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Just add water


Living with the soil
Uhhh...nice plants bro...very nice! So I assume you used Big Bob's Super Duper Steroid Enhanced Master Blaster Flower Formula...eh?
Hey now...don't be knockin' Big Bob's products. Have you tried the $127.50 per 1 quart "Budster Blast"?
But seriously....I rarely use anything but water from the sky or the well. Only do teas about 3 times per cycle....and at that the most basic and simple teas....only problem I ever have is my own mistakes of over watering or something dumb like that.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I sent FatBoy Mike up at Advanced Nutrients a suggestion for a new product - Butt Candy!!!

This product would replace 'Bud Candy' with the new label showing FatBoy stripped down to nothing but a thong bent over the hood of a car - much like he does to his customers.

Imagine this fat slob in a thong (I'll wait while you accomplish that feat) bent over a car with his pants around his ankles with the name of the new product, i.e. 'Butt Candy' spread across the bottle with the tag line of "Butt Candy - Crack Kills"

I should have gone into marketing, eh?




Living with the soil
LMAO CC....It's really sort of creepy the way that products are marketed to a specific target group. This industry seems to prey upon the young male with popular images which appeal specifically to that demographic. Funny thing is they have to work,they can't kill your plants outright.
It would be pretty easy to bottle any one specific nutrient or mineral and slap a shiny picture of any animal with teeth snarling next to some computer animated lush fictitious plant....provide a bunch of "scientific" mumbo jumbo from an independent source on the label and charge that $100-plus price tag. Some would say these guys are smart for taking advantage of the plight involving the grey area of cannabis legality and the lack of proper studies involving it and cashing in while they can. It's like the gold rush where snake oil salesmen did the exact same thing theses companies are doing to these poor kids.
I say just hold your moral ground and get your hands dirty with organics....the bottom will drop out one day and the organic way will save us.

Yankee Grower

lol, why in the world would we want a GREEN plant?
Yeah I was implying about the growing organic and flushing thing.

Fisher - the friend that grew that male is an expert on this method of building pots like that using layers, spikes, sticky sides, etc. Last year he built a 10 or 15 gal pot and put in a 8-10" clone at the start of outdoors and ran it through the summer and finished flower in the same pot with just a few mild bacterial/fungal teas. He left room for a top dressing just in case but never needed it. Yield was great and quality superb. He's in the process of writing a few books that will get published pretty soon. Mainly he does bean making now and writes articles.

I've messed with this way of growing a bit and works great. I'm trying to see if Nomaad is interested in trying on a large plant or two like this. One smaller plant outdoor grower started working with spikes and their yields went up. I know you guys are really pushing things with your programs but feel this method will work great on a large scale once everything is dialed in. Bet you'd at least see a bump in quality for various reasons.


CCs -
If any of us had any marketing ability we would be opening up a national chain of 'natural feed stores' to counteract these grow shops that are the equivalent of the pill shops at the beginning of the health food store movement. It's like the difference between GNC and New Seasons. Picture shelves full of 6 different varieties of crab meal bulk bagged, bins of stuff, locally sourced, provenance known... reasonably priced...

A friendlier version of capitalist pigdom. They can be called - Whole Feed!


Living with the soil
Water...(rain and well) and one application of ACT .....6th recycle organic soil


Just water (and EWC slurry a few times)

Just water (and EWC slurry a few times)

I am still trying to figure out this camera with lights on... sorry about the color, but this is just water, molasses and EWC slurry a few times:
That plant on the front right went through hell (high temps, and it's pretty much root bound in a 1 gallon container..didn't have any room)

I use LC's #2 but with pro mix organic
to that I add 3 cups of espoma biotone starter+ (per cubic foot of LC mix) and that's it.


Yankee Grower

Any links to some of these just add water grows? I'd like to compare soil recipes.
Here's a recipe for starting out using off-the-shelf stuff. The male I showed a pic of relied more on recycled soil, which was amended a bit then cooked for awhile (actually some stuff was composted in the soil too) and earthworm castings.

This is the latest version from the grower I snagged the pic from and this recipe is geared to work with pure water sources only, or else you risk Mg x Ca ratios going to hell and results will then vary.

2 gal Ocean Forrest (or good organic soil mix)
2 gal Coir (coconut fiber)
2 gal Perlite (small nugget size)
2 gal Castings (earthworm castings, or fresh compost works too)

1.5 cup All Purpose or Bloom (Organicare Pure) OR 1 cup 5-5-5 such as Fox Farm
1 cup Greensand
1 cup Ground Oyster Shells
2 cup Crushed Oyster Shells
½ cup (heaping) Powdered Dolomite Lime
½ cup Prilled (pelletized) Dolomite Lime
½ cup Blood Meal (or High N Bird Guano 12-8-2 NPK if flowering)
½ cup heaping un-steamed Bone Meal
¾ cup Bulb Food - Fox Farm (3-8-8)
½ cup Soft Rock Phosphate powdered
1 cup Gypsum powdered
1 cup Kelp Meal

½ cup Zeolite or Azomite granular **optional
½ cup Humate granular **optional
1 cup Alfalfa Meal (or 2 cup pellets) **optional
1 cup Rock Phosphate Granular **optional
1 cup organic rice **optional

FLOOR: Steer Manure + Coir/Perlite + Crushed & Ground Oyster Shells

SPIKES: Blood/Feather Meal + Ground Oyster (+ Steamed Bone Meal and Bulb Food added if flowering) and kelp or alfalfa meal.

This mix should be moistened (Do not get it soaking wet!) with chlorine free water, and turned over every few days, for about 7-10 days before use. With something like 7 or 8 weeks don't use spikes, with something 16 weeks (LoL) use spikes and the floor additions. Also keep in mind different genetics have different needs nutrient-wise. Some can do great with smaller levels of nutrients present while others are food hogs huge, and that is not relative to flowering time. So you can adjust this mix accordingly, but do not fear the strength cuz it is all buffered prime! For spikes add 2 each veg and flower at transplant in the fresh soil.


Active member
Mix A

Base Mix:
1/2 Bale Pro Mix
1 Bag FFOF

1 cup bone meal
1 cup blood meal
1 cup dolomite lime
earthworm castings

Simple. Works.

Mix B

Base Mix:

4 gallons local organic soil
1.5 gallons coir
1.5 gallons peat
3 gallons perlite
1 gallon EWC


alfalfa meal
beneficial bacterias
blood meal
bone meal
diatomaceous earth
dolomite lime
dry molasses
worm castings
guanos (N, P, seabird)
kelp meal
rice flour

Highly complex. Works.

Many ways to get to the finish line...



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
heres mine copied and pasted from the last thread about this type of thing

one thing i would say is VERY important if you want a 'Just add water' grow, us to use decent size pots. you really dont want them to get rootbound during flower . i would say 3 gallon would be minimum, perhaps vegged for a week after transplant before flipping to flower. i use 4 x 4 gallon pots for my modular scrogs under a 250.

3 parts peat
2 parts quality topsoil ( make sure it hasnt any ferts added) if you are going to use native topsoil then consult my 'topsoil in the mix' thread
3 parts perlite
1 part mushroom compost
1 part wormcasts
dolomite lime 5g/litre

and the ferts, the guano doses are for cavemans (UK Brand which isnt that strong), i reduce the N guano a little for sensitive strains but that mix has never burned anything. obviously for seedlings i leave all the ferts out except the seaweed meal

N guano : 2 - 4g/litre
P guano : 4g/litre veg, 8g/litre flower
Rock phosphate 5g/l
rock potash 5g/l
seaweed meal 5g/l

the i just add water amended to around pH 6 with Citric acid.



Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I'm curious why everyone is still using peat? o_O

IMHO coir is superior for many reasons.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
coir on it's own may be a good growing medium, but my experience of mixing coir into a soil mix as a substitute for peat led me to believe that it locks up P and K. other people have said this too. ive gone back to peat now rather than re-formulate all the ferts.
Would it be redundant to say when doing just add water organics that the quality of your compost and or EWC become that more important? My first foray into organics was a failure because I used some questionable mushroom compost. I love to keep it simple and just add water growing is now my forte as well. On another note, with the other people I mentor in real life that are new growers, all they want to do is grow hydro. They can't wrap their mind around the idea of simplicity. As Morpheus said, "I can only show you the door, it is up to you to walk through it."


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
thats why its all about the compost based mediums. better than peat and coco put together.

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