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I don't think mac products suck, just I cannot justify carrying such a large phone with a screen that size, the price aswell.

I used to have a Palm Treo, I paid about the same price as an iphone. Great phone it was, but i didn't use it much aside from as an actuall phone. Far too large for my pocket aswell.

So i went with a motorolla razr, and it's perfect, small, etc..


Active member
panopticist said:
What is up with all of this hating on Apple?

Everyone is yakking on an on about how the iPhone is a rip off of Treo. Blah, blah, blah!

A Quick Note for Everyone:
There is nothing new under the sun!

Nearly any innovation you can name was the result of a development process that took it's cues from a previous product. Sure the Treo came out first, internet access, SMS, email and such, but you have to admit, it wasn't a very elegant device to use. So what did Apple do? Find the flaws in the Treo's functionality and interface, correct them, and then implement those corrections within a slickly designed user interface.

Personally, I had my doubts, but when I had the opportunity to use an iPhone, I was impressed... The screen is big, bright, and beautiful; the on-screen keypad functioned flawlessly, as did Safari (internet on the iPhone), so whoever was dishing on that clearly hadn't had an opportunity to try it out for themselves.

My point? Don't get mad at Apple because they beat the smart phone market at their own game...

it's not a ripoff of treo at all. it's a rip off of much older tech. iphone isn't the first of it's kind - touch screen phone. however, as someone has mentioned, it is the best marketed of it's kind. i believe there were some models on the market almost 10 years ago. I wish I could find the articles but eh i don't feel like it. lol. anyway, those older models never sold well for whatever reason. but this is why im personally not all hyped about it.

the one thing i don't like about apple is they don't have truly quality items. people flock to macs cuz of the lack of hackers or should i say the false sense of security. ipods are junk - annoying itunes, overpriced, and no features. and generally all of their gadgets just look cuter than the competition. if you're serious about your tech - cellphones, mp3 players, and computers - you don't waste your time on anything apple. if u wanna be right up there with paris and nicole, then head over to the apple store the latest in airhead technology. apple's for the birds and they do a damn good job of advertising.

as far as i'm concerned im picking up the creative zen 16gb model, sony ericsson w960 or k750, and an 8gb memory card when i can. maybe at face value, most would think apple is doing it better (probably cuz it's so much cuter)... do something most iSheep don't do - look at the specs. if apple could ever so much as match the features of any of these devices, then i'd consider them a worthy option. til then, it's just a waste of time to even bother looking at them!


Active member
Poppin, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh? I WAY disagree with your statement that people who are serious about their tech don't use Apples. That is just plain false. What do you think they use to make all that CGI shit? What do you think serious photographers, videographers and editors use? How about musicians? Yup, all of them too. You know all those trailers they show before movies? Guess what kind of computers the four biggest editing companies that make those, use?

Furthermore, Apple has the highest rate of return customers of any company in the market, according to JD Power. Whilst your own personal experience with them may be unfortunate, it doesn't reflect the majority. Did you try sending it back to Apple when it died? Eff bringing it into the store, those people are clowns. Just call Applecare, they send you a box, put it in there, and they send it back good as new, often for free, within 5 days.

What "features" are you referring to, and in which products? I'm suprised you're up on the tech enough to be on the Zen player, but not be down with Apple. To each their own I guess. I will say the Zen player looks pretty sweet. And I might could need an emergency phone, y'know one to actually make calls from, so tell me about this ericsson.


Sneak attack critical
PoppinFresh said:
it's not a ripoff of treo at all. it's a rip off of much older tech. iphone isn't the first of it's kind - touch screen phone. however, as someone has mentioned, it is the best marketed of it's kind. i believe there were some models on the market almost 10 years ago. I wish I could find the articles but eh i don't feel like it. lol. anyway, those older models never sold well for whatever reason. but this is why im personally not all hyped about it.

the one thing i don't like about apple is they don't have truly quality items. people flock to macs cuz of the lack of hackers or should i say the false sense of security. ipods are junk - annoying itunes, overpriced, and no features. and generally all of their gadgets just look cuter than the competition. if you're serious about your tech - cellphones, mp3 players, and computers - you don't waste your time on anything apple. if u wanna be right up there with paris and nicole, then head over to the apple store the latest in airhead technology. apple's for the birds and they do a damn good job of advertising.

as far as i'm concerned im picking up the creative zen 16gb model, sony ericsson w960 or k750, and an 8gb memory card when i can. maybe at face value, most would think apple is doing it better (probably cuz it's so much cuter)... do something most iSheep don't do - look at the specs. if apple could ever so much as match the features of any of these devices, then i'd consider them a worthy option. til then, it's just a waste of time to even bother looking at them!

Open your eyes, dude...

Over 90% of the media you consume on a daily basis (movies, print media, interactive) was created on a Mac.

And when you use the word cute, I think you mean to say well-designed... A fair amount of thought and consideration was put into the development each of their products, and you seem to be basing all of your criticisms off of the iPod and iPhone alone.

I imagine that you've never even taken the time to sit down behind an Apple computer, either. Even though their current operating system is around five years old, it still beats the ever living shit out of ANY PC that I've ever used. And I'm a graphic designer with IT training, so I've installed, repaired, upgraded, wiped, cloned, reformatted, and operated more computers than I care to remember. As a matter of fact, nearly every single one of Windows Vista's GUI upgrades was a direct rip of features that had existed in OSX for at least one generation.

I'm willing to admit that, like most things, computers are a matter of taste. But I'm not willing to admit that Apple creates sub-par technology. A simple, open-minded side-by-side analysis will generally be enough to show someone that a Mac will trounce a PC in terms of performance, graphical grace, and overall ease of use.

Oh, and congrats on your new Zen purchase...Do they offer those in an 80 gig model? That extra space is handy as an external hard drive...

I still use my busted ass Rio Carbon for my car stereo, so I understand that there is more out there than the iPod; but don't base all of your judgments off of one product.


Active member
HuffAndPuff said:
Poppin, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh? I WAY disagree with your statement that people who are serious about their tech don't use Apples. That is just plain false. What do you think they use to make all that CGI shit? What do you think serious photographers, videographers and editors use? How about musicians? Yup, all of them too. You know all those trailers they show before movies? Guess what kind of computers the four biggest editing companies that make those, use?

Furthermore, Apple has the highest rate of return customers of any company in the market, according to JD Power. Whilst your own personal experience with them may be unfortunate, it doesn't reflect the majority. Did you try sending it back to Apple when it died? Eff bringing it into the store, those people are clowns. Just call Applecare, they send you a box, put it in there, and they send it back good as new, often for free, within 5 days.

What "features" are you referring to, and in which products? I'm suprised you're up on the tech enough to be on the Zen player, but not be down with Apple. To each their own I guess. I will say the Zen player looks pretty sweet. And I might could need an emergency phone, y'know one to actually make calls from, so tell me about this ericsson.

Macs Suck lol
lol i know about mac's rep in different industries. i've done a bit of design myself (print, web, video) but i use a PC! i've never owned an apple anything. i can't do that to myself. and although apples may be "considered" good for those applications, i can tell you that a lot more companies use PC and Windows more than they use Apple. besides, it's all moot anyway. when i was in college, they did use macs in the design rooms but i did my work at home, threw it on zip and took it to class. the programs neutralize any real differences when it comes to such tasks anyway. so when you get down to it, there's no difference until you get to the specs and OS. PC and Windows has been crushing Apple in that department for as long as anyone can remember and that's with the blue screen of death LOL. anyway i can go on and on but then i will be writing a book lol.

iPod vs real MP3 players
as far as features, let's look at the ipod. what can it do besides play music? nothing. that's it. i had an iriver h120, old school model discontinued now, that played music, fm radio, had a recorder with built in mic + mic port, optical in/out, stereo in/out with a crappy blue monochrome screen that came out way before apple dropped the ipod. and at 20gb it cost me around 250 at the time.

and let's talk durability. my friend kicked over his sister's ipod and splattered like an egg. picked it up and all kinds of lcd juice spilling out. every time i see that, i laugh! i dropped my old faithful on the pavement and accidentally kicked it into a brick wall and all it had on it was a few scratches, none on the screen either. unfortunately, i accidentally sent my baby for a swim in some red gatorade LOL.

did i have to deal with itunes type program? hell no! plug it in the comp with the non-proprietary USB plug and drag and drop with ease! it acted as a hard drive. i could put anything on that thing - security risk lol - and i did at my old job but only my own files and such.

why am i comparing ipods with my old model? it's to show there was always better tech available. no one wants to do a simple search. they wait to be told what to look for, told what to do - thru advertising! there are so many models out there that are better than ipod - creative, iriver, archos, even toshiba! they're all more versatile, more durable, and offer more freedom than limitations.

I think Ericsson has been #3 in the world for almost 10 years til they teamed up with Sony and now I think they're #1. don't quote me on that. but they are up there. as far as making calls, it seriously won't even be necessary for me to bring that into question. as long as there's a tower nearby, i've got 5 bars! in fact, i was raggin on a friend last night cuz her crappy nextel phone kept breaking up lol. she owes me an asswhooping for the frustration i gave her LOL.

anyway, I've had a thing for ericsson phones for a long time. it's the only phone i would buy. once again it's about the features and ease of use. and i've been using ericsson for about a decade now! i'm probably on my 8th or 9th phone. i still have a box of about 4-5 old phones. im gon see if i can turn them in one day LOL.

all i gotta say is look at the specs and what they offer. right now im using a SE w810i
- IR, MP3 player, 2MP camera (check my grow thread to see the pics i took with it) FM radio, memory slot..

then just go to the website www.sonyericsson.com to see the phones that are coming. im personally stuck. the new models i'm waitin to check out:
w960i - music; somewhat comparable to the iphone and most likely will cost much less
k850i - 5MP camera
m600i - pda phone; comparable to a treo i'd say

those are candybar style phones tho. as far as the clamshells go, they're are kept pretty simple so far - more stylish than anything. but simply look for yourself. check the specs and what these toys can do.


Active member
This argument always turns into a pissing contest. Closed minded people always say the other sucks... I find it's WIN people that say mac sucks. Never vice versa. I use both, it's like people saying Ford sucks or chevy.. these people only limit themselves. Every company produces good stuff ford and chevy. sometimes they make mistakes, and usually they get it right. To say one sucks is just retarded. They both work great, and get the job done, it's just a matter of brand pref, and OS pref.

I've been using windows boxes for autocad for cadd work, maya 3d for my animation, and video game work. I've always dabbed in the world of security and pc's, and I heard great things about macs in this area. I have been pleasantly suprised with my hobby hacking and my mac.

Now I recently picked up a macbook after about 15 years with windows, and wow, what a slick piece of hardware. It cost half the amount of my brand new ibm t61, but it is so so much nicer. Probably the best designed notebook on the market. Macs can run win os, on top of their already installed OS if you want.

Now schools used to use macs all the time, but when ibm clones came around prices dropped significantly and schools switched over. That is the only reason. macs are more expensive since they put a lot more thought into designing them. Everything is one in a mac, and you never dick around with drivers. Windows OS period is a rip off from APPLE since the very beginning. Business' choose ibm clones since they are cheaper, that's it..
Last edited:


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
the i phone is just to pretty for me...i got a wing from tmobile and its pretty decent, htc products are coool and very user friendly. That i phones touch sreen is a mess....trust me


Active member
panopticist said:
Open your eyes, dude...

Over 90% of the media you consume on a daily basis (movies, print media, interactive) was created on a Mac.

And when you use the word cute, I think you mean to say well-designed... A fair amount of thought and consideration was put into the development each of their products, and you seem to be basing all of your criticisms off of the iPod and iPhone alone.

I imagine that you've never even taken the time to sit down behind an Apple computer, either. Even though their current operating system is around five years old, it still beats the ever living shit out of ANY PC that I've ever used. And I'm a graphic designer with IT training, so I've installed, repaired, upgraded, wiped, cloned, reformatted, and operated more computers than I care to remember. As a matter of fact, nearly every single one of Windows Vista's GUI upgrades was a direct rip of features that had existed in OSX for at least one generation.

I'm willing to admit that, like most things, computers are a matter of taste. But I'm not willing to admit that Apple creates sub-par technology. A simple, open-minded side-by-side analysis will generally be enough to show someone that a Mac will trounce a PC in terms of performance, graphical grace, and overall ease of use.

Oh, and congrats on your new Zen purchase...Do they offer those in an 80 gig model? That extra space is handy as an external hard drive...

I still use my busted ass Rio Carbon for my car stereo, so I understand that there is more out there than the iPod; but don't base all of your judgments off of one product.

lol riiiiiiiiiight! with the customization a PC offers, i doubt you're doing any real side by side comparisons. i guess that's why apple had to hop on the intel bandwagon. it's called weak Apple tech needing a PC upgrade and that's why mac users flock to use Windows on their Macs lol. a windows pc can do EVERYTHING a mac can do and a mac can only do what a PC can do when it installs Windows lol. only thing Apple does well is advertise and makes the iSheep of the world believe they've got good shit. Apple is weak and that's according to the numbers.

u wanna do a side by side.. put your best precious mac against alienware and see who comes out on top! WHOA! :bashhead:


Active member
R03 said:
This argument always turns into a pissing contest. Closed minded people always say the other sucks... I find it's WIN people that say mac sucks. Never vice versa. I use both, it's like people saying Ford sucks or chevy.. these people only limit themselves. Every company produces good stuff ford and chevy. sometimes they make mistakes, and usually they get it right. To say one sucks is just retarded. They both work great, and get the job done, it's just a matter of brand pref, and OS pref.

I've been using windows boxes for autocad for cadd work, maya 3d for my animation, and video game work. I've always dabbed in the world of security and pc's, and I heard great things about macs in this area. I have been pleasantly suprised with my hobby hacking and my mac.

Now I recently picked up a macbook after about 15 years with windows, and wow, what a slick piece of hardware. It cost half the amount of my brand new ibm t61, but it is so so much nicer. Probably the best designed notebook on the market. Macs can run win os, on top of their already installed OS if you want.

Now schools used to use macs all the time, but when ibm clones came around prices dropped significantly and schools switched over. That is the only reason. macs are more expensive since they put a lot more thought into designing them. Everything is one in a mac, and you never dick around with drivers. Windows OS period is a rip off from APPLE since the very beginning. Business' choose ibm clones since they are cheaper, that's it..

since when has it NOT been a pissing contest. it's always about who's better, that's the point of the discussion. i mean, we're talking about tech. even if u get down to a ford vs chevy discussion, you're gonna find people who are more in the know about both and will go at it. so it's all the same regardless of how similar the "opponents" are.

i'll admit macs are much easier to deal with but realize it's because it's airhead tech. there's nothing in there that's special. it's not gonna take much when everything is all in one. that's the drawback if you ask me. you can't upgrade. one part goes bad, u gotta service the whole damn thing. i have one part go bad in my PC and i swap it out, upgrade it, and keep it moving. try that with a mac... oh wait where are you going to get the parts from? lol.

when u deal with PC's, u get to live in a world of the best options in everything, not some fascist, nazi system of you take what we give you! individual companies dedicated to developing individual parts. there are pissing contests all throughout the PC world.. mac users need not attend.. can't keep up anyway. this is why there's such a difference in the culture - iSheep vs people with brains.

that's the fun in dealing with a PC. it's like working on a car. you get all these parts. sure it's gonna give u some trouble and may even get some things wrong when building it. but, when you're done, it's a thing of beauty that rocks in the quarter mile.

dealing with an Apple anything is like giving birth to a dumb ass blonde - ur happy when u get it, then you realize you can't really improve on it, and u find out in the long run that all it does is suck dick!


Active member
Another Apple ripoff lol

Another Apple ripoff lol

So, you've just paid $500 for an iPhone! Unfortunately, the only way you can use it is if you bend over and lube up for Steve Jobs! This is why I stay away from airhead tech - Apple makes sure you can't use it to it's full potential. I've been making my own ringtones for my phone for the last 3 years. Actually, I should go make some right now! Oh, and I don't have to pay 99 cents to make a ringtone from a song I already, or you've already paid 99 cents to, own! Go figure!

Stop getting hosed people!

Apple attempts to block free ringtones with iTunes update
Jim Dalrymple - MacCentral Sat Sep 8, 3:08 PM ET

Apple has released an update to iTunes that blocks users from creating free custom ringtones and then syncing them to an iPhone. Despite Apple’s best efforts to thwart users, a workaround has already been found and posted to the Internet.

A method of using iTunes to create ringtones for the iPhone using songs not purchased from the iTunes Store was first posted by Macrumors.com on Friday. Users confirmed after installing iTunes 7.4.1 last night that the method no longer worked.

However, an Engadget post on Saturday details a workaround for the update, again allowing the free ringtones to be synced to the iPhone.

When Apple first announced the ability for users to create custom ringtones earlier this week, it was only meant for songs purchased from the iTunes Store. Users would have to pay an additional 99 cents for the ringtone.

Third-party applications like Ambrosia Software’s iToner have been updated to work with iTunes 7.4.1 and is available from the company’s Web site.


Why pay for ringtones? Come on!? :D
Many other cells eat mp3's straight up and uses them as a ringtone with no iPrice added to that.
It's not the one who asks but the one who pays...

Mac vs Win?
The winner is Linux :D


Sneak attack critical
This thread has now reached 'Godwin's Law' status and is officially bullshit...

PoppinFresh said:
when u deal with PC's, u get to live in a world of the best options in everything, not some fascist, nazi system of you take what we give you! individual companies dedicated to developing individual parts. there are pissing contests all throughout the PC world.. mac users need not attend.. can't keep up anyway. this is why there's such a difference in the culture - iSheep vs people with brains.

This debate is no longer governed by logic and reasoning. Nearly all of PoppinFresh's responses and claims aren't based on fact, rather his speculation and readiness to defend PC's to the death...

What I really find entertaining is that fact that Poppin wants to come off as some official source of information, but all of his criticisms involve comparing Apples to celebrities. Also, all of his criticisms involve insulting people of differing opinion. Plain silliness, it's just a discussion...


Active member
panopticist said:
This thread has now reached 'Godwin's Law' status and is officially bullshit...

This debate is no longer governed by logic and reasoning. Nearly all of PoppinFresh's responses and claims aren't based on fact, rather his speculation and readiness to defend PC's to the death...

What I really find entertaining is that fact that Poppin wants to come off as some official source of information, but all of his criticisms involve comparing Apples to celebrities. Also, all of his criticisms involve insulting people of differing opinion. Plain silliness, it's just a discussion...

This is so true, and I agree. I've given up on the pissing contest. He's happy in his ignorance, which is fine. All I see is someone limiting themselves.
All I see is something about being able to mix and match pieces in a pc box, as being better. That's why PC's rule !! To each his own.


Active member
R03 said:
This is so true, and I agree. I've given up on the pissing contest. He's happy in his ignorance, which is fine. All I see is someone limiting themselves.
All I see is something about being able to mix and match pieces in a pc box, as being better. That's why PC's rule !! To each his own.



Active member
panopticist said:
This thread has now reached 'Godwin's Law' status and is officially bullshit...

This debate is no longer governed by logic and reasoning. Nearly all of PoppinFresh's responses and claims aren't based on fact, rather his speculation and readiness to defend PC's to the death...

What I really find entertaining is that fact that Poppin wants to come off as some official source of information, but all of his criticisms involve comparing Apples to celebrities. Also, all of his criticisms involve insulting people of differing opinion. Plain silliness, it's just a discussion...

LOL. :laughing: :muahaha: :pointlaug

u said macs were better but u can't say why or you've mentioned the best thing about apple - "sleek design" LOL. i say PC is better and i tell you why - better everything. i'd type it all again but obviously u didn't read it cuz iSheep don't read! they go, "OOO LOOKIE DAT COOT SHINY TING. ME WANT SHINY TING! I HATE GEICO!" dude gimme a break. ur mad cuz u bought crap tech and i told u why. sorry but there's not enough advertising steve jobs can do to make your life any better. the truth is the truth. so, pull steve jobs outta your mouth, dust your knees off, and get on with your life.

i've got a PC and know my way around it. i rarely use antivirus (never for an emergency), don't need internet security, and i can handle my own hardware issues at the drop of a hat. this is what happens when you READ and LEARN! this is why i know PC is better! it's not hard to do. trust me, i've been doing it for years and i am NO expert! if i can do it, anyone with 1/60th of a mL of sense can do it too!


next time u want a debate, try learning how to do that. here's some lessons
- don't get mad cuz you're losing an argument
- don't attack someone just because you don't know what you're talking about!
- don't make up a false defense based on an attack that doesn't exist
- if you can't debate or argue, you'll probably lose a juvenile war of words as well!

now if you're interested, i'd love to keep up the debate.. why don't you and your bff there tell us all why Apple is better? if you're best argument is that only a small portion of the world use it for graphics or it's all-in-one, you've gotta come harder than that. trust me, i don't have to talk to kill those points just look at the statistics around the world. and if all you've got is "sleek design" i'll say i like a chick with big firm tits too! geez, even i can defend Apple better than that!

you already know my argument. BRING YOUR "A" GAME THIS TIME BUDDY!


Active member
Bassbababa said:
Why pay for ringtones? Come on!? :D
Many other cells eat mp3's straight up and uses them as a ringtone with no iPrice added to that.
It's not the one who asks but the one who pays...

Mac vs Win?
The winner is Linux :D

lol linux. i have to say i do love the open source community - many hackers that get me a lot of free shit lol. my cousin is a linux guy. this a dude who used to come to me for advice. now he talks to me about shit and i tell him to stop talkin to me. i don't know what you're talkin bout man lol. he's certified in this that and the other, loves his linux, craps on windows but still uses it, and actually likes IT. but linux is just a PC w/o Windows, still better than a mac but not quite as good as Windows lol.

Che Bleu

Active member
Hey, poppçinfresh would you be so nice and link me to one of those pre-Iphone treos with MULTITOUCH screens ? Cause it seems such a product doesn't exist :)
Also , may i ask you if you ever used an OSX equiped mac and if yes, why exactly you think it hardware sucks giving the simple fact the parts used inside are exactly the sames as those used on your PC's ?

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