-For someone making observations and trying to "figure it out" you sure speak in certainties quite often.
-You have shared very little that that is helpful to the average breeder.
-Idk about contempt PWF but your punctuation is horrible and your sentence structure is laborious to read.
-Im sorry devil when one posts 20 times about how he feels about another person in a thread about breeding thats babbling, children do it.
-When you argue for the sake of arguing you are trolling.
-Tom said that first why are you trying to make an fact he stated and you agree with a point of conflict?
-GG stop trolling PNW... you are babbling...
bab·ble (bbl)v. bab·bled, bab·bling, bab·bles
v.intr.1. To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds: Babies babble before they can talk.
2. To talk foolishly or idly; chatter: "In 1977 [he] was thought of as crazy because he was babbling about supply side" (Newt Gingrich).
3. To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water.
Wow, don't be too dramatic. Someone a while back in the thread disagreed it had effects, I debated them."Tonygreen:but yes please educate all of us mindless fools on your superior breeding technique"
Im sorry devil when one posts 20 times about how he feels about another person in a thread about breeding thats babbling, children do it.
You have shared very little that that is helpful to the average breeder.
Tonygreen, you're right we need to make the idea or implication viable in the real world.
I just read the whole thread and really do not know what to say.
In general I would say a lot of focus was wasted on environment, instead of breeding.
I am not saying the environment is unimportant, but it is much more important for cultivation then breeding. I mean isn't all this "breeding" being done under lights? What is the environment where these Cannabis seeds came from? Did it have any lights?
So in the first place you are just trying to duplicate a natural environment, with artificial lights, I guess?
I suspect it is better to learn more breeding techniques then chase an environment.
Or get more seeds to breed with...
Back to the thread,
The best way is first a goal, then use large plant numbers, kill most of the progeny, test the chosen progeny for traits important to reach the goal. Take the time it requires.
I made it simple because most of the posters who made long winded posts, had little to say about breeding in fact.
Wierd, and others, maybe you need to start your own thread on environment. This thread is on breeding quality genetics....
Oh well,
From Wiki:
Clinical Significance: Because of the other-than genetic effects of the DNMT family, some DNMT inhibitors are under investigation for treatment of some cancers:
Vidaza (5-azacitidine) in a phase II trial for AML
Dacogen (decitabine) in phase III trials for AML and CML
A previously unrecognized secondary consequence of trapping the M-ase on the DNA is that it creates a non-replicatable DNA lesion (like welding a cow to some train tracks, thereby blocking a train from translocating down the tracks) that causes replication forks to stall and eventually break. These DNA breaks lead to mutations and genome rearrangements with profound GENETIC (not epigenetic) consequences...The take home point: 5_AC is a potent inhibitor of DNA methylation, but the experimental breeder muts recognize that it can also cause genetic changes.
We used 5-AC and other analogues to create phenotypes that were shockingly similar in morphology and heritability to those caused by sodium butyrate (and, later, to Trichostatin A). An early conclusion from these studies is taht whatever these inhibtors did to alter patters of gene expression, they were acting in the same overall "pathway". We now know that this pathway relates to heritable chromatin structures that establish stable patterns of gene expression.
To be continued...
sam skunkman talks about epi-genetics when he says a drug cultivar will revert back to hemp after a few generations in the wild.
kinda suggests that WE are an epi-genetic factor as well as environment trumping the genes themselves.
if the genes stood on their own then we wouldnt ever need to select.