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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
I think there are some well meaning government school teachers who should be "allowed" to open their own schools and offer their services to those who freely want to buy them. Trump ending forcibly funded schools is a good thing, I'll be pleasantly surprised if that even happens though.

Unfortunately, Trump does not consistently come from a place of principle regarding forcing people to pay for things. He's good with using government to cause increases in some prices via tariffs and like you is okay killing some drug dealers, but not the big pharma drug dealers that contributed to his campaign. He likes them. He has a hot wife though, so he's got that going for him.

And that imposes religion on you in what way ?

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
Public safety says otherwise. Your illogical fallacies illustrate your incompetence

Preventing self-ownership by threatening force against people for having domain over their own bodies, threatens public safety. Kids and dogs get shot in raids no?

Freedom of choice, brings rewards and consequences. In silly legal land, Joe Biden should have pardoned his kid for drug use, but not some of the other crap the little fucker did.

You default to the idea that government is the supreme giver of rights, with the power to smite and lay down the commandments.

Pray to your god!!



Well-known member
Preventing self-ownership by threatening force against people for having domain over their own bodies, threatens public safety. Kids and dogs get shot in raids no?

Personal responsibility and logic seem to be missing from this. Responsible adults would not put their children or pets in a harmful position so this has no merit

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
Personal responsibility and logic seem to be missing from this. Responsible adults would not put their children or pets in a harmful position so this has no merit

I am not responsible for your life, you are. You are not responsible for my life, I am.

Your argument against things you don't like, is the same argument cannabis prohibitionists use.
Careful what you wish for and which gods you pray too.

I have to go feed my infidel chickens now, if I catch any cocks humping each other, off the roof they go!

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
The real question is, why would you stay and be subjected to more abuse 🤣

That's not the only possibility. I can stay and try to persuade people not to oppress others and mind their own business. I'll probably do that.

The real question is, why do you think you have any right to force your religious belief in government as ultimate decider for people who aren't trying to do the same thing to you?


Well-known member
Worshipping government religiously and imposing it on other peaceful people is the same thing as worshipping your god and imposing it on other peaceful people

Not even close. Religion isn’t being imposed on you

Except your moving field goal isn't the thing in my original assertion. Clock is ticking and you need a 3 point field goal!

Call in Commander in Chief Joe! He will keep you safe!

View attachment 19111074


Well-known member
I am not responsible for your life, you are. You are not responsible for my life, I am.

Your argument against things you don't like, is the same argument cannabis prohibitionists use.
Careful what you wish for and which gods you pray too.

I have to go feed my infidel chickens now, if I catch any cocks humping each other, off the roof they go!

When irresponsible choices impact the lives of others, that is the problem.


Well-known member
The real question is, why do you think you have any right to force your religious belief in government as ultimate decider for people who aren't trying to do the same thing to you?

No one is forcing religious beliefs on you. You still can’t demonstrate it. At best, your last possible example of that is 30-40 yrs ago at best. The world has changed a lot.


Well-known member
No one is forcing religious beliefs on you. You still can’t demonstrate it. At best, your last possible example of that is 30-40 yrs ago at best. The world has changed a lot.

Okay. How about someone trying their damnedest like last month?

Oklahoma Superintendent Prays for Trump in Video He’s Requiring for Students​


Oklahoma’s education superintendent has sent an email to public school superintendents requiring them to show students his video announcement of a new Department of Religious Freedom and Patriotism within the state Department of Education.

“In one of the first steps of the newly created department, we are requiring all of Oklahoma schools to play the attached video to all kids that are enrolled,” according to the email.

The office of state Attorney General Gentner Drummond issued a statement Friday saying Walters has no authority under state law to issue such a mandate.

“Not only is this edict unenforceable, it is contrary to parents’ rights, local control and individual free-exercise rights,” the statement said.


Well-known member
No one is forcing religious beliefs on you. You still can’t demonstrate it. At best, your last possible example of that is 30-40 yrs ago at best. The world has changed a lot.

how about this one like 2 months ago?

he wanted a larger order of trump bibles too

Oklahoma purchases over 500 Bibles for classrooms​


State Superintendent Ryan Walters said the Bibles are intended to serve as an academic and literary resource. He said he aims to place a Bible in every classroom in the state.



Well-known member
Premium user
Is that where you turn them upside down and lull them into a state of stupor?
No. Hold the chicken's beak to the ground. With your finger draw a line slowly away from the beak for about 12". Let go of the chicken and it will stay in place with its beak to the ground. A good clap and the chicken snaps out of it.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
No. Hold the chicken's beak to the ground. With your finger draw a line slowly away from the beak for about 12". Let go of the chicken and it will stay in place with its beak to the ground. A good clap and the chicken snaps out of it.

I'll try this but my rooster is pretty tough...
