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Khalifa Genetics strains


Well-known member
when I bought the Moroccan Beldia Kif, I lived in the steppe zone, during the entire summer period there was practically no rain until mid-October and sometimes until November, but I had to move northwest to a flat forest and very swampy area, it rains throughout the summer and autumn , in the evenings, fogs, morning and evening dews, in general, a very humid climate. accordingly, the question arose about the moisture resistance of Morocca Beldia, because it comes from an arid region? the structure of the buds suggests that they are well ventilated, and perhaps they are not afraid of mold. share experience\opinion who raised in similar conditions.


da boveda kid
@rindindoo Just my opinion i can share, no experiece sadly, but i believe that despite the open structure of the flowers if the plant never was exposed to humid environment it is likely to not have developed any resistance to it.
But the proof is in the pudding i guess :)
Good luck!

Old Piney

Well-known member

Moroccan Beldia last week in August at 40 degrees north in New Jersey USA We had plenty of rain that year , some years it can be a little dry in August September but not last year. It's always humid with a heavy dew every evening but no mold at all. I even left one bud with seeds out till October through the rains
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Well-known member
Thank you for your opinion. that's why I had my doubts.

@Old Piney
thanks for your reply, that's encouraging. I'm a little higher, at 50°. Today I spoke with the watchmen, they assured me that this summer has been unusually wet in the last 10 years. and this year on September 2 there was a slight frostbite.


Well-known member
I have two of the 80's Durban growing at the moment. I suspect both are males, if so I will use the squatter one with tight internodes to breed to a Oaxacan from Colorado Sativas, and /or some of the Laos Variety i got from Zomia in thailand. I think a Laos/Durban cross would be out of this world electric. Just a real killer psychoactive wise. We will see! I have been eye balling the Nigerian at Khalifa too. Oh I forgot that also Khalifa was kind enough to send me 5 free Balkh seeds. I will grow these out sometime this year and make a cross with some other variety. Thanks for all the good work Alladin! I live in Oregon USA and had no issue ordering or getting them sent. Took like two weeks if I remember correctly.


Well-known member
View attachment 18800676
Moroccan Beldia last week in August at 40 degrees north in New Jersey USA We had plenty of rain that year , some years it can be a little dry in August September but not last year. It's always humid with a heavy dew every evening but no mold at all. I even left one bud with seeds out till October through the rains
Hey great plant man, did this one have good potency? Did you smoke the flower or make hash? Just curious because I have seen some of the most common production grade Moroccans have lower potency in the 4-5 percent Thc range, fine for hash but flower on its own would be very slight in effect. Maybe a good lower dosage flower for newer smokers or older people? Anyways plant looks robust and killer for outdoor production. I guess way back in the day, Moroccans where more potent and many farmers raised plants for the flowers themselves. Selection was more methodical and advanced. Potency I guess was much more superior because of this, but when Morocco became a world producer of hash on a n astronomically large scale, the open pollination produced a plant that was drought hardy, but much lower in overall cannabinoids. I guess though when you are making hash, 5 percent THC would work fine as you are collecting Trichomes en mass. Thanks for the share man I appreciate it.

Old Piney

Well-known member
lower dosage flower for newer smokers or older people?
Yes I fall in the “older people” category. It's low in THC and has a good amount of CBD I believe.The effect is mild uplifting and notably short. it tastes wonderful and there is something special about it I can't pinpoint. I've just vaped the flower so far but I want to make some hash .hmm bubble ,or no I got it I'll make my own Ketema Drum dry sift


Active member
Afghan lemon, good yielding and easy plant with strong terp, this one is a bit lemony/fuely/skunky/hashy, very strong smell that last a long time on the fingers.


i have another pheno at mid flowering super lemony / 1st class afghan hash, totally amazing smell. I will post pics soon.



Active member
Ive been eyeing the balkh and sheberghan hashplants. Is your overall experience with this strain been good? Good germination rates? Im not the biggest indica fan but ive read that hashplants have a real pleasant high thats better than todays hybrids. No couchlock or dirty effects. Not to mention the colors are just outstanding
ACE sent me 18 Siberian Ruderalis instead of the 12 Sheberghan. I was kind and wanted to pay the certificated shipping through PayPal but they didn't wanted claiming they will send me like standard mail. Nothing arrived since November. The Kerala Chellakutti cultivar is hermaphrodite. I had 1 intersex male with stigmas, 1 hermaphrodite and 9 females soooo... 90 bucks to the garbage. I'll come back with the pictures later now I must go abroad to grab some Landrace seeds. Just my 2 cents


Well-known member
ACE sent me 18 Siberian Ruderalis instead of the 12 Sheberghan. I was kind and wanted to pay the certificated shipping through PayPal but they didn't wanted claiming they will send me like standard mail. Nothing arrived since November. The Kerala Chellakutti cultivar is hermaphrodite. I had 1 intersex male with stigmas, 1 hermaphrodite and 9 females soooo... 90 bucks to the garbage. I'll come back with the pictures later now I must go abroad to grab some Landrace seeds. Just my 2 cents
How did the sheberghan turn out? They definitely appear to have a mixed reputation. But when you grow landrace hermies just go with the territory. I had an Ace panama hermie on me last year and that line has been worked for 20 years. lights, temperature, nutes, it doesn't take much to push the envelope


Active member
How did the sheberghan turn out? They definitely appear to have a mixed reputation. But when you grow landrace hermies just go with the territory. I had an Ace panama hermie on me last year and that line has been worked for 20 years. lights, temperature, nutes, it doesn't take much to push the envelope
Hi Rob thank you for stopping by, I'm trying to tell you that they didn't send me the Sheberghan I ordered, ACE Seeds sent me the wrong seeds, Siberian. Pretty lame.

Yes indeed when you grow landraces from sinsemilla cultivars like Thai's or this Kerala it's kinda normal. Sad thing is to see someone making videos and posts with pro tips to prevent hermies and not accepting that they should be responsible and send another package of seeds with another cultivar like a serious seed company fixing mistakes, you can see my posts in IG. When hermaphrodites show up is not fault of the grower and the stress let's all be honest, the problem is in the genes and a non existant good breeding and cleaning job. I grew Colombian Landraces ten years ago and had the same problem. Seeds from sinsemilla fields.

For people who wants to do real breeding this kind of cultivars are useless, we stress them with a purpose my friend. Not everybody buys regular seeds with the intention of only smoking them.

Take care

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Well-known member
Hope I can add some discussion on the Sheberghans, I ran a 6 pack this past fall. Ended up with 2 males 4 females, one male was really early to show pollen and threw while I was out of town so I ended up knocking up the 4 females (preflowers only), along with some autos and a Malawi x PCK that was early in flower in another tent. I kept them in small 0.9 gallon pots to see if I was interested in them and also grew an Ace PCK alongside to compare with.

Overall I would say they were healthy and I didn't have much issue growing them. They liked pretty low feed (1.0-1.2 EC max), grew with almost no branching, and didn't stretch much into flower. I didn't have any intersex traits show until I had to water twice outside my lights on period in their last couple weeks. Then 3 out of 4 showed beginning of nanners on the flowers. Didn't affect much but I would have liked to let them go another week to fill out.

Here's some pics:


Overall shot (4 Sheberghans in the back, Ace PCK in front:


Well-known member
Aromas were all pretty similar with hashy and fruity notes for #1, #2, and #4. #1 was fruitiest, #4 hashiest, #2 not that aromatic. #3 was hashy fruity and also had some rubber tire and skunk so she was my favorite.

Excuse some of the photos :D

I'll write a bit about the high after smoking/vaping them and end it here. All 4 are definitely high-THC chemotypes which is what surprised me most about this grow. I'm not that experienced with CBD or mixed chemotypes but these are as potent as any Dutch afghani I have grown so I'm guessing low CBD. All are pretty heavy and spacey, and the description from Khalifa is mostly spot on. I do not feel much muscle relaxation or help falling asleep which is what I wanted most. These actually feel pretty functional and I can smoke them at lunch or before I cook dinner where I appreciate them most for their introspective touch as I decompress and think about my day. No munchies if someone is looking for that but it's undesirable for me so I'm glad.

While I enjoyed growing them and I love the hashy fruity rubber tire aroma of #3 I would try other hash plants before revisiting this variety. My growing partner values them much more and has been enjoying them more frequently.






