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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey I just had a revelation as to why 711's aren't being burned down by the leftys.....they're home to the slurpys


ICMag Donor
Well, the same right wing nutcases who plotted to kidnap Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer also considered kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Trump's "liberate Michigan" comments were really taken to heart by the wackos.

Can't wait for the gangster style voter intimidation having thugs as "poll watchers". Doesn't matter that voter intimidation is illegal. They figure Piss Yellow Don (that's PYD) will spring them.


Active member
Hey I just had a revelation as to why 711's aren't being burned down by the leftys.....they're home to the slurpys

According to joe...you cant even go into a 7-11 unless you speak with an Indian accent...:whistling:


Well-known member
Well, the same right wing nutcases who plotted to kidnap Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer also considered kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Trump's "liberate Michigan" comments were really taken to heart by the wackos.

Can't wait for the gangster style voter intimidation having thugs as "poll watchers". Doesn't matter that voter intimidation is illegal. They figure Piss Yellow Don (that's PYD) will spring them.
I'm not 100% sure, but one of the guys arrested looked like he was probably a Boogaloo Boy. They definitely are not Trump supporters, they actually want a civil war and have done some fucked up shit before.

Kind of funny really, they got some 19 year old kid basically leading them all to an early grave, at least my take on the documentary. Lol, they definitely seem more anti government than Republican, probably more libertarian extremests than anything else, though they did also protest for Blacklivesmatter. I definitely can't figure them out yet, the 19 year old is just so angry. LMAO


Well-known member
I'm not 100% sure, but one of the guys arrested looked like he was probably a Boogaloo Boy. They definitely are not Trump supporters, they actually want a civil war
sounds like most gun larping right wingers to me. tim pool, the largest right wing online news source, who is a provable grifter by the way, talks about civil war almost daily. every time civil war is brought up in these threads it's by the right.

Lol, they definitely seem more anti government than Republican, probably more libertarian extremests than anything else
there's no difference


Well-known member
Collapsing? Trump is doing a campaign rally as we speak in Florida.

His numbers are abysmal right now.
-10 points down nationally to Biden. One poll I saw had Joe up +16 nationally lmao that's almost unheard of. Biggest lead HRC ever had was like +4 nationally on Trump at this time.

Trump's down;
-21 points with seniors right now (a YUGE & consistent voting block)
-17 points with age groups 35-49 aka middle aged
-33 points with age groups under 35

Among debate watchers, only 26% said Trump won, which is why Trump doesn't want to have any more debates.

Basically the only group Trump is winning right now is men with no college degree. Biden is leading in every other demographic you can think of.

Like I said, he couldn't have picked a better time to start shitting the bed. And this is exactly why Trump is so concentrated on putting out nonsense rhetoric about election tampering and shit about mail in votes. He knows he's about to get smoked and his only other option is to sow as much doubt about the integrity of the election as possible into the minds of his cult like consitituency. There's almost no way Trump is going to jump 16 points ahead of Joe in just a month's time and Joe's lead is continuing, not diminishing. This race is almost over and Trump is basically destroying himself. Joe's just standing by and watching.


ICMag Donor
I'm not 100% sure, but one of the guys arrested looked like he was probably a Boogaloo Boy. They definitely are not Trump supporters, they actually want a civil war and have done some fucked up shit before.

Kind of funny really, they got some 19 year old kid basically leading them all to an early grave, at least my take on the documentary. Lol, they definitely seem more anti government than Republican, probably more libertarian extremests than anything else, though they did also protest for Blacklivesmatter. I definitely can't figure them out yet, the 19 year old is just so angry. LMAO

I think the group planning the kidnappings was the wolverine watchmen. The Hawaiian shirts of the BB are seen at many of these "protests".

Law and order, right. Just had a long call with a friend who is a hard core republican. He stated that he and his wife voted for trump because he was not a politician. They were thinking politicians were the lowest life form. Now they realize that there are criminal life forms far lower and that trump is an idiot.

This really cheered me up.


Well-known member

His numbers are abysmal right now.
-10 points down nationally to Biden. One poll I saw had Joe up +16 nationally lmao that's almost unheard of. Biggest lead HRC ever had was like +4 nationally on Trump at this time.

Trump's down;
-21 points with seniors right now (a YUGE & consistent voting block)
-17 points with age groups 35-49 aka middle aged
-33 points with age groups under 35

Among debate watchers, only 26% said Trump won, which is why Trump doesn't want to have any more debates.

Basically the only group Trump is winning right now is men with no college degree. Biden is leading in every other demographic you can think of.

Like I said, he couldn't have picked a better time to start shitting the bed. And this is exactly why Trump is so concentrated on putting out nonsense rhetoric about election tampering and shit about mail in votes. He knows he's about to get smoked and his only other option is to sow as much doubt about the integrity of the election as possible into the minds of his cult like consitituency. There's almost no way Trump is going to jump 16 points ahead of Joe in just a month's time and Joe's lead is continuing, not diminishing. This race is almost over and Trump is basically destroying himself. Joe's just standing by and watching.

LOL, national polls are a joke considering you can win without the popular vote. I get it though you guys are going to beat this drum to death. I believe Trump has more support now more than ever. I'm going to screenshot this to reflect on later.


Well-known member
be my guest lol i'm not one for predictions nor am i thrilled about biden aws you know... just reading the writing on the wall. trump's in shambles right now as far as i can see.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
LOL, national polls are a joke considering you can win without the popular vote. I get it though you guys are going to beat this drum to death. I believe Trump has more support now more than ever. I'm going to screenshot this to reflect on later.

SCOTUS nominee Barrett is gonna be pissed at the left when she 'Don's' that black robe.....

Only poles that matter are the ones that a woman swings around in stilettos.


Active member
SCOTUS nominee Barrett is gonna be pissed at the left when she 'Don's' that black robe.....

Only poles that matter are the ones that a woman swings around in stilettos.

She's doin a great job....and next thurs we'll have a
6-3 lock on the scotus....for life


Well-known member
be my guest lol i'm not one for predictions nor am i thrilled about biden aws you know... just reading the writing on the wall. trump's in shambles right now as far as i can see.

I believed Trump would lose in 2016, some state polling was far off. I don't put much faith in polls but I do believe the election will be very close. My state won't put out a legit poll because Donald Rainwater the Libertarian is beating the Rino Republican.