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Kentucky/Ohio Valley growers...

I just grow a REALLY old ghanni, a really strong and funky sweettooth and have 5 tikals from seed I just threw in flower. Should know how many ladies of that very soon. Im the paranoid type so finding good cuts doesnt happen for me often even though I have grown constantly for more than 10 years now. I would like for us that are near or in Louisville to all get together for a smoke out session sometime.
Yea I'm unable ta smoke at tha time but another 3 months and I'll b back on the shesh sessions.would b great ta get tagetha and have a good shush...we could all bring a few of are personal stashes and possibly trade/give a few clones ta each other..for those who are not hoarders like me..I believe in sharing genetics but also preserving genetics!!!


Well-known member
Wow, there are so many things you can foliar spray it is really up to what your plants need. I do like to spray with a beneficial mixture such as Actinovate, Serenade, Natural Mystic (Dragonfly Earth Medicine), or just a great compost tea that has been diluted 1:10. Also as far as foliar food I have used products like Maxicrop (or any seaweed preferably cold pressed), FF Flowers Kiss, Pro-tekt (or any silicate product), as well as products like cal 25. I know there are a ton of other foliar applications you can use but these are a few. I know the AEA folks use a lot of foliars, something to check out as well. Hope it helps.


Well-known member
Thanks for the info.
I read enough high birx Info to be.confused lately haven't used anything and.been fine.
But the increase In terpines makes.me want to try more foliar. Just afraid to burn my girls
818 headband
Serious Happiness
Coming soon
Mango tango
707 Headband
Grizzly purple.kush


Well-known member
Just remember to spray at dusk, keep ppms low, and monitor the ph of the foliar application, I prefer a higher ph, 6.8-7. I try to stay away from acid rain like situations. Although with some foliar products the natural ph of them is very important. Such as with mold/mildew remedies, ie potassium bicarbonate. It changes the ph on the leaf surface to a range that is inhospitable to the fungus.
Alright, I have 3 for sure males of tikal that I will throw away in the next day or 2 unless any of you guys have a use for them. It always bugs me to toss them but I just dont have space to do any breeding. Might be different if I had a known stud male but I guess I will never know with these. Anyone local that wants them are welcome to them.
Wish I gasbag nice spot ta do some personal breeding projects ta have an assload of beans ta sort through but can't take any myself right now..I've got a cpl BroG from archive seed males I may hit a cpl females with and make some f2s but IDK gotta be careful or I'll have some seeded ladies that I'm not really wantin!!


Well-known member
Thanks for the foliar info
I wondered what the schedule should be
I used maxcrop in veg and had too much branching.
I used it too much I guess
Bubbling up some WC tea for a drench I spray it to keep down mold mildew in humid times but are there other benefits?
Anybody go to Ali's funeral? Its been a mess in the ville with all that going on the last few days. This thread was on page 2 of grow questions and needed a bump anyway.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I didn't go to Cassius Clays' the yellow belly draft dodgers' grave site to piss on it but the line was to long with black Nam Vets who had thought they were sent in his place cause they didn't have his money.
I didnt say it because I didn't want to hurt anyones feelings but I kinda feel the same way. At the same time, its not like he ran to Canada to avoid the draft like many did. He stood up for what he believed in even if it was wrong. And he was punished for it. Lost over 3 years of his prime for not going. But, its a draft, if you are drawn, you go...period.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
he moved his local draft board registration to Houston? if he had left it in Louisville?..they would let it slide?

My Louavall draft board was made up of men from the Bataan death march. No exceptions. :D