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Well-known member
I've had weed that was so purple it looked almost black. The color did not rub off when rolled in a joint, nor did it rub off on my fingers. Ever. I've never seen weed leave a stain on a paper towel. Not fresh weed, not cured weed. Never.

That weed was adulterated with something. I've sold, grown and handled a LOT of weed over the years. I've never had weed do that.

Sorry man, I myself would not smoke that. I'd be taking it back to where I got it and getting a refund.


New member
So, still mixed opinions on this. Guys says I'm 'bugging out' and won't take it back. Some saying it's normal and others saying it's strange.

How would I go about getting the bud properly tested? I'm based in New York - any home kits I could use? Tests? Ways to be certain?

Thanks for all replies so far.


Well-known member
They put something on it.
Purple colored buds don't stain a wet paper towel purple any more than green buds stain it green.

Dude needs to let you swap it for something green or he should lose you as a customer.
I wouldn't smoke it.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I just tested a small fresh bud of Pokey Doke.

It definitely bleeds onto a wet paper towel without much effort.

Dont have any dried as of yet to test.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I made some ISO a few years ago with some Ultra Sonja that had just a hint of purple in it and the ISO came out purple/dark blood coloured.


Well-known member
Anthocyanins are water soluble and there are many types so it may be just that. I’ve never seen that kind of bleeding with cannabis but not to say it couldn’t happen.

You can try a home test to see if it may be anthocyanins. You can make crude litmus type paper out of red cabbage of which the main component is anthocyanins. So maybe you could do the same with the stains from your pot. Let your stained towel dry out and then place a few drops of an acidic liquid on it and in another spot place a few drops of alkaline liquid. If the spots where the liquid was placed changes color it could be anthocyanins. I can’t remember which ph anthocyanins test for, acidic or basic, so try both.


New member
Thanks guys, knew this was the right place to ask - happy to see other people reporting the same thing, especially with fresh homegrown. Guess I can give it another try now.


Active member
If the product is good and and has desired effects, and it certainly looks very good I doubt that somebody would go through the trouble just to market it as purple. If it was me I wouldn't Worry about it unless I second mortgaged my house for a trunk load. It looks good to me.


Well-known member
It looks fine to me. I've seen purple pot that dyes stuff purple. I have seeds that are stained black from the nug it comes from.
Don't understand why anyone would want to turn perfectly good green pot purple. Seems moronic to me. The dumbest thing I saw was a hormone to make a green plant turn purplish. Just get a purple strain, plenty of them out there.
Of course there's people that are suspicious of all purple pot, believe it's not real or you have to freeze the pot or abuse it somehow to make it purple.
Years ago I had a strain that was blackish-purple. And smelled exactly like kool aid. I was smoking with a friend who didn't know I grew it, didn't grow. He told me, like he had some insider's knowledge, that the grower waters the plants with kool aid to make it taste that way. It was very hard not to burst out laughing.
That was a strain that would dye stuff purple. You've seen all the trouble the Romans had to go through with rotten shellfish to make royal purple? Wouldn't need it with that strain.
I knew a guy who used to soak his pot in cola soda pop. He grew such crappy pot, he soaked it in soda to make it more 'crystally'. Instead of harvesting it at the right time. They were tweakers, so the stupidity wasn't surprising. If you get your pot from reputable people you can trust, don't have to worry. If it's high grade organic, don't have to worry. If you're buying your pot from sketchy dudes be very cautious.


Well-known member
Also, you can look at the purple mottling on the pot, the green leaves mixed with purple, it looks natural. The way pot should look. The crystals are the right color. If it was adulterated it would look weird. Adulterated pot usually tricks the inexperienced, people that aren't sure how pot should look. If it was dyed it would look unnaturally purple. Now I'm curious, might have to get some grape juice, green buds, and do some tests..


Active member
My buddy moves weight and always chuckles at a certain demographic that is always demanding asking for purple even though it doesn't necessarily make it 'better' their are legends of it and people like to showcase it the same way I was proud of rope choking gold Colombian in mid 70s.
Some people just equate colors to exotics, I myself enjoy the terpenes smell and taste and it has been proven that certain terpenes compliment the thc and thcv for rapidity of onset to duration of buzz. Mango is perfect example.


Active member
I heard from a good source that mango haze is the best thing around
I just read 2 books of substance one by DJ short and the other one by Ed Rosenthal which is the cannabis bible but he spoke of eating a mango before smoking will get you higher because the terpenes of mango do something to the receptor barrier in cannabanoud receptors that add umph to the buzz.
Sorry for getting off topic but I love to share these gems.


is it possible that if people used avid it makes the anthocyanin more soluble hence will make the hash and water hash more purple and also more likely to leach onto the paper like your photo


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Anthocyanin water soluble? Sure.
But so is chlorophyll.

Making water/ice hash with green weed makes the water green.
Purple weed, purple water.

The color should NOT leach out of dried buds in gentle contact with a wet paper towel.



Indicas make dreams happen
I remember when there was some purple going around town. Picked some up for the average price range but once word got out about it everyone was freaking out and paying $75 an eighth! Was nothing special really, just looked different than the usual. Packaging and bag appeal sure can work wonders on some people...


Well-known member
This is my first post ever on the forum, I've been searching around for a while for some answers but can't seem to find any. I recently came across some purple bud, purple do-si-do it was pitched as, not from the usual source but seemed very solid. Look, smell, taste - passed the usual tests.

However, I started to reading online about purple and lots of people saying there is fake purple around. One post suggested taking a bud and holding it between a wet paper towel - I did this and it did indeed leave a purple / pinky mark on the paper. Of course this made me panic and think it must be dyed, however, one poster suggested that Anthocyanin - the compound that causes bud to go purple - would indeed rub off on wet paper.

I'm just wondering if anyone can confirm this test using some true purple? See if the same thing happens or if I really have just picked something up that's been dyed.

The strangest thing is - I wasn't charged more for it, the one hit I had seemed to work as expected, it looks and smells great - just this strange colouring on the towel.

Anyone with knowledge or access to true purple strain able to help me?

I definitely would not smoke that.

Iv'e handled literally tons of pounds of cannabis. Lots of purple. Purple from weather and purple from genes.

There is no way, that a dry bud like that would leech out purple stain onto a paper towel...its just not gonna happen.

So..how much of this shit did you buy? Might as well just toss it and find a better source.

Also, what made you think the color might be fake. It definitely isnt right, thats for sure.

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