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It's going to be a crazy weekend in The Lou

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Active member
I agree, Trout. Why was lethal force used when there are nonlethal alternatives? Not just in this case but as standard ROE.

Yeah, dash cams and lapel cams should be standard too.

There seems to be a downward spiral in law enforcement vs. the community. Some wrong cops abuse their authority. Cops get less respect. They all become more fearful of the citizens so they overreact. Which pisses off the citizens more. Which pisses off the cops more. And so on and so forth. A tenser and tenser them-and-us mentality grows. It's happened before, like the murders at Kent State.


Active member
they are deliberately hiring pigs with sub 100 IQ's now
steroid abuse is encouraged
vets on meds with ptsd are also being given badges en masse


if it smells like fish
I was informed of the iq requirements long ago...they actually turn away peeps for being overqualified...the iq they like is the iq needed to be an insurance salesman...yeehaw

St. Phatty

Active member
I wonder if there might be a pharmacological way to help people stay calm.

What if the Missouri Gov. legalized Cannabis and handed out CBD rich strains to the local residents, free ? (besides getting robbed like that Doritos truck in Buffalo ...)

On the other hand, the Hashischins (spelling ?) used to consume cannabis before going on their raids.

So maybe it's not always a mellow effect.


Well-known member
Not going to say anything about the decision until Monday says the news.

Trayvon (tampon) Martin in Florida ( remember that?) and Brown were retarded and no one says anything about that.

It boils down to what kind of person they were and of course they were black but law-abiding citizens they were not.

Imagine that Brown who was walking in the middle of the street and everyone knows you're not suppose to walk in the middle of the street unless you were looking for trouble and he did just that...It wasn't his first time being a bully and the talk around that town must have gotten around.Brown could have done this bully tactics on someone who wasn't a police officer in the middle of the street short of robbing them of their car.Maybe bully them to fork over cash,watches,anything of value.But it was the police who asked him to get off the street and what happened seems to be that of a retard be acting out on the police which you cannot assault a police officer or even disturb the peace and being disorderly......seems police are lax in the charges to bring forward...black people like to rant and rave and cause problems but in reality...it's disturbing the peace,disorderly conduct,then to assault then to fighting then to jail.

They said the charges will not be charged on the police officer 2 weeks ago and nothing happened but a few protestors.No Riots.So now they again try to entice the crowd again but saying another decision going to be be made.It's all bull***T.... when you bring in the National Guard..One can be shot disobeying anything they want you to follow.The police can't shoot anybody for fear of being sued.But the National guard..Lookout.And they are mighty young kids too....By the way...al sharpton owns 7 million to the IRS and he should be in jail right now instead and acting out like the Jewish want him too.


Just wondering, How long would it take to decide to prosecute an African American police officer if he shot and killed a white, unarmed citizen walking down the street in his own neighborhood because he didn't respond to the officer the way he was "supposed" to?

Just saying, is it right for an unarmed citizen to be shot while reaching into his car to get his license and registration as instructed by the officer? ( different situation, same circumstance Black citizen white officer)

How about the Afro American teenager that was looking at BB guns in Wal Mart and the police came in and killed him with no justification. He was a kid looking at a BB gun and no he was not pointing it at anyone,

Unfortunately, some think that it is open season on people of color. These shootings and killings have escalated since Mr. Obama has been in office.

Please understand that sooner or later you will reap what you sow. Just as we garden if we put shit in,we get shit out-if we put quality in,we will get quality out. (Just look at Congress)

There is always another side to be heard.


Well-known member
He shot and killed a white,unarmed citizen
walking down the street in his own neighborhood because he didn't respond to the officer the way he was "supposed" to?

We have laws in place for that does not happen,it's called "Jaywalking"
Laws are there to be fail safe so no one gets hurt..but attacking a police officer in his car? Well Duh.

Is it right for an unarmed citizen to be shot while reaching
into his car to get his license and registration as instructed by the officer?
( different situation, same circumstance Black citizen white officer)

I did see a video of the exact same thing.The black man should have told the police what he was going to do next.Most folks carry their wallets in the back pocket.But he rushed inside to grab his wallet and the police shot him.
Most folks will tell the police what they are going to do
next when asked for anything.Remember a black professor who came back from a trip and locked himself out of his house and he wasn't allowed back in because he wanted to get his wallet?
Who knows what the motives were? The professor was ranting and raving and acting the idiot.If he was that smart,should have asked for the police backup or supervisor so one can watch and one can be ready in case.

Damn TNT wasn't that a bit National Socialist.

I don't understand,Whats wrong with following the law? and it's fail safe measure?
Alot of laws are build in to prevent anything and everything from getting to the judge and the court and for people's safety because its what taxes are for.

But back to the beginning..Who the hell walks in the middle of the Street when they have sidewalks or walk on the side of the street.Guess no one pays taxes for sidewalks,street lights and until that Brown got shot.Maybe they will put sidewalks now.Guess no one thought of it and thinks its not about safety..Well it is.

Stupid politicians can't think of what can be prevented from this happening again.( body cams)...It was about Brown's Safety and his friend.No one wants to be that person running into 2 Black guys with a 4000pound vehicle because he didn't see them in the dark and the airbag goes off in his/her face driving the car and wrecking it.


Well-known member
Anyone know the Book of Dummies ? That back and Yellow book ?

I almost made one instead of Windows for dummies or Linux for dummies.

One should be for "Black Parents" for Dummies :dance013:

mojave green

rockin in the free world
fire being fanned by the 24 hour news cycle. pull up a chair and light a joint. gonna be a show fer shure!

Hank Hemp

Active member
One should be for "Black Parents" for Dummies :dance013:[/QUOTE]

Now that is pure National Socialist. You do know who the National Socialist are/were? :ying:


Well-known member
One should be for "Black Parents" for Dummies :dance013:

Now that is pure National Socialist.You do know who the National Socialist are/were? :ying:

So I looked it up...A Nazi ? No..not at all..I'm a Christian

My point is the upbringing of some of these Thugs who have no parents or being moved around from families to families.The parents need proper training and is offered it at any community colleges in the u.s.a.

When Martin got shot after punching someone in the face in Florida..he was moving back and forth between his mother and father.Mother says "I can't control him" so he goes to his father...then his father says "I can't control him" then he goes back to his mother.It's all about the Upbringing and who wants to be responsible for their kids.Raising kids just to collect welfare is pretty much short-sighted as we can see.Even a witness at that trial was told by a judge to go back to school so she can read.

where was the parents?

I won't even follow up on this latest incident of that thug but calling him a retard but that's the way I see it.You have to be retarded to do the things he did that leaned toward what's going on.Just one big doofus.

I don't like name calling but what if he was retarded?

Hence the Book for dummies "Black parents" They need to teach their children proper manners and behaving in such a way.

One of the black minister grows his hair down to his ass and is that what you want to teach kids that its ok to grow long hair and they wonder why they can't get jobs?

It's all about the upbringing.Heck..A family of blacks moved into my neighborhood last year and it was a mother,son,Daughter,2 kids,and a boyfriend who never stayed with them but stopped by in a 1 room condo.They would all go down to the store and get Malt liquor beer and walk back and each one would be holding that beer like no one could snatch it out of their arms.Someone reported them drinking in the lobby and they had to move out of our building after one month.They fought with the landlord telling her to "piss off" and we can do what we want.But they got thrown out anyways.

My point is ..Who drinks with their kids on a weekday and no one goes to work and living off Mommie's Welfare money ? Two of her kids were older than 21.Upbringing.
Book for dummies for Black parents and it wouldn't be racist.

Midnight Tokar

So I looked it up...A Nazi ? No..not at all..I'm a Christian

My point is the upbringing of some of these Thugs who have no parents or being moved around from families to families.The parents need proper training and is offered it at any community colleges in the u.s.a.

When Martin got shot after punching someone in the face in Florida..he was moving back and forth between his mother and father.Mother says "I can't control him" so he goes to his father...then his father says "I can't control him" then he goes back to his mother.It's all about the Upbringing and who wants to be responsible for their kids.Raising kids just to collect welfare is pretty much short-sighted as we can see.Even a witness at that trial was told be a judge to go back to school so she can read.

where was the parents?

I won't even follow up on this latest incident of that thug but calling him a retard but that's the way I see it.You have to be retarded to do the things he did that leaned toward what's going on.Just one big doofus.

I don't like name calling but what if he was retarded?

Hence the Book for dummies "Black parents" They need to teach their children proper manners and behaving in such a way.

One of the black minister grows his hair down to his ass and is that what you want to teach kids that its ok to grow long hair and they wonder why they can't get jobs?

It's all about the upbringing.Heck..A family of blacks moved into my neighborhood last year and it was a mother,son,Daughter,2 kids,and a boyfriend who never stayed with them but stopped by in a 1 room condo.They would all go down to the store and get Malt liquor beer and walk back and each one would hold that beer like no one could snatch it out of their arms.Someone reported them drinking in the lobby and they had to move out of our building after one month.they fought with the landlord telling her to "piss off" and we can do what we want.But they got thrown out anyways.

My point is ..Who drinks with their kids on a weekday and no one go to work living off mommie's money welfare ? 2 of her kids were older than 21.Upbringing.
Book for dummies for Black parents and it wouldn't be racist.

Anyone know the Book of Dummies ? That back and Yellow book ?

I almost made one instead of Windows for dummies or Linux for dummies.

One should be for "Black Parents" for Dummies :dance013:

We have laws in place for that does not happen,it's called "Jaywalking"
Laws are there to be fail safe so no one gets hurt..but attacking a police officer in his car? Well Duh.

I did see a video of the exact same thing.The black man should have told the police what he was going to do next.Most folks carry their wallets in the back pocket.But he rushed inside to grab his wallet and the police shot him.
Most folks will tell the police what they are going to do
next when asked for anything.Remember a black professor who came back from a trip and locked himself out of his house and he wasn't allowed back in because he wanted to get his wallet?
Who knows what the motives were? The professor was ranting and raving and acting the idiot.If he was that smart,should have asked for the police backup or supervisor so one can watch and one can be ready in case.

I don't understand,Whats wrong with following the law? and it's fail safe measure?
Alot of laws are build in to prevent anything and everything from getting to the judge and the court and for people's safety because its what taxes are for.

But back to the beginning..Who the hell walks in the middle of the Street when they have sidewalks or walk on the side of the street.Guess no one pays taxes for sidewalks,street lights and until that Brown got shot.Maybe they will put sidewalks now.Guess no one thought of it and thinks its not about safety..Well it is.

Stupid politicians can't think of what can be prevented from this happening again.( body cams)...It was about Brown's Safety and his friend.No one wants to be that person running into 2 Black guys with a 4000pound vehicle because he didn't see them in the dark and the airbag goes off in his/her face driving the car and wrecking it.

On top of your comments oozing with racism you sure seem pretty sanctimonious. I'm having problems believing you smoke or grow.............
You do know there are laws in place against just those things, and they're there for a reason! :confused:


Well-known member
On top of your comments oozing with racism you sure seem pretty sanctimonious. I'm having problems believing you smoke or grow.............
You do know there are laws in place against just those things, and they're there for a reason! :confused:

I'm on a break smoking.I've been around a long time.I once grew northern lights and it became a 16 inch long bud from a clone in the garden.

George Washington smoked Weed and we call him the father of the Country.See where that got him :tiphat:

I'm all for freedom and you'll find other folks like me out in the Christian world.Sure we cannot grow or smoke,but I'm not bothering anybody and to hell with them.I ran a 4:25 minute mile and smoke pot..nothing wrong with that.I don't run anymore but other unnatural things are hurting people other than pot itself like tobacco smoke and Alcohol.What one does in their homes is really none of anybody business...the gays coming out of the closet? Whats with that? I rather mind my own business rather than tell anyone whats up with the sexual part of the lifestyle,including the day you get interviewed for a job should be the day you act until one retires.Acting out being gay while say 10 years into the job and then fighting for a "choice" of a lifestyle? ..well..nevermind.

If you really break it down..instead of calling police the police..it's more like a safety officer or a peace officer.Some folks see it differently as being power hungry citation writing shooting cops.

To grow pot or tomatoes safely is to use carbon filters,not stealing electricity,not having water on the floors near wires,keep things in proper containers..just being safe.Now one doesn't need the firemen showing up or the po-po.Most cops understand constitutional right of most citizens.

Laws are there for a reason because not everyone can grow or smoke pot.Some will smoke and drive and work and do stupid things.Fucking things up and basically being really dumb because of pot.

Monday will come and we'll see if those blacks who think it's not about Safety and why the hell are we paying taxes in the first place? :moon:

Get off the Street you Big Doofus and you don't hit the police in their cars.Hit your parents instead and we'll see where that will get you.Either the parents shoot him or the police will.:laughing:


Tonight we saw a LONG line of police cars, approximately about 30. The strange thing was all of the cars were from counties outside of St. Louis. Many from downstate. At least 5-7 different counties. At the exact same time all the cars in the line turned on sirens and lights, and all did a u-turn in the middle of the 4 lane road, and headed back towards ferguson. They were on St. Charles Rock Road.

I hope nothing happened. I also heard there was protesting in Shaw tonight.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
None of what happened has anything to do with what happened at the store. The cop did not know about the store incident at the time of the shooting.
The one article that said that Wilson claimed he went back after Brown because of the store incident has since been withdrawn.

That's what was erroneously reported the first day or two of the shooting since then it was revealed to the grand jury that Officer Wilson did know about the robbery when he shot Brown as was revealed by the recordings of the police dispatcher for Ferguson


Sources have told the Post-Dispatch that Wilson has told authorities that before the radio call he had stopped to tell Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, 22, to quit walking down the middle of the street. They kept walking, and he then realized that Brown matched the description of the suspect in the stealing call.

Wilson then asked dispatch for backup and backed up his SUV next to Brown and Johnson.

Wilson said Brown attacked him, sources said, and that they struggled over the officer’s gun before Wilson was able to fire twice, hitting Brown once. Brown ran away.

As one can see the story showing Wilson first stopped them for walking down the middle of the street and then realized one matched the description of the robbery suspect has not been "withdrawn". Yes initially he confronted Brown simply for walking down the street but nothing happened during that interaction, Wilson was in the process of leaving. Then just a few seconds later he realized Brown matched the description of the robbery suspect and backed up his SUV to reengage Brown which is when Brown allegedly attacked Wilson and tried to grab his gun, which is when the shooting started.

What people are getting confused by is that there were two separate interactions just seconds apart. The first one, when Wilson told them to get out of the street was when he didn't realize Brown was the robbery suspect although he was aware of the robbery he just hadn't connected the dots yet. But during that interaction no hostilities occurred, no shots were fired. It was the second encounter just seconds later where Wilson was responding having realized Brown matched the description of the robbery suspect and led to the alleged wrestling for the gun and the subsequent shots.

My point therefore still stands, had Brown not stolen the cigars there would not have been a description out there of the robbery suspect for Wilson to realize that one of the persons he just told to get out of the street, matched. Therefore there would have been nothing to cause Wilson to re-engage Brown.


In an effort to prevent the waves of knowledge from hitting the walls of ignorance please understand a few things.

It's my understanding that there is a lack of supervised training for police officers now a days. Sure, they attend and complete the academy. However, it used to be that you worked with a veteran officer on the street for a number of years prior to being allowed to patrol alone. Why do this- so you get to know the citizens that you are suppose to protect and serve. This doesn't happen anymore. Could this be why so many are "fearing" for the lives? Do you know the training practices of your local department?

Kind of like reading the grow bible and then thinking that you can throw seeds in dirt and grow connoisseur grade. Get my point?

BTW after Mr Brown was shot and executed (Head Shot) what was the reason for leaving the body in the street, uncovered, for hours? Why were restraints placed on his hands behind his back after he had been killed? It is my understanding that normally an outline is drawn after pictures are taken and the remains are removed.

I am disappointed that the comments indicate a lack of understanding but even worse an unwillingness to listen to the other view points without ridicule or attack.

No group ethnic or other wise should be subjected to this blatant treatment. Kind of like locking people up for smoking.

BTW, did you know that Missouri has given a life sentence to an individual for cannabis?

What will you do the next time if someone gets killed for "jaywalking"? PEACE

We have laws in place for that does not happen,it's called "Jaywalking"
Laws are there to be fail safe so no one gets hurt..but attacking a police officer in his car? Well Duh.

I did see a video of the exact same thing.The black man should have told the police what he was going to do next.Most folks carry their wallets in the back pocket.But he rushed inside to grab his wallet and the police shot him.
Most folks will tell the police what they are going to do
next when asked for anything.Remember a black professor who came back from a trip and locked himself out of his house and he wasn't allowed back in because he wanted to get his wallet?
Who knows what the motives were? The professor was ranting and raving and acting the idiot.If he was that smart,should have asked for the police backup or supervisor so one can watch and one can be ready in case.

I don't understand,Whats wrong with following the law? and it's fail safe measure?
Alot of laws are build in to prevent anything and everything from getting to the judge and the court and for people's safety because its what taxes are for.

But back to the beginning..Who the hell walks in the middle of the Street when they have sidewalks or walk on the side of the street.Guess no one pays taxes for sidewalks,street lights and until that Brown got shot.Maybe they will put sidewalks now.Guess no one thought of it and thinks its not about safety..Well it is.

Stupid politicians can't think of what can be prevented from this happening again.( body cams)...It was about Brown's Safety and his friend.No one wants to be that person running into 2 Black guys with a 4000pound vehicle because he didn't see them in the dark and the airbag goes off in his/her face driving the car and wrecking it.
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Active member
I noticed this on icmag, when you defend people who are not black, you get called hitler
much easier then actually debating/talking with a person

simply demonizing the other
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