I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before and currently I’m too lazy to go looking through this thread to see if I did make a post about this already. pretty sure I haven’t yet…
Kali China is something really special when it comes to Headspace and working very well with PTSD issues. I’ve noticed it with both the straight Kali China I’m holding as a mom, and the KC x Nepjam I have. It’s definitely a stronger effect with the straight KC though and I’m hoping it’s a strain effect and not just my pheno… gonna find out when I pop some more KC sometime in the near “who the heck knows when” timeframe. Dubi, you give us such an amazing library to work with its hard to circle back to things quickly, but these girls really have “it”.
I work a lot with post 9/11 Military Veterans helping them transition between war and life and have really found that the calming yet blissful effects of KC combined with its body relaxation effect really seem to put people into a good place to talk through things and opens them up to new ideas easier. It doesn’t fog up your head or cause confusion/misunderstandings like can happen with some smoke.
We do a lot of 1:1 sessions as well as group work and I’ve found the sessions with KC involved are usually way more productive. It has also been extremely good for a few former infantry guys I know to very quickly bring them back from the red whenever something triggers them. We’ve also seen a lot of great help with friends that have non combat related traumas stemming from physical/mental abuse as kids as well as from accidents or crazy life events.
I’m probably going to end up with a tent just for Kali China runs to help my close friends who don’t grow out with it more, but long term I’m also thinking of working with a local Doc and one of the local medical/commercial grow houses to do a run of this specifically for veterans in order to do a larger scale study with it.
With the Zamaldelica x Kalichina cross I have only shared 1 pheno of it with a friend and it didn’t help the same way at all. That pheno had a cloudier head to it and isn’t a talkative smoke. I didn’t keep that cut around and need to test my keeper cut of this cross to see if it helps at all in the same way.
Love the Kalichina. I’ll keep you all updated as I get into this project and see how different Phenos work out for different people.