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Info on The Real Seed Company?


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Они сейчас открыты и принимают заказы? Я пытаюсь с ними связаться, но никто не отвечает. Может я у них в черном списке)
Yes you can but at this time of year when seed harvest is getting close, they're probably out there getting ready to get some new stuff. You just have to wait a little.


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highland lao


Well-known member
A bit of an update on my Lao Sao grow. So I had 11 seeds, they all sprouted eventually but the last two died in infancy (one from fursarium I think, the second died of exhaustion because the seed was not rightly positionned). So 9 plants in total, after 3 weeks of veg on my balconey in 1L/1.5L pots, I got 8 of them inside and let the ninth one go on its own on the blaconey just for the sake of curiosity and documentation, to see how it behaves.

Really this is my first go with an authentic pure unworked OG Indochinese landrace so I’m a total newb with this sort of genetic.

Now the 8 ones inside have switched to a +14h of light a day to a mere 10h of light a day. 3 so far have been repotted to 4L pots. I’m now at 4weeks of flowering. Surprisingly they sexed rather quickly : only two to three weeks for sexing. I was expecting anything between 4 to 6 weeks before sexing but no. That’s defo a +.

The others I haven’t repotted so that’s no doubt a stressful element into the mix, then the’yre not used to ebing under LED and last but not least they’re experiencing defiencies (N but not only) eventhough they’ve gone past the lamp sevral times already ! The consequence of all this is, as you can expect that there’s a rainbow pride going on in my closet (pun intended). Really I have one stable male, two stable females and the rest are anywhere in between, from limp wristed males to butch tomboys, ladyboys, you name it. I had originally intended this as a a repro grow and a repro it’s definitely going to be with the ladyboy orgy going on. Also I was able to procure some Lao Sa pollen for my other project so that’s a +.

I think for another time I would probably only grow 4 to be able to give them more attnetion and focus more on them. I’m also surprised that for landraces -unlike the Lebanese or Nanda Devi- they sure seem to love their nutes.

I'll post some updates later.
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Well-known member
Planted these quite late, so they just start flowering. Hopefully we'll have a good late season, else I doubt they will finish properly in this climate.

Dashkinkali - very vigorous, great sweet/spicy floral smell

Iran #3 in front - typical Afghanica indica structure - already strong skunky, fuel smell

Moliotiko behind it - more sativa, quite some stretch on it currently, light sweet lime/citric odor


Well-known member

I think for another time I would probably only grow 4 to be able to give them more attnetion and focus more on them. I’m also surprised that for landraces -unlike the Lebanese or Nanda Devi- they sure seem to love their nutes.

I'll post some updates later.
Yeah so I forgot to mention but I have a massive red spider mite infestation as I did this indoor grow during summer. Probablly not the best idea in the world but in any case, that obviously partially explains the massive deficiencies.


Well-known member
I left for four days and when I came back what do I see ? spider mite cob webs 🤯 on the LAo Sas !!! NEver ever do an indoor grow during summer !!! I've generaously sprayed them with water everywhere. Also they need about six weeks to calm down with the stretch. This grow is very bad but it taught e a lot of lessons. At the end what is paramaunt is that I get good seeds.


Well-known member

After years of experimentation, with dichlorvos (effective but plant damage and dangerous), homemade pepper-garlic solutions (not effective), alcohol-dishwasher solutions (not very effective, plant damage), abamectin (effective but very chemical) and predatory mites (effective but tricky, too dry they die and expensive) I have a solution that works for me, horticultural soap (potassium soap). Effective, cheap and environmentally friendly. No plant damage observed. IMO it works by drowing/suffocating though some theory suggests more toxic effects too.

Repeated applications (it doesn't kill eggs) of a 2-3% solution, 4-5 times with 4-5 days in between does the trick. It does smell soapy and leaves a residue that washes off easily.

For my indoor grows, I take plants out of the grow chamber, put a plastic bag over the pot and base of the stem to prevent soap in the substrate and spray away taking care to spray undersides of leaves. But my plants are always small and easily moved.



Active member

After years of experimentation, with dichlorvos (effective but plant damage and dangerous), homemade pepper-garlic solutions (not effective), alcohol-dishwasher solutions (not very effective, plant damage), abamectin (effective but very chemical) and predatory mites (effective but tricky, too dry they die and expensive) I have a solution that works for me, horticultural soap (potassium soap). Effective, cheap and environmentally friendly. No plant damage observed. IMO it works by drowing/suffocating though some theory suggests more toxic effects too.

Repeated applications (it doesn't kill eggs) of a 2-3% solution, 4-5 times with 4-5 days in between does the trick. It does smell soapy and leaves a residue that washes off easily.

For my indoor grows, I take plants out of the grow chamber, put a plastic bag over the pot and base of the stem to prevent soap in the substrate and spray away taking care to spray undersides of leaves. But my plants are always small and easily moved.

Does it work with white flies too?


Well-known member
Possibly but not sure about it. It is a contact method, the insects/mites need to get wet. It works for aphids. If the larvae are burrowing in the leaves or adults fly away at first disturbance it might not work.


Well-known member
TRSC Chitrali almost done. Topped out just over 6 feet. Plant was somewhat susceptible to septoria leaf spot thus the whittled appearance in the pics - but she flowered very early and kept leaves on long enough to have the energy to throw reasonably thick and very solid colas with hard clusters - much firmer than any other landrace I’ve grown.

Every single female plant this year has purple flowers, and this is no exception. Maybe half the trichomes are milky but I’d like to let her go a little longer if possible, assuming the Septoria doesn’t penetrate further into the flowers. I have a rainy night coming up - and after an August and early September drought I did have recent two heavy rainstorms - but so far I haven’t seen any botrytis 🤞I will likely cut the cola ends within a few days and let the rest flesh out some more.

The smell keeps transforming, initially it was more mandarin and gasoline, it still retains some of that but has gotten a bit floral as well -



Active member
can anyone help me lao highland or lao gold/laosa will be best to hunt something like old thaistick/1970...or best strain for that strong trippy laughing grass?


Well-known member
It's on my list to get seems like a good place to start the hunt good price too
Tried the highland, got pearl pheno's from that one - low yield. The Lao Sa was a bit faster (between 4-5 months), got better budstructure and quite good yield. All strong and trippy.

Quite a lot hermies, but that comes with the SE strains I guess. Don't mind some seeds and the effects are unmatched in my experience.

Really liked it, so bought some more SE accesions of them, like Mekong and Namkading. Hope to grow those out somewhere next year.