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Well-known member
you have faith in the big bang . it is not a crime to say you have faith. it is a word of meaning that applies to all theists and people convinced by a theory .

faith is not a dirty word. i know you bacon are an odd bunch and seem to correlate faith with your own misconceptions

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Second thought, maybe Atheism is a religion.

Some Atheists and plenty of non-atheists (I made that word up) worship government instead.

Worshipping government religiously and imposing it on other peaceful people is the same thing as worshipping your god and imposing it on other peaceful people, at least to the person being forcibly imposed upon. Peaceful people can get it from both sides, religious zealots and government worshipping zealots.

Peacin' ain't easy in a world of people willing to impose their beliefs on you!

How do people that worship government religiously profess their faith?

They vote faithfully, it's their "prayers" for certain outcomes.

They have a list of "commandments" from high above..."laws".

They attempt (but fail) to do charitable acts with their "religion" by using coercive means.

They malign and sometimes "crucify" naysayers and unbelievers.

They beg their "god" to smite their enemies.

They believe they are the chosen people. "American exceptionalism" anyone?

They build their cathedrals (Capitols) and other holy buildings by taxing their "members".

They've both been willing to kill people for not accepting their religion, even if the other people are peaceful.

They glorify their saints with pictures and memorials, to engender belief


I could go on with the list, but for brevity I'll stop.

Do people that worship government religiously have powerful deities that can "forgive" or "smite"?

Didn't one just pardon his kid?

Most wars are started by religious or government zealots, but I repeat myself.


Captain Red Eye

Active member
I must not be high enough to understand that wall of gibberish 🤣🤣

Okay. I'll be more concise.

I made a claim about fervent believers, both religious and government having similarities, and mentioned neither has a problem forcing their beliefs on people who'd prefer they don't.

I then offered some examples to aid my claim and see if I could get a rise.

You needn't be high as fuck, but if it helps. Go for it! :smoke:


Well-known member
Okay. I'll be more concise.

I made a claim about fervent believers, both religious and government having similarities, and mentioned neither has a problem forcing their beliefs on people who'd prefer they don't.

I then offered some examples to aid my claim and see if I could get a rise.

You needn't be high as fuck, but if it helps. Go for it! :smoke:

Religion is a choice. If you choose to reject religion , who is forcing it on you ?

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Why are you speaking in hypotheticals and what if’s ?

Okay. I'll remove the hypothetical.

I am a person that believes if you are peaceful and not imposing your beliefs on others, threatening force against them as long as they're not threatening or using force on you, they should be left alone.

Do you agree with my belief or are you like some religious and government zealots that don't accept what I stated as my beliefs above?

What would be some good reasons to force our beliefs on other people who aren't doing the same to us?


Well-known member
Okay. I'll remove the hypothetical.

I am a person that believes if you are peaceful and not imposing your beliefs on others, threatening force against them as long as they're not threatening or using force on you, they should be left alone.

Do you agree with my belief or are you like some religious and government zealots that don't accept what I stated as my beliefs above?

What would be some good reasons to force our beliefs on other people who aren't doing the same to us?

Where are people being threatened with force because of opposing beliefs? I think I see where you’re going with this so why not just say that instead ?

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Where are people being threatened with force because of opposing beliefs? I think I see where you’re going with this so why not just say that instead ?

The history of the world is full of people being forced because of opposing beliefs, I'm a little surprised you need an example.

Marijuana prohibition. There's one example. Military draft. Nuclear bombs. Spanish inquisition. Allahu Akbar! Damn I could go on forever, but out of respect for gibberish abuse, I'll pause now. :smoke:

Also, you must have missed my questions above. What do you think?

What would be some good reasons to force our beliefs on other people who aren't doing the same to us?


Well-known member
The history of the world is full of people being forced because of opposing beliefs, I'm a little surprised you need an example.

Marijuana prohibition. There's one example. Military draft. Nuclear bombs. Spanish inquisition. Allahu Akbar! Damn I could go on forever, but out of respect for gibberish abuse, I'll pause now. :smoke:

Also, you must have missed my questions above. What do you think?

What would be some good reasons to force our beliefs on other people who aren't doing the same to us?

You were talking about forced religious beliefs. Why are you giving marijuana references ?