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Joe Biden Thread

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Even thinner now that a portion is under the impression that they are expected to be partisan and not represent others.

It's obviously more entertaining to act out and talk shit than fulfilling the obligations to the office these days.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
In what might just be a new record, House Republicans were able to parade around their latest proof of President Joe Biden’s purported corruption for all of a few hours on Monday before it was unceremoniously debunked. Earlier on Monday, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced that subpoenaed bank records show Biden had received “directly monthly payments” from his son Hunter Biden’s business account, most notably three “recurring payments” of $1,380 in late 2018. Barring the fact that Joe Biden was not in political office in 2018, The Washington Post and other journalists quickly verified that the $1,380 transfers actually showed Hunter repaying his father for a 2018 Ford Raptor truck. (What’s more, the New York Post reported on their existence more than a year ago.) Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, jabbed at the congressman in a statement confirming as much. “There Chairman Comer goes again—reheating what is old as new to try to revive his sham of an investigation,” he said. “The truth is Hunter’s father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck. When Hunter was able to, he paid his father back and took over the payments himself.”


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LMAO, The Republican Party wants him to be POTUS and is the front runner. You can't make this shit up..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Has anyone got a voter party card in the mail ?/

If you are an independent voter make sure you know its GOP and not what it used to be. Now we have to choose a party to vote in the primary POTUS elections. You can see the GOP/REP are not on this anymore, The ReRepublican Party is another arm called the American Independent Party on these forms so please make sure you know what you pick. If you stay nonpartisan you can't vote in the primary POTUS elections anymore. Here is what it looks like
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Well-known member
Has anyone got a voter party card in the mail ?/

If you are an independent voter make sure you know its GOP and not what it used to be. Now we have to choose a party to vote in the primary POTUS elections. You can see the GOP/REP are not on this anymore, The ReRepublican Party is another arm called the American Independent Party on these forms so please make sure you know what you pick. If you stay nonpartisan you can't vote in the primary POTUS elections anymore. Here is what it looks like
View attachment 18931389
What state is that, @Hammerhead ?

moose eater

Well-known member
That's an unusual system. Florida has closed primaries. You can only vote for the party candidate. If you are a registered independent you cannot vote in the primaries.
Independent and Non-partisans in Alaska were able to vote either party's ballot, but we've replaced much of that with Ranked Choice Voting, which does away with most or all of partisan manipulative control of elections (primaries especially)... Thus the hardcore partisans allege RCV is some sort of conspiracy, despite it guaranteeing that now no one gets into office without having at least 50% support of the public.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I never had to pick a party to vote in the POTUS primary. As a nonpartisan voter, it clearly says except presidential candidates. FL is a closed primary state. The only way to vote for a candidate in FL is to pick a party. You can't pick someone not in your party. It looks like I would have to pick a party to vote in the primary 2024 as well. I looked it up and Cali is showing as a closed primary state. I didn't get this card in the last POTUS election. If your state has a closed primary you can't vote either unless you pick a party. It looks like this has changed for 2024. I dont understand all the changes yet. I'm still reading about it. There's def conflicting info. This site says Cali is a mixed primary. I can chose a party vote than change it back to nonpartisan

Mixed – A semi-open or a semi-closed environment, unaffiliated voters can choose to vote in either primary or voters can switch registration on the day of voting

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moose eater

Well-known member
I never had to pick a party to vote in the POTUS primary. As a nonpartisan voter, it clearly says except presidential candidates. FL is a closed primary state. The only way to vote for a candidate in FL is to pick a party. You can't pick someone not in your party. It looks like I would have to pick a party to vote in the primary 2024 as well. I looked it up and Cali is showing as a closed primary state. I didn't get this card in the last POTUS election. If your state has a closed primary you can't vote either unless you pick a party. It looks like this has changed for 2024. I dont understand all the changes yet. I'm still reading about it. There's def conflicting info. This site says Cali is a mixed primary. I can chose a party vote than change it back to nonpartisan

Mixed – A semi-open or a semi-closed environment, unaffiliated voters can choose to vote in either primary or voters can switch registration on the day of voting

Alaska -was- a closed primary State as well, preceding RCV, BUT as stated, Non-partisans, Undeclared, and Independent-registered voters could select either a D or an R ballot for the primary (though not both).

Plenty glad we've at least temporarily discarded that rigged system that saw us electing people who had (sometimes) well below 50% support in votes.

The R's here, who largely controlled the State for years, are actively trying to undo RCV, and there's LOTS of blatantly untrue propaganda floating about now in an effort to achieve that end. Especially among the Trumpkins.

moose eater

Well-known member
It's def a screwed up system. All states should be open to vote for who we want with no party affiliation.
RCV does away with party affiliation, therefore the parties that rely on blind lockstep following in the ballot booth by people voting for the party rather than the person and their credentials dislike it, though more so for those parties that have successfully used such methods to stay in power... like in Alaska.

We're also now seeing an effort to reinstate Alaska's political campaign contribution limits while respecting the SCOTUS and State SC rulings on it, trying to make it float again.

Right now the Oligarchy and national party orgs' deep-pockets essentially choose who is well-funded enough to win... or not.. or even afford to be on a ballot at all.