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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Imagine that ol man in his twilight of his life leaving
The image of his son smoking a bobo with his cock
Planted up a childs ass....nice fucking legacy
Pops..he must be so proud....
He'll be sobbing like bitch laying in a puddle of piss and bile as his dim light fades to black.
Fucking soul crushing.....



Active member
Your supporting a pedophile on a weed site ..
So dont push your fake ass high and mighty morale judgement around....its pathetic

Joe Biden says 'character and decency are on the ballot....take a closer look'

I don’t see anyone supporting a pedophile except the Q-bers.
Seems more likely that most Q-bers are pedophiles than Joe. That actually explains a lot.


Active member
I can't wait to watch you have your trump derrangement meltdown when he whoops pedo joe's ass.

Hopefully they let you over the mexican border so you can escape.

Hello all,

And if it should go the other way...what will your response be? It was rigged, illegal voters, the media hates him, he never got a fair chance?

Truefully, I expect most of the tRumphumpers here will slither back under their rocks.

We will see, dude.




Hello all,

And if it should go the other way...what will your response be? It was rigged, illegal voters, the media hates him, he never got a fair chance?

Truefully, I expect most of the tRumphumpers here will slither back under their rocks.

We will see, dude.



I'm kind of running out of steam here to keep arguing with idiots, y'all seem to be pedo friendly so honestly you're not people I'd want to talk to anyways.

I'll humor you one last time, honestly I don't see you fantasy playing out, trump brings people in to his rallies by the thousands, Biden can barely fill a highschool gym. Trump has a lot of enthusiasm behind, Biden has none. Infact the last coverage I saw of a Biden rally actually had more trump supporters in the parking lot trolling the place then there was Biden supporters there.

Once again, just like Biden being a kiddie toucher the proof is in the pictures

If Biden wins it will be because the democrats tried every dirty trick in the book to cheat.




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm kind of running out of steam here to keep arguing with idiots, y'all seem to be pedo friendly so honestly you're not people I'd want to talk to anyways.

I'll humor you one last time, honestly I don't see you fantasy playing out, trump brings people in to his rallies by the thousands, Biden can barely fill a highschool gym. Trump has a lot of enthusiasm behind, Biden has none. Infact the last coverage I saw of a Biden rally actually had more trump supporters in the parking lot trolling the place then there was Biden supporters there.

Once again, just like Biden being a kiddie toucher the proof is in the pictures

If Biden wins it will be because the democrats tried every dirty trick in the book to cheat.

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You think Trumps superspreader rallies are the indication to go by? Biden has heeded CDC warnings. Hes simply caring about people more than himself. Its a tough thing to recognize these days I know. Trump has made selfishness the normal expectancy but there are actually people with a conscience out there. Crazy right!? Science doesnt know right?! Also, Biden is up everywhere over Trump. People know how much of a shit show this has been. Hes a POS and even his supporters know it, they see likeness to themselves in him. This is why virtually all of his supporters dont believe in science and prefer to call everything a hoax. Its pretty damned pathetic.


You think Trumps superspreader rallies are the indication to go by? Biden has heeded CDC warnings. Hes simply caring about people more than himself. Its a tough thing to recognize these days I know. Trump has made selfishness the normal expectancy but there are actually people with a conscience out there. Crazy right!? Science doesnt know right?!

Share some of your drugs with us, I want to feel as delusional as you are.

Last interview with Biden he was rambling on about 4 more years of george Biden can't even remember who he's running against.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Share some of your drugs with us, I want to feel as delusional as you are.

Last interview with Biden he was rambling on about 4 more years of george Biden can't even remember who he's running against.

No Drugs here, I just have the ability to see past Trumps vail of fake shit. Enjoy being blinded ;)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm kind of running out of steam here to keep arguing with idiots, y'all seem to be pedo friendly so honestly you're not people I'd want to talk to anyways.

I'll humor you one last time, honestly I don't see you fantasy playing out, trump brings people in to his rallies by the thousands, Biden can barely fill a highschool gym. Trump has a lot of enthusiasm behind, Biden has none. Infact the last coverage I saw of a Biden rally actually had more trump supporters in the parking lot trolling the place then there was Biden supporters there.

Once again, just like Biden being a kiddie toucher the proof is in the pictures

If Biden wins it will be because the democrats tried every dirty trick in the book to cheat.

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Don't see any MASKS at Joe's little rally!!!
He's setting a dangerous precedence.
Prolly be responsible for for thousands of covid related deaths.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Don't see any MASKS at Joe's little rally!!!
He's setting a dangerous precedence.
Prolly be responsible for for thousands of covid related deaths.

I noticed that too. Is that a recent photo? I do NOT care for Joe Biden. He just seems the lesser of two evils. Its a sociopath vs someone who doesnt know what day of the week it is. I hate the choices.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I noticed that too. Is that a recent photo? I do NOT care for Joe Biden. He just seems the lesser of two evils. Its a sociopath vs someone who doesnt know what day of the week it is. I hate the choices.

Couldn't care less about any politicians personality.
I look at policy,I know that is an oddity.If you asked some questions on policy ,of people in line to vote,I think we'd hear a lot about personality,and a lot less about policy.

You ask some of these college aged kids a question about the branches of government,and they look around for a tree,but they get a vote so ....what are ya gonna do


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Couldn't care less about any politicians personality.
I look at policy,I know that is an oddity.If you asked some questions on policy ,of people in line to vote,I think we'd hear a lot about personality,and a lot less about policy.

You ask some of these college aged kids a question about the branches of government,and they look around for a tree,but they get a vote so ....what are ya gonna do

You dont think personality has an impact on the policies that a politician is all about? Look what Trumps admin has done regarding asylum. They do not care about people in danger who go about asylum the right way. The nail in the coffin for Trump for me personally was when he made fun of the disabled reporter. Thats his character in a nutshell. He is an embarrassment and the epitome of classless.


ICMag Donor
Joe Biden: “I went to the big guys for the money, I was ready to prostitute myself”

Joe Biden: “I went to the big guys for the money, I was ready to prostitute myself”

Joe Biden: “I went to the big guys for the money, I was ready to prostitute myself”


Active member
I was just pointing out who is openly posting about looking at child porn.

How about you? You been looking at that Hunter child porn?

I think its odd that you are strangley not repulsed
And concerned with who is in it and has it on their
Laptop...this is the son of your nominated candidate for president of the united states and you seem
Indifferent to that fact...
How can this be ok for any human to condone such
Aborant behavior?
Is this something you are ok with?

And no i will not share the link with you...


ICMag Donor
I think its odd that you are strangley not repulsed
And concerned with who is in it and has it on their
Laptop...this is the son of your nominated candidate for president of the united states and you seem
Indifferent to that fact...
How can this be ok for any human to condone such
Aborant behavior?
Is this something you are ok with?

And no i will not share the link with you...

Another fake story brought to you by Rudolph the red nosed wanker.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You dont think personality has an impact on the policies that a politician is all about? Look what Trumps admin has done regarding asylum. They do not care about people in danger who go about asylum the right way. The nail in the coffin for Trump for me personally was when he made fun of the disabled reporter. Thats his character in a nutshell. He is an embarrassment and the epitome of classless.

Ending catch and release was a bad thing?
As far as a reporter,I feel the same way about reporters as I do politicians,they are all bought and paid for whores.
Now if you say 'a disabled person' I agree that's distasteful