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Kif in the Rif - Morocco 2018


Active member
Will pull up a seat m8. Interesting info for sure! Being on other side of pond, hashish is rarely around. Truly a lost art in Murica. Will admit a bit jealous of the EU heads because of this. Do you have any references I can read more about temple balls? (Inb4 somebody chimes is saying they get it all the time... congrats. Either you are full of shit or connected with the right person)


Well-known member
Will pull up a seat m8. Interesting info for sure! Being on other side of pond, hashish is rarely around. Truly a lost art in Murica. Will admit a bit jealous of the EU heads because of this. Do you have any references I can read more about temple balls? (Inb4 somebody chimes is saying they get it all the time... congrats. Either you are full of shit or connected with the right person)

don't think anyone can get or has true real deal ,from a temple, balls anymore ,,unless they're a buddhist monk living in a temple in nepal and not using modern techniques,,nepalese has changed so/to much


Active member
don't think anyone can get or has true real deal ,from a temple, balls anymore ,,unless they're a buddhist monk living in a temple in nepal and not using modern techniques,,nepalese has changed so/to much

I realize the method is all but done. Frenchy Canoli on duh gram is trying to keep the method alive. But he seems to be the only hashishin keeping tradition alive

mack 10

Resin Herder
Just got back from visiting Titoon in Morocco...
in one word....

Just wait for the pics.....


Legend ⭐
I hate to be critical but Moroccan resin is just not truly great, it can be good, but not great.
First of all the Moroccan farmers do not want to make the highest quality as they make much more profit from quantity cheaper hash then a smaller amount of quality hash.

Second of all is that all hashish is made from seeded plants as it is impossible to grow sinsemilla in the RIF, lets be honest sinsi hash of the same variety is better.

Third reason is the soil in the RIF and lack of water, only a few farmers have great soil and adequate water, the rest just bumble along doing the best they can.

All female seeds on water drips with nutrients helps but can not cure the problems.

Then the locals dry the plants on the roof in the sun, fast and efficient but not best for the resin. They try but as they have only made hash from their Kief plants for 50 years they have a lot to learn.

RCC and I went for a visit 20 years ago and showed them how to make less then 200 grams of super clean resin from 100 kg of Kief plants, they made 2 Kg of their zero zero from the same 100 kgs. No farmer was interested, they want quantity not quality. We had them manicure the 100Kgs before we did the Gentlest sift we could, no rubbing herb against screens. And then used a second screen to remove resin to small to be good.
They did like smoking the hash we made, Schewing Gum they called it because it stretched like gum.

The resin is better today then when I visited in 1971, but it is not easy to get a farmer to make better quality, for some reason they all want quantity. maybe because they need or want the $? And they do make more money with more hash.
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mack 10

Resin Herder
I hate to be critical but Moroccan resin is just not truly great, it can be good, but not great.
First of all the Moroccan farmers do not want to make the highest quality as they make much more profit from quantity cheaper hash then a smaller amount of quality hash.
Second of all is that all hashish is made from seeded plants as it is impossible to grow sinsemilla in the RIF, lets be honest sinsi hash of the same variety is better.
Third reason is the soil in the RIF and lack of water, only a few farmers have great soil and adequate water, the rest just bumble along doing the best they can.
All female seeds on water drips with nutrients helps but can not cure the problems.
Then the locals dry the plants on the roof in the sun, fast and efficient but not best for the resin. They try but as they have only made hash from their Kief plants for 50 years they have a lot to learn. RCC and I went for a visit 20 years ago and showed them how to make less then 200 grams of super clean resin from 100 kg of Kief plants, they made 2 Kg of their zero zero from the same 100 kgs. No farmer was interested, they want quantity not quality.

This is still how most farmers make there hash'
The guy we spoke too, quoted 250kilos to 1kilo Hash.

We went through many samples of what id call farmers grade sift.
Ranging from around 30-60 percent heads mixed with hairs and dust etc.

We found some really good Azilla,
the high was truely memorable, you just dont get his quality of high anymore, i would of loved to of seen the plants.
thisone came already pressed from an oldtimer German guy.
comes on in waves, 10, 20 mins later, still coming...
almost like coming up on mushrooms , very nice.

the other was Kush from Chefchouen,
came as powder straight from the farmer.
cleanish, around 60 perecent heads,
Very strong kush hit, really confused kinda high, real scatterbrain stuff.
this cleaned up really nice.
big double bubble full melter.

We collected many samples and then tried to clean them up.
Due to locations we couldnt get to use our best screens and only had several screens on hand, at the farm.
So we got to work.

First off static tech on 120.
Major fail, ccouldnt get a good flat surface to swipe on.
Was great at collecting dust,dirt though.
So we tride carding. This kinda worked, but would take hours
And a lot of small dirt particles would be almost impossible to remove.

we then tried our western sift tech, justbreaking the buds over the screen we used the local kif hybrid which actually had a very unusual orangy citrus terp which actually came through in the taste.
The sift came out at around 60% heads so still not good enough yet.

The local guy resifted the material to show us traditional stlye,
With the bowl and sticks.
I always thoughtvthey where just bashing away but it is actually a tech.
When we looked at there screen under the scope it had a really strange weave.
Not like a usual weave but 5strands really close then one about 50microns away.
(got a pic that explains it much better)
so that when they drum wih the sticks it vibrates the buds and
Resin will fall with each bounce.

So we collect the hash, good farmers grade
But not clean enough for me.

Luckilly Titoon had brough the hair straighteners,
So off to work we go,

Pressing hash powder is a great way to test the quality of the oils
Without any more refinement.

Really helped us to get to the quality without hours an hours of work.

This was new to the farmers. They watched carefully.
They where super impressed with the oils.
And the fact no butane, alcohol was used to make it
So they would all actually try some. lol
Which knocked them on their ass but they love it!

All the Rosin 's where very strong, kept that Moroc flavour and most importantly, had a great high.
just In a golden oil form not pressed hashish.

mack 10

Resin Herder
The drive there was epic!
Coming from UK roads to Chefchouen was pretty funny,
White knuckle ride through the mountains at 2/3am.
True culture shock to me.

An of course with Titoon tours he's waiting at the airport for you with 7/8types of top Hash !
This really makes the trip as no dodgy looking for a smoke
Type business and your always gasping for a smoke after any journey.

The people where very friendly and not on any crazy islam vibe.

You really need to know French or Spanish,maybe

some Arabic? To make things much easier,
I'd of been stuck with just English for sure.

Can't wait to return at harvest, will be good cool to sift the larger fresh western style headies!!
With a possibly a water dip or something setup at harvest to wash the dirt/dust off as we had sometimes 20% of tiny dirt particles.
(when your sifted the Plants a lot of dust can emerge in your sift.
ANd it's a pain in the ass to clean out As it's almost exactly the same size of the local Moroccan resin heads, ie , 25/30micron.

Also just to note,
Any of the stuff we where shown was as good or better as in the good ole hash days of the 80s,90's
Then soap killed the 00's.
Meaning any ordinary smoker would of been happy with the standard Moroccan
(2nd quality)
I doubt many people actually clean it up before they smoke it.

Rosin really makes cleaning up the hash powder quick and easy.
One time
The guy passed me some dry looking hash powder,
I didn't want to smoke that, I thought, until squished I it !lol

Came out beautifully golden and almost see through like a pain of glass.

Actually nearly all of the Rosin we made was top notch golden shatter
Only a few darker ones. Which where still shatters just a bit darker in colour.
Amazing flavours abound and for some reason,
making hash powder into rosin gives the hash a much more up sativa high.
which you didn't get from the same hash before sqishing.

Making testing quiet the experience.


Legend ⭐
And mack 10, can you get the farmers to make the quality you made? By the 100 Kg?

This is still how most farmers make there hash'
The guy we spoke too, quoted 250kilos to 1kilo Hash.

We went through many samples of what id call farmers grade sift.
Ranging from around 50-60 percent heads mixed with hairs and dust etc.

We found some really good Azilla,
the high was truely memorable, you just dont get his quality of high anymore, i would of loved to of seen the plants.
thisone came already pressed from an oldtimer German guy.
comes on in waves, 10, 20 mins later, still coming...
almost like coming up on mushrooms , very nice.

the other was Kush from Chefchouen,
came as powder straight from the farmer.
cleanish, around 60 perecent heads,
Very strong kush hit, really confused kinda high, real scatterbrain stuff.
this cleaned up really nice.
big double bubble full melter.

We collected many samples and then tried to clean them up.
Due to locations we couldnt get to use our best screens and only had several screens on hand, at the farm.
So we got to work.

First off static tech on 120.
Major fail, ccouldnt get a good flat surface to swipe on.
Was great at collecting dust,dirt though.
So we tride carding. This kinda worked, but would take hours
And a lot of small dirt particles would be almost impossible to remove.

we then tried our western sift tech, justbreaking the buds over the screen we used the local kif hybrid which actually had a very unusual orangy citrus terp which actually came through in the taste.
The sift came out at around 60% heads so still not good enough yet.

The local guy resifted the material to show us traditional stlye,
With the bowl and sticks.
I always thoughtvthey where just bashing away but it is actually a tech.
When we looked at there screen under the scope it had a really strange weave.
Not like a usual weave but 5strands really close then one about 50microns away.
(got a pic that explains it much better)
so that when they drum wih the sticks it vibrates the buds and
Resin will fall with each bounce.

So we collect the hash, good farmers grade
But not clean enough for me.

Luckilly Titoon had brough the hair straighteners,
So off to work we go,

Pressing hash powder is a great way to test the quality of the oils
Without any more refinement.

Really helped us to get to the quality without hours an hours of work.

This was new to the farmers. They watched carefully.
They where super impressed with the oils.
And the fact no butane, alcohol was used to make it
So they would all actually try some. lol
Which knocked them on their ass but they love it!

All the Rosin 's where very strong, kept that Moroc flavour and most importantly, had a great high.
just In a golden oil form not pressed hashish.


Active member
Nah he probably can’t. But everybody already knows you can Sam. Not really sure why anybody even tries any more Sam. You are god, everybody knows it. Only thing bigger or better than you Sam is your ego


Legend ⭐
You are wrong, I could not get the farmers to make super high quality.
That said, the only thing bigger is maybe your stupidity?
Read what I said if you are able to?
No problem, I am used to some folks and their blindness.

Nah he probably can’t. But everybody already knows you can Sam. Not really sure why anybody even tries any more Sam. You are god, everybody knows it. Only thing bigger or better than you Sam is your ego


Legend ⭐
If you ask me I will be happy to delete my posts if you want. I thought your posts were great and I only was trying to show history and big picture. All the best.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey guys ! Its been a while and many good stuff happened here

Thx Pepe, Hazy, Badfishy, Waxy Taxi, norah, sour kush, Green equal, hobbyist, Herman the German for passing by !

It was no problem getting the vaped in, I cleaned it properly and said it was a tobacco vaporizer to both security people that asked me...

Notyoursavior, thanks for the link to the chefchaouen heirloom, interesting read.
The bubblegum smelling mentioned in the thread is also what I got from the bildya of my friend. In some ways, it did remind me of the nepali plants I enjoyed almost ten years ago, and I never really got to smell that again since then (except from a nepal polm a couple of years ago thx mr. H )It really does not translate much in the taste of the hashish when it gets slightly pressed, it becomes somehow what we know as the classic moroccon polm : earthy, chocolatey, slightly musky.
The Mexicana/Mexicia has been around for a while now - 15/20 years or so, and many farmers have been hybridizing it for a while. It makes a spicy, almost "hot" like a hot pepper, that smells a bit like red berries (to me). The high is very nice, powerful and uplifting, quite sativa, and the taste is wonderful - hot and spicy. The plants grow short (1m) and branchy, christmas tree like, make nice large buds and finish end of september.
The Jamaican I have not seen here yet, I ve been tracking it though. Twice I had the chance of smoking it in the last five years in Netherlands. The color was greenish, the smell was similar to ganja, but it was quite melty, and the high was amazing : happy uplifting high very similar to those Caribbean sativas that I love so much ! There s gotta be a bunch of farmers growing it but I have to say I have not been in contact with many of them. I think that s a pretty recent trend though.

BadFishy - Temple Balls are an ancient technique from Nepal, where hashish was sifted, warmed up in the sun, and roll in a special way in balls. You should be able to find some references on icmag. People mastering this techniques are mostly long gone, but there maybe some around. You can try it for yourself.

Waxy Taxi, those buds on the donkeys are probably Mexicana, grown around 1000m high.

Sam_Skunkman , thanks for coming by sharing your experience. I don’t mind you being straightforward like you did, your “provocating” thoughts will certainly lead to interesting discussions.
First, let me tell you that understand your requirements for great resin, I have had the chance to attend a legend dinner, and have some good friends making good sifts. That being said, I hope to demonstrate below that great resin can be found, at great time expenses though.

Morocco has been through some major changes over the last 20 years, now you get 3G at the farm and a lot of people can talk about basic stuff in three languages. That also goes for the growing methods.
They started to discover chemical fertilisers in the 90s, with some farmers refusing to adopt it because of cost or the fact that it was not natural. Many farmers overused it due to the total lack of education and knowledge about these new products.
Nowadays, a lot are coming back to the use of animal manure, and even compost, organic knowledge is readily available for all to learn.

Regarding water, many farmers have it well under control, since they are managing to grow these spanish/dutch genetics perfectly. It may become a problem in the future, but perhaps not this year considering the loads of snow/water that happened.
And about the curing, because of the new genetics that finish late October, a lot of it is now dried under roofs, and sometimes is processed in the same place. So I bet some do the same with the local plants now. I will ask.

Now, I have been only vaping the resin, and smoking it pure in the sipsi, and spliffs out off it. No dabbing equipment here, so I cannot pretend to care for 99%. However, a few of the dry sift I smoked were outstanding both in flavour and potency, and while not necessarily on a pure THC profile, would get the job done very nicely. Nothing to be shy about when compared to high grade bubble hash. This Azila stuff was just another level, mild mushroom trip for sure, and worked every time.

The rosin brings a whole new perspective for the hashish connoisseur in the Rif. If you find a proper grower that has decent hash but overly “contaminated”, a little squeeze will make a wonder and unveil the true resin potency, as mack said. Having access to the unpressed trichomes makes a big difference in the extracted rosin I feel. Having been exposed a lot to import hash in NL, I have squeezed my bunch of nepal & moroccan hash, and was not very impressed by the results, I found them to have too much earthy tasting, and sometimes even fungal. On the contrary, unpressed resin leads to very floral or fruity rosin, extremely clear colored for most except the bildya. I know, it would be great to get the 99% straight from them, but right now they don’t do it. Neither is most of the world, anyway. I guess I will hunt the guys that you showed your method to… When and Where ???? lol.

There is a lot to be said about Moroccan culture and a lot of their reluctance to adopt common European practices, for which there is usually a very good reason behind. I understand that, for us European, it can get very weird when for instance, they keep some males around. But when you realize that, locally, they need these pollinated bracts to make the kif, you can understand the bottom of it. Considering their income is very variable but that they rely on it for food, the Kif seems a perfect way for daily small income, because you will always sell some to locals. The hash you will sell when a foreigner comes around, but if he doesn’t, what do you do ? Also, for the hash, 1st quality goes for .8-1.2euros, 2nd around 0.6, 3rd for 0.3, so you can’t expect them to make 50g of 1st quality with 1000g of the third one even if they did have a proper sifting method, because they’ld lose a lot.

Clearly, your method did not catch up is because the end product was not worth - in $$- the trouble - the consumer based being non existent. That is something you can’t blame them for in my opinion… Like in our countries where most of the food farming is industrial and not so good quality, you will always find some hidden (bit costly) gems. Because it’s illegal here, it is not easy to find them, that is for sure. Some of the farmers do make 200g shakes on the 100kg with something like 15 filters piled, but keep this quality “hidden”, and you need to spend a long time with them before they can consider selling it to you. Considering the price they may sell it, they ld rather smoke that. The best way to find these farmers is to sit long enough in local - mountain tea places, and when you see a farmer surrounded by people asking him for a joint, you know you got the guy ! When we met this german traveler that has the Azila hash, he told us about a few times in his life where he found the best of the best. Clearly, from his description, and considering the hash he was smoking and shared with us, I have no doubt that he found something in the 97/99% range, which also was extremely potent resin.

Regarding the Sinsemilla vs Non, on the hash, I can believe that there is a difference, and that may play a role in the “traditional” cultivars resin quality. But anyway, this resin also does contains some CBD to an extent that it does alter the high, so for the hardcore THC loving hashishin, that may not be the way. Yesterday, I smoked quite a bit of overly pollinated bildya rosin in a short time, and was in for an intense hour ride, starting with high heart beat rate, followed by rush of ideas, very positive, sometimes extremely funny, amazing overall, very complex, quite potent to say the least, interestingly also quite short - 1h or so. I would not mind to have this in my personal stash at any time, that is for sure. And from my smoker s experience, there would be very little people in the world that wouldn’t like that. If you re not an heavy smoker, this stuff will give you a good idea of what psychedelics may look like, without having to much of an “edgy” high due to the presence of CBD.
The new genetics, feminized, from Spain and NL, get little pollination, because they start flowering when most males around (from the traditional strain and the mexicana)., so they can express themselves very well. M@ck saw another world with that Kush Pollen I am telling you ! The rosin was reeking of lemon, very terpy & amazing taste, hits you quickly and hard to handle too much of it...

It was a pleasure to have M@ck and to witness him almost completely be smoked out three times - and save us one time from a car crash ! Combine intense rosin smoking and cultural shock and you re good for a ride !
Having been in Amsterdam many times with the crew, I can attest that we haven’t been short of exceptional smokes here, mainly thanks to the rosin and bunch of lucky encounters.
While I’ld agree with Sam that anybody coming here has zero chance of coming upon 99% dry sift, I can encourage anybody who s interested to come with some screens and play around.
The resin is quite different than what we know of, but there’s a lot to learn, and you can be sure that, being in the main hashish producing region in the world, you’ll find what you look for and more. Hair straighteners available everywhere
Also, overall the Rif has gone through much changes in the past ten years, and Cannabis is much better tolerated, especially as a foreigner. Carrying around 10-50g on your person is no problem, and the time where cops where chasing for 10 euros backshish is long gone, at least around Xaouen. Just be aware that you can t smoke everywhere in cities.
My trip is Morocco is already getting to an end, still have loads of pictures and stories to add. I m heading to Spain then to Mexico, for another hashventure.

M@ck with Flowers in front of a hanging bag full of seeds


>120 microns

IC souvenir

Bildya Rosin, darkest that we made


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hashish Experiments - sifting


Resin - bout 50% heads

Sifting 120 microns - this was what go through

Macro- you can see the heads with very redish dots - what gives the bildya its color


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
first view of Xaouen for M@ck

Moroccon screen

Static Tech


I ll need a better camera to take resin shots though, I can see nicely but picture lack of depth...