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Indoor Sativa entry level !


Active member
Looks like I might need that other screen,and I reckon one would fill this space happily,lovely smooth rich scent of well I get peppery pineapple certainly sweet with a hint of pepper 😁I’ll say it two different ways ..everyone likes the smell,might be a bit exotic for a while ,and mightneed to address my air in and outs before we get too cozy ,due to my location . Worse case scenario a few bolt like Wack-a-mole and I have to raise the roof it’s doable ,think there back under control…took my eye off them for two seconds and it felt like they had got away 🤣😆🤣…learning ✌️💚


Sounds like the sativas are going wild and you two get to know each other more and more :love: You're absolutely right, it's a learning process :)


Active member
Bossy bitches they say eh ! Well they’re keen that’s for sure 😅…. Hope we now stay mild all the way too December like last year 💯💚


Active member
They are beautiful,I hope I can get them through this long flower period a bit spoilt rather than just hanging in there 🙄,I have flipped them,I was going two months too flip but I think about two weeks ahead of that ,guess the pot size being fairly large and me not wishing to go smaller helped them power up up …..got some help if needed at my local shop ✌️They look very well,and I have added today some Algae bloom …..anyway hope yours is all good and dancing in a breeze 💚💯 update ya all when there’s a fucking jungle in my ROOF🙌 Thanks for the shout there aCBD .


Active member
Feels a little bit more under control, didn’t really want to go in and defoliate again but the felt they needed the better air movement,there was a lot of plant in there! Hopefully they bounce back up pretty soon .


Your plants look really healthy. :canabis:
No need to worry, if you can flower plants for 8 weeks, you can also handle 10 weeks of flowering.:watchplant: It's like a marathon, if you avoid over-watering and over-feeding you'll be good, less nutrients is more. Small steps and you will get confident with the wilder side more and more.
Don't defoliate after you switched to flowering because that will stress the plant in that important phase. You can defoliate a last time after 21days and a few days after when the stretch is over but some do it some not, different from strain to strain or grower to grower :biggrin:


Active member
Thankyou for that most welcome ,light a candle and all that but should be alright now for the 12 if needed,yeah thanks again 💯🙏


What's your plan with that happy plant? Did it start to flower yet?
A late start in the outdoors isn't a bad idea, keeps the plant size in check :)


Active member
I like your style Cheesebuds ,unfortunately we are not as private here,….currently I think u need half a million in the UK for privacy,I looked in the change pot on top of microwave I got 83p 😆💚🙏


Active member
Woah Nelly! I think these girls are set on blowing the lid off this box !Not quite the uniform canopy I had in mind but their smell is rich and sweet and they are coming on ,Day 15 of flower …dropping that second screen on again ltr ..had to lower them a little and still not at floor level yet 💚💯


Active member
Hey thanks for the likes ,they flowering , I’m doing one feed one half feed one water only and then back around again one feed one half one water …💯🙏


Active member
Still stretching about an inch a day 😆…easily get a nice yield off 1 plant 🌱 in a small spot ,as you can see with 2 your not tucking plant anywhere into the screen before you have quickly run out of space and there heading vertical 😆 …they are powerhouses growing wise ….like sprinters 🤣🤣,I’m having fun ..so far ,seem happy 🙏💚💯


Active member
Woah…they go up fast , I think they have finally got to a resting height, think they tamed me more than I tamed them,as said before if you’re looking to achieve a mushroom of bud …one plant in this space is plenty,happy they have settled down now ….the single plant outside found a greenhouse 💯💚


Active member
Should do now in a greenhouse ,sprouted 18th August late but she’s been cared for , just let her do her own thing don’t think I even lifted her skirt up so to speak . Old skool Genetics free feminised seed , other than that not sure, had a looksi they do a lot of Banana ….sold… I love Nesquik Banana …. We need a strain just called Nesquick😆😆 don’t even know how to spell it 😆 just sell it too me as Buddhas Breathe x Nesquick powder 💚💚💚🌱💯