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Inspirational Hash Shots, please put yours here. ( TRIBUTE TO OG)


Well-known member
Both pieces were picked up at coffeeshops in Amsterdam and the provinces during our latest holiday in Nederland and coming from the same section in the Usa. Since not fitting at all this time into the Import Thread I post them here.

First one I don't know if it waa labelled under the term 'static'[probably more of a competing product to fight all the micron sifts from Morocco] but it was not special though nice enough all in all. Commercial high grade to me.
1 High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG

2 High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG

3 High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG

Second one was sold as static and thus[thus?]costed 10€ more than the previous one. I remember staff cut it off a small slab containing merely 50g or less ; when placing it in the sun for pictures[whilst stashed away at a dry place]it already started to 'cook'
and also is full melt quality by the way.
Small but excellent?
Definitely a cutter and ticking all boxes in terms of taste, effect and smell since intense enough – kush, anyone? Easily the better one of this selection and compared to what is available staticwise from whereever a proper high grade.
4 Static High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG

5 Static High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG

6 Static High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG

7 Static High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, August, 2024.JPG.JPG