cheese I was left with a yellow liquid with white at the bottom. I then added molasses and the white layer increased in size over night. Is this normal? Or is it a poor strain job? Or is it not LB?
think of the yellow serum as your bottle of EM (its not EM though) thats your bulk storage. you then add some the serum to water and molasses to activate it. this will multiply those little bastards by the billions, then you can take that highly active liquid and apply. if you made it all at once you would have a lot of liquid, and youd have to keep feeding it to keep it alive or use it. if you didnt activate they would be kind of sleepy and not as concentrated, which will work just not as fast or as good as a highly active culture.
I plan on using this method to make some bokashi mix up and use it to break down my fish before I bury them in my soil. Those fish + whatever else I bokashi + my kelp/leaf compost should take care of a lot of my needs for free!
6. In 5-7 days, carbohydrate, protein and fat will float leaving yellow liquid (serum), which contain the lactic acid bacteria. You can dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat, add them to your compost pile or feed them to your animals.
--- now a week has gone by, by this time the milk will look like cheese at the top of the jar/container. but all goopy. you can either strain it or if you used a wide mouth jar, tip sideways slightly and you can slide a spoon under and take it all out at once. toss it in the compost pile and forget about it. ive never fed it to an animal so i dont know about that. edit: my chickens LOVE this stuff!!!