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Joe Biden Thread

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
You were talking about forced religious beliefs. Why are you giving marijuana references ?

I stated that my belief is government belief and oppression isn't much different than some religious belief and oppression. I think there is a relationship between the two, oppressing others is the evidence that makes it so.

What if using marijuana is acceptable by my religious belief and it's been limited by government zealots, some of whom make the claim that government protects religious beliefs?

Also, you seem to have avoided my question from my previous posts, again.
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Well-known member
I stated that my belief is government belief and oppression and isn't much different than some religious belief and oppression. I think there is a relationship between the two, oppressing others is the evidence that makes it so.

What if using marijuana is acceptable by my religious belief and it's been limited by government zealots, some of whom make the claim that government protects religious beliefs?

Also, you seem to have avoided my question from my previous posts, again.

And my answer was, how are religious beliefs being forced on you ? You keep speaking in hypothetical ways. Religion should not be forced on anyone and it’s not.

You complain about the government while you conveniently sit behind your phone screen in your safe world that this government provides you.

Government is not perfect by a long shot. But it’s better than what other countries have. If it was so bad, we wouldn’t have the rest of the world trying to migrate here

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
You complain about the government while you conveniently sit behind your phone screen in your safe world that this government provides you.

I complain against people and entities wielded by people that would oppress other peaceful people, yes, that's true. I do that. I try not to make exceptions for some people or entities in that regard.

So, you still haven't directly answered any of my questions.

For clarity sake, should I assume your answer to one question is,
"it's okay to force your beliefs on other peaceful people that are willing to leave you alone as long as you will leave them alone, if you are keeping them safe according to your beliefs"?

How does government, which claims to protect my religious freedom and a multitude of other freedoms, which includes peaceful cannabis use, "keep me safe", by prohibition or prohibition light? Don't they first have to take some money from people, to do that?

Are you okay with them taking your money to enforce prohibition?


Well-known member
I complain against people and entities wielded by people that would oppress other peaceful people, yes, that's true. I do that. I try not to make exceptions for some people or entities in that regard.

So, you still haven't directly answered any of my questions.

For clarity sake, should I assume your answer to one question is,
"it's okay to force your beliefs on other peaceful people that are willing to leave you alone as long as you will leave them alone, if you are keeping them safe according to your beliefs"?

How does government, which claims to protect my religious freedom and a multitude of other freedoms, which includes peaceful cannabis use, "keep me safe", by prohibition or prohibition light? Don't they first have to take some money from people, to do that?

Are you okay with them taking your money to enforce prohibition?

You shouldn’t assume anything because you’re asking hypothetical questions. No one in this country is forcing its religious beliefs on you.

The governments military protects us all. If you think they don’t, perhaps you should pickup a rifle and show us how it’s done.
They protect your religious freedoms by allowing you to worship whatever you like. Or not.

If you think it’s so bad here. Travel to the Middle East and try to love amongst Muslims as a gay or trans person. Let me know how that works out for you.

Of course I don’t support prohibition. I clearly said government is not perfect


Well-known member

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
You shouldn’t assume anything because you’re asking hypothetical questions. No one in this country is forcing its religious beliefs on you.

The governments military protects us all. If you think they don’t, perhaps you should pickup a rifle and show us how it’s done.
They protect your religious freedoms by allowing you to worship whatever you like. Or not.

If you think it’s so bad here. Travel to the Middle East and try to love amongst Muslims as a gay or trans person. Let me know how that works out for you.

Of course I don’t support prohibition. I clearly said government is not perfect

The government military protects secrecy, foreign invasion and occupation and a fiat money system that enables much of it. They haven't passed an audit and keep "losing track" of trillions.
Nothing to see there. Lol.

Not to mention they endanger everyone by starting wars that have nothing to do with defensive actions. By creating enemies abroad they increase the possibilities of perpetual blowback, which may be the goal. Lots of people profit from wars and don't give a shit about
the thousands (millions?) of young well meaning, but ignorant men that die in those wars.

Many that don't die come home and have severe mental and physical problems, then you get forced to pay for all of it and if you don't like it, tough shit.

Not to mention agent orange isn't just a TGA weed strain is it? Makes me wonder if military planes were used to spray paraquat on that weed from Mexico some of us might have inhaled a few decades back. I could go on, point being, military is used as the enforcement arm for profiteering and rarely to "protect".

Also, if my religious freedom is protected and my religious belief is I can use cannabis whenever and however I believe as long as I don't hurt other people...they don't protect that. They legally deny it, which means they don't "allow" me to practice MY religion, they force me to go along with their beliefs on what a religion is and isn't. "You can practice any religion you like as long as we approve it".

Lastly, thank you for supporting my opening assertion. I said governments and religions have similarities. You mention (alluded to) religious zealots in the middle east are willing to use violence against gay and trans people for the "crime" of being gay or trans. Then you admitted you don't support prohibition in response to my marijuana commentary. You kind of admitted both religious zealots and government zealots are both willing to harm, kill and steal from people, That was sort of my point from the beginning.

Also you do support some kinds of prohibition, you want to prohibit some people from taking hormone blockers by making it illegal.

Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday later in the day, I was practicing my religion. ;)

I feel like I should have mentioned Biden in this latest diatribe. Hey! doesn't Smedley Butler look like he could be Biden's brother?



Well-known member
The government military protects secrecy, foreign invasion and occupation and a fiat money system that enables much of it. They haven't passed an audit and keep "losing track" of trillions.
Nothing to see there. Lol.

Not to mention they endanger everyone by starting wars that have nothing to do with defensive actions. By creating enemies abroad they increase the possibilities of perpetual blowback, which may be the goal. Lots of people profit from wars and don't give a shit about
the thousands (millions?) of young well meaning, but ignorant men that die in those wars.

Many that don't die come home and have severe mental and physical problems, then you get forced to pay for all of it and if you don't like it, tough shit.

Not to mention agent orange isn't just a TGA weed strain is it? Makes me wonder if military planes were used to spray paraquat on that weed from Mexico some of us might have inhaled a few decades back. I could go on, point being, military is used as the enforcement arm for profiteering and rarely to "protect".

Also, if my religious freedom is protected and my religious belief is I can use cannabis whenever and however I believe as long as I don't hurt other people...they don't protect that. They legally deny it, which means they don't "allow" me to practice MY religion, they force me to go along with their beliefs on what a religion is and isn't. "You can practice any religion you like as long as we approve it".

Lastly, thank you for supporting my opening assertion. I said governments and religions have similarities. You mention (alluded to) religious zealots in the middle east are willing to use violence against gay and trans people for the "crime" of being gay or trans. Then you admitted you don't support prohibition in response to my marijuana commentary. You kind of admitted both religious zealots and government zealots are both willing to harm, kill and steal from people, That was sort of my point from the beginning.

Also you do support some kinds of prohibition, you want to prohibit some people from taking hormone blockers by making it illegal.

Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday later in the day, I was practicing my religion. ;)

I feel like I should have mentioned Biden in this latest diatribe. Hey! doesn't Smedley Butler look like he could be Biden's brother?

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What religious beliefs are being forced on you ?


Well-known member
Premium user
What religious beliefs are being forced on you ?
my religious belief is I can use cannabis whenever and however I believe as long as I don't hurt other people...they don't protect that. They legally deny it, which means they don't "allow" me to practice MY religion, they force me to go along with their beliefs on what a religion is and isn't. "You can practice any religion you like as long as we approve it".

What religious belief of his is prohibited is the question to ask.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
What religious beliefs are being forced on you ?

I already mentioned preventing a person from practicing their religion is akin to the overlords determining what is and what is not a "religious belief"

By determining the parameters of which beliefs are allowed or not, it has the same effect of forcing a religion. Dude....do you even "corollary? Preventing speech or compelling speech is all under the umbrella of "freedom of speech".

Forcing or denying a religious practice, is the same thing as removing religious freedom. You've cleverly tried to reconfigure your question to try to move the goal posts. Try harder.

Since you'll likely insist on more... fiat money, is forced on people who want to avoid homelessness. The tax collector only accepts federal reserve notes or things that are convertible to it or measured in it. If you don't pay taxes on your house, they'll steal it. There's the force. People are forced to use their money which has god references on it. Think about the poor Atheist having to touch money that says "god"! :p

Here's the god part...



Well-known member
I already mentioned preventing a person from practicing their religion is akin to the overlords determining what is and what is not a "religious belief"
is the same thing as worshipping your god and imposing it on other peaceful people

That isn’t what you said. You said religion is imposed on you. Why do you keep deflecting.

Forcing or denying a religious practice, is the same thing as removing religious freedom. You've cleverly tried to reconfigure your question to try to move the goal posts. Try harder.

No one is forcing religion on you. Your cannabis argument is laughable. We both know it’s just an arguing point. What religion are you 😆