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Joe Biden Thread


peri alypias


ICMag Donor
Having a water pipe hit (Iranian Blue) in celebration.

BIDEN/HARRIS and his magnificent Cabinet- BRAVO!

Electoral College: 284

Close to TOTAL VOTE COUNT: 50.6%

We'll be BIDEN our next four years with civility, restoration, compromise!!:whee:


Well-known member
until tucker carlson runs for president in 2024 and continues "trumps run against the deep state" and we'll be back in this same situation once again all because the Democrats refuse to change in any meaningful non corporatist way.
Trumps legacy:

He'll be known as a fascist by his enemies.

Those who voted for him will know him as an impotent, cowardly fool who refused to stand up for the people that voted him in. Fascist? LOL; the man isn't even political.

4 years after refusing to defend his base from random social media deplatforming...now Trump can't even tweet without Twitter censoring him.:biglaugh: Good.

The only thing Donald Trump actually succeeded in doing is killing the immigration issue. Forever.

He barely even mentioned immigration, or even the wall, during his entire 2020 campaign.

Again I repeat: Trump gained in every demographic except white men (down 5%), with and without college degrees.




Job security for Faucci.

I think he'll be allowed to do his job.

trumpanzee didn’t have the power to fire dr fauci...

but he sure was making this good doctor’s life a living hell,

the one thing trump has ever been good at really.

... hell

H G Griffin

Well-known member
Holy shit. I honestly had no idea how much this was stressing me until I read the words "Biden Wins" from a credible source and the relief hit me like a physical blow. I just went limp and numb and stared at the words for a few minutes.


Okay Americans, the easy part is done. You marked a piece of paper. Don't you for a fucking second think this is over.

Now is the time to figure out exactly what you want for your country's future and how YOU are going to work to achieve that future.

The last four years have laid bare a lot of very ugly problems in modern America, and getting rid of Trump does not solve any of them.

Your bloated political system is so mired down with bullshit that it will take extraordinary effort to enact any significant change.

Are YOU willing to make an extraordinary effort?


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Holy shit. I honestly had no idea how much this was stressing me until I read the words "Biden Wins" from a credible source and the relief hit me like a physical blow. I just went limp and numb and stared at the words for a few minutes.[/FONT]

it´s sorta funny. I was much more `stressed out´ about the US election the last time around. Perhaps because the campaigns were more intense and longer lasting. By that I mean that they were constantly televised. US election time is always such a dreadful media `circus´!

Given the fact that, statistically at least, US presidents usually seem to end up doing 2 terms in offfice, I feared that Trump could win a second term as well.

I do hope that americans will manage to come together and regard themselves as just americas instead of democrates and `Trumpians´/ republicans.

---don´t be exclusive, be inclusive and cool

Mind you, I have always wished for this to happen in most countries...


Well-known member
Johnson's brexit plans have gone tits up.....Delicious.
:biglaugh: pity it´s too late for him to change his mind again and become a remainer again isn´t it? Oh well, he´s jumped down the rabbit hole ( which he dug up himself) ... and what a HOLE he.. sorry it is

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