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Kif in the Rif - Morocco 2018


Snoop jealous me and my hubby woukd love to travel and visit places such as this - it's opened our eyes to another world. Look at that resin!!

mack 10

Resin Herder
You ready for Part2 ?



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mack 10

Resin Herder
Can someone make my pics big,
I'm on the phone and not so easy to
Post big shots but these are special.

mack 10

Resin Herder
Just came back from our Harvest From a secret location, somewhere on the Rif.

These plants are from the summer season just gone. Mix of Traditional Moroccan, UK hybrids, some Mexican and A few Dutch treats.


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hey mack,

nice pics, to expand them you would need to click them to a new screen then copy that url and add
the [ IMG ]https://example[ /IMG ] without the spaces like so



Third reason is the soil in the RIF and lack of water, only a few farmers have great soil and adequate water, the rest just bumble along doing the best they can.

sometimes those harsh condition allow the plant to express some special carateristics. somewhat a real terroir expression.

what you call the best i call it max production.and this is not necessarly the best way to obtain the best resin quality from a plant. not everytime at least .

mack 10

Resin Herder
:tiphat: great scenery round here..

Traditional Moroccan style.


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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Looks like Mac's up the riff - and jolly nice to see it again - should be sheds full of 'erb beaters all over that valley.

mack 10

Resin Herder
Ah Gypo mate, you know it.
Music of the Riff!
I busted a few tunes out myself.

Here's some the fields from the seeds I gave him..


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mack 10

Resin Herder
Here's some UK hybrids, Chem x og.
cheese X og, psychosis X OG, Mack's Blues etc.
Left hand side.

Arm and leg size Colas everywhere!

Fields are drip irrigated by gravity, mostly.
They have a big water res dug out now,
Which fills through the winter.
So no more droughts.

The traditional Moroccan gets no water
And is done in 3 months.
The newer genetics need constant water
And an extra month. (Done in 4)


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Active member
sometimes those harsh condition allow the plant to express some special carateristics. somewhat a real terroir expression.

what you call the best i call it max production.and this is not necessarly the best way to obtain the best resin quality from a plant. not everytime at least .

And you know that how? I don't think Sam was saying that because of the poor soil and lack of adequate water, that it ONLY caused lower production. I believe he is saying that it not only causes an overall production drop but that the overall quality is low.
Common sense would tell you that if a plant isn't getting nearly enough of the essential nutrients required and not nearly enough water, that the quality will be much lower than it should be. I'm sure some of the Moroccan pot has some "unique" characteristics due to soil and climate, most pot does but if not adequately fed and watered, the overall quality and quantity is much lower than it could be. I would say that would be the case the vast majority of the time.
Quique resin could also be uniquely poor resin. Yeah it may be different but different doesn't automatically mean good. I've consumed pot over the years where you take a hit and think, wow that's unusual. It's unusual and it sucks.
I'll take well fed and adequately watered pot any day of the week and twice on Sunday over some "unique" pot. I'll also take "unique" pot that has been adequately fed and watered over "unique" pot that has not been adequately fed and watered. That pot that has been fed and watered properly, may then go from unique to extraordinary.


And you know that how? I don't think Sam was saying that because of the poor soil and lack of adequate water, that it ONLY caused lower production. I believe he is saying that it not only causes an overall production drop but that the overall quality is low.
Common sense would tell you that if a plant isn't getting nearly enough of the essential nutrients required and not nearly enough water, that the quality will be much lower than it should be. I'm sure some of the Moroccan pot has some "unique" characteristics due to soil and climate, most pot does but if not adequately fed and watered, the overall quality and quantity is much lower than it could be. I would say that would be the case the vast majority of the time.
Quique resin could also be uniquely poor resin. Yeah it may be different but different doesn't automatically mean good. I've consumed pot over the years where you take a hit and think, wow that's unusual. It's unusual and it sucks.
I'll take well fed and adequately watered pot any day of the week and twice on Sunday over some "unique" pot. I'll also take "unique" pot that has been adequately fed and watered over "unique" pot that has not been adequately fed and watered. That pot that has been fed and watered properly, may then go from unique to extraordinary.

its stoner tech, lol. it probably developed from folks noticing more resin on their plants if the end of season was cool and dry. cool and dry wouldn't be ideal for most of the plants life, so maybe thats where this idea came from, that the plant needs to be torchered, nails stuck in her stem, rusty nails ideally, lmao. also the flush making it taste better probably adds to the idea that starving it will be even better lol.


And you know that how? I don't think Sam was saying that because of the poor soil and lack of adequate water, that it ONLY caused lower production. I believe he is saying that it not only causes an overall production drop but that the overall quality is low.
Common sense would tell you that if a plant isn't getting nearly enough of the essential nutrients required and not nearly enough water, that the quality will be much lower than it should be. I'm sure some of the Moroccan pot has some "unique" characteristics due to soil and climate, most pot does but if not adequately fed and watered, the overall quality and quantity is much lower than it could be. I would say that would be the case the vast majority of the time.
Quique resin could also be uniquely poor resin. Yeah it may be different but different doesn't automatically mean good. I've consumed pot over the years where you take a hit and think, wow that's unusual. It's unusual and it sucks.
I'll take well fed and adequately watered pot any day of the week and twice on Sunday over some "unique" pot. I'll also take "unique" pot that has been adequately fed and watered over "unique" pot that has not been adequately fed and watered. That pot that has been fed and watered properly, may then go from unique to extraordinary.
you're wrong. i don't know what to say more than that.

mack 10

Resin Herder
must be awesome seeing your crosses thriving out there.

Bro, next year I'm doing the Skunkman walkthrough
With the red string. Gonna tag the top 5% for further selection.

Few more pics,
The blue/green tinted ones are Mexican.
Middle is a cheese /OG or psycho /OG
Last is some Sativa Moroccan,.


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