The way I see it you have two choices.... Take the high road and maybe even invite this guy over for dinner. In the middle of dinner confront him and tell him he is always welcome to your food, if it is eaten in your house. Simple rule, and you may be able to keep a long time friend.
Option 2 - Cut all ties. This guy is a security risk and if he is stealing shit out of your fridge then imagine what will happen if he knows about your grow.
I would lean tword option 2.
What are you going to tell the cops when the guy dies from insect spray in the gatorade?The first thing to do is invite him back! Make up a batch of something tainted with EXLAX or RAID.The additives are basically up to the chef.I worked out on a forklift in a lumber yard as a kid.One summer we were going through a weeklong heatwave 100+ degrees and sticky.Some prick was nabbing my gatorade out of the fridge everyday.Well on the 3rd day I found out whe it was.It seems insect pesticides and the human body dont mix well.That was the last time my shit was robbed.I hate sleazy F'rrs
I don't let many people in my home. I can count the number on one hand. All but one of those individuals get locked on the patio (while smoking a cig) if I have to leave them unattended.