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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Not trying to hate , but none of those are static , they may be sold as that but they are 100% not static sift Hash , just New school strains drummed like normal
Yes they sold as static.. it handles similar to static from boerejongens ( same chain/ AG) 2 years ago.. Like wett chalk, but i am no static expert in any way, so you could be right..

What makes you think its Not static?

Greetings 🪬


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes they sold as static.. it handles similar to static from boerejongens ( same chain/ AG) 2 years ago.. Like wett chalk, but i am no static expert in any way, so you could be right..

What makes you think its Not static?

Greetings 🪬
Static is pure melt , pure Heads.
Just touching it will melt in your hands, that is clearly not static.
That's not even pure melt , let alone static sift.

Also static sift does not get sold for 11€ at a Coffeshop ( if it did it means they buy it less than 50% price, so meaning they sold static sift for like 4€ a kilo) never.

Not saying it's not great but like I said, static sift word gets thrown around real freely these days

A lil spanish

Well-known member
Yes @ojd !! Thats not static . Can be normal sift Lil filtered .
Thats static .... True static handmade .
Lil different ... I think .


Well-known member
Back again from some days off. Some might guess in which country we stayed .

First resin this time is – I am cursed, obviously– again from my most favourite section. You know what? They didn't let me down again since their frozen version of one of the most used strains for producing sifts in the Rif in recent years apart from those I mentioned in my second last post in this thread was acquired then.
Thought the man behind the counter was joking when predicting it will be strong, but indeed it almost turned me into an ice sculpture.
Very strong for this technique indeed, which renews questions in regards to trust and black market.

Coffeeshop price considered and equally strong enough kush taste it was the best price performance ratio this trip and that's why the best overall product this stay!
1 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, November, 2024.JPG

2 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, November, 2024.JPG

Second one is supposedly from California, Usa again. Forgot what the description said, but probably static technique used, although while kushy taste was there it wasn't at all more intense than the above, in fact struggeled a bit in comparison.

Effects on the other hand were longer lasting and a tad more intense, let alone obvioulsy better processed than the above, but definitely not worth double the price or the first one shown was cut in regards to taste and effect, haha.

Sorta least favourite product from this hand section. Still of course would be welcome at home also known as 'drought where it rains rarely'.
3 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, November, 2024.JPG

4 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, November, 2024.JPG

One piece with foreign genetics supposedly grown in Morocco is also worth mentioning[no pictures].
Only 50¢ more expensive than the first one shown above
and another high grade resin. Solid performance in all regards so gets my seal of approval, what ever that means once again. Name refered not to Hassan but someone else, lol.
Not sure again, but if I remember correctly from that colour section, which in fact was too often hit or miss to me. Not this time obviously.

Interestingly another sift was tested as well which was the cheapest this trip and while high grade product it lacked something.
Section having produced it, also grows a lot of automatics in the mountains according to coffeeshop selling it, we were told after consumption by people
in the know whom sat down for a break and quick chat discussing the newest products on the market as usual, which I appreciate every time and a resaon for my loyality among their offered quality and thus pre-selection.

Confirms, despite all definite progress which happened inbetween all those years, my prejudices towards automatics since I had one of the best statics I ever had from this section before as well, but damn sure others grow them as well as said before. Tragic but who am I again?


Interesting you heard of those plasma static machines in Morocco 4 months ago. Had this and your other post in mind and asked around this stay.

Firstly, it was confirmed that there are a few having these machines now and secondly, no information about those claims you mentioned about quality.
My personal guess is: experience producing hashish or not, but they need to get the hang of those machines so might take a while – I am personally happy to give all tries a go!

Though as ususal and you mentioned this before in other posts: it is business and there are probably jealous competitors lieing about others as with sadly probably any business on earth as well as human beings in general too involved, if profit driven[catch question: can a business be non-profit-driven in this current world?] when we picked up the winner above.

[General preachment interlude]Doesn't matter by the way, didn't took offence, you too again using this racist term some people use in the media for the section having produced the best find this trip above[ I was told either the guys working with them being in the know about new techniques are either from Italy or Spain, isn't that even international crime according to media then or what, lol?] , but everytime someone does,
I have to repeat myself again as it needs to set straight. Since I said my part about such spurious arguments before I just throw in some buzzwords about this topic[roughly: 'We do the same trade, but they are bad people and us are good people.'] in general:
- 'ruthlessness/crime isn't about nationality but profit'
- 'pointing fingers while having double standards'
- 'hewing and stabbing everywhere, let alone paranoia in this trade'
-' romanticing of plain business in an illegal rough context'
- 'blood is thicker than water and there is rarely something beyond business relationship, absolutely'
- 'in the past everything was better, but in fact there only was a bigger balance of power between producer and buyer'
And not to forget 'everyone no matter at which position of the food chain involved from producer to buyer has to take resposibility for the whole trade/production, which is basic sociology, there is no backdoor to escape'.
On demand I can go a bit into detail, but I spare you guys this:laughing:. I am egoistically only about the quality people bring to the table and am well aware about the whole picture. Only solution would be either to stop consuming or to go autarchically again, which is fully homegrown, but this isn't possible yet. Definitely not nice but the way it is.
Needless to say I don't worship respectively admire any of these sections or (other) people involved, let alone the marketing either from them or unlabelled products, since it is obviously intpransparent and in the end only,duh, about money so I can only handle this with a bit of humour whilst in fact it is cruel and sad.[End]

These frozen sifts from the section I haven't heard of at all yet look inviting, enjoy! Will as ususal try to find them on trips, thanks. By the way, I see stickers and stamps. Fancy indeed and these will make them theft-proof I am damn sure! Since you mentioned the price I can say we were told the first one[frozen] found and shown here is still a tad cheaper than yours on wholesale, which is again saying something.

The section you bought the 45u from I didn't hear of, too, cheers! I can imagine your tolerance went through the roof, but again being the bearer of bad news too often[for the cause as ususa!], I can only point out that you just cannot escape from tolerance except for taking a break[ tried almost everything and know no one having ever escaped]. Though I remember you mentioned you use it somewhat medically.

Very interesting you vape your resin.
I only heard of your device but in our circle there are people using a Mighty and Volcano. I tried both on several occassions even with vape wool and resin, but was never satisfied apart from a geniuine clean taste experience, but again taste alone doesn't get me as fucked up as when I combust, only recreational use in my case I don't necessarily need to function.
Though I again know mates saying/swearing they get used to it and then nonetheless get blasted when they combust again.
Again, no competition here and each to their own.
I too know that via combustion one inhales smoke byproducts adding to the high[lack of oxygen and a bit more of its counterparts it is sorta], while on the other hand some cannabinoids can't be extracted by a vape. I see as mentioned before myself becoming a dab head one day but the technology is, despite a lovely ritual, not handy at all for
an active person as myself – yet[also used this overhyped american vape for extracts but whilst comfortable the device isn't built to last in my humble opinon.
Back to square one, folks!]!
Eating is a passion as well but one's liver is destroying some cannabinoids and while I enjoy the high nonetheless, I wait for affordable ways for consumers to process this plant for sublingual absorbtion via such approaches one can read about here .
So eating and said progress will be most probably the future as well to me, though I'd miss the ritual of smoking, but then again one can't have it all, what?
Maybe there are future ways to preserve terpenes and all that even via food. That would be a game changer.

Regarding cutting in Afghanistan/Pakistan: your record[ I know everything you and all other people ever done of course so beware what you share. Proof? Here we go: I know you went stoned to bed just yesterday, it is all filed!]says you indeed just mentioned it here
but without a video,
though somehow I vaguely remember you linked it somewhere nonetheless since I know this disgusting proof of human greed[ wait, no , it is just another 'zero waste philosophy:biggrin:' to save the earth of a total environmental collapse]already.
Cheers for making the effort and hopefully some people bury their interest of consuming this crap. I met so many and still know some around here being eager to consume this as they started with such dirt in their youth, sadly.
It is also still around on some coffeeshop menus.
I always said before that this is to me the Afghani/Pakistani version of Moroccan soap bar[some even are greedy to consume this, yuk], no way, not even for free. Though we are all human beings, aren't we ?
This is simply a time machine and again those who don't want to listen, have to learn it the hard way, innit? Too this is freedom I think.
Not to forget: 'It is so damn soft, lad, amazing!'.
Needless to say I don't want to spoil anyone's precious memories as for sure they had a great time back then, but this material for consumption just no one deserves since it is just wrong quality.

Thanks again!

@A lil spanish

Welcome back to the show! Funny as I thought about you the other day.
I think we discussed the possibiltiy of static Moroccan landrace before and I definitely wished for such a long time ago on here,
since I also indulged on some filtered Moroccan landrace batches, which were good but I strangely prefered the original very good quality I could obtain for a long time.

Got told a static version of tradtional Moroccan landrace isn't popular among such producers and one of the reasons is there is no demand at all, sadly.

Your handmade static is looking good! May I ask which technique you use? Gloves? Rolls? What? Curious about that, but of course you don't need to go into detail.


Thanks for your opinion about the two pieces I reviewed the other day. Very interesting to read another opinion, I appreciate this pretty much!

Keep it coming!

As I wrote in my review too, not sure as ususal on a shitty black market it is really static[isn't this certainty wonderful in this lovely scene? It just feels so safe, we should consider ourselves lucky and respect the people throwing such greatness at us to the max! ],
but too mentioned I think many producers most probably there not invest much time in their static cleaning of sifts and damn sure they don't go for the infamous often mentioned too by myself '99% heads' for many reasons.
In theory though they could call their product static even when only cleaned for 5 minutes. Maybe we should introduce a special terminology of let's say '70% heads', '75% heads' and so on. Or is it just black and white and that's why '99%heads or not'.
Not saying '99%' is a myth or shit, but for mass production yet not working for several reasons and one prominent one, is that there may be a demand but as usual most people don't wanna pay the work as simple as that.
They too often want hashish for 2€ in retail at best.

Real lovers go for such '99%', but only privatley most probably. I tried many statics in the last years from all countries supplying the Netherlands, but my microscope hasn't seen '99%' yet. I hope this will change at one point until it really is available and I am an advocat for honest labelling and definitions as well, but will take a while sadly.

Suggestion by the way: please don't fall for the clever marketing of this chain having produced these two pieces and use the name of this very coffeeshop 'insert name'[damn, I just mentioned it!] since despite they changed a lot in this scene for good too, they just don't deserve this defining name for many reasons.
On the other hand, if we would use their more common name[they are supplying/owning quite a number of coffeeshops around Netherlands currently as well as their 'seed company']we are trapped into their marketing as well.
As said, clever.
Though, only again in my humble opinon, their intransparency calls for such not naming but in the end is a drop in the ocean as , no offence again, many just don't reflect it. Still it is complicated and I see that, just saying. Big story.

Prices: not saying they invented static technique but pushed it to some degree for coffeeshops and were one or the first bringing this quality to coffeeshops, or course their own.
Respect where respect is due though despite all critizm!
Been there when it was released about 4 years ago[along with a few videos on YouTube showing the process back then in Morocco but they seem to have deleted them now] for a high price back then, but compared to now it even was an ok price[though the quality of today's producers, if one knows the right spots, is certainly better].
The one you and also I mentioned in my post about from about two years ago was even cheaper compared to their initial batch[supposedly different strains involved though]but slightly less in quality.
As said in my recent posts, when tried this, it was quite good and
is a no brainer compared to some other producers charging double the price[which again is saying something], period.
I reckon[again: in theory!], since among other reasons coffeeshops are an oligopoly, if this chain[and/or others] wants to change/drop the prices they just could wouldn't there be price riggings so common in oligopolistic markets, innit?
Lotsa producers just fool consumers, but this won't last forever!
Thus I party hard when seeing technology coming up, such mentioned machines in my previous posts, doing the work and at one point hopefully supplying highest quality for the masses[ I know they are currently not cheap,but in theory will go amortised after some runs, let alone the machines themselves will get cheaper, and prices drop. At least in my wishes and in theory again, basic economy but let me be a dreamer please, yes?].
No hashish is worth more than 5-10€ in my humble opinon[don't get me started on even more riddiculous grass prices] and the rest is just rip off, but again this is a long story others and me explained before.
Another reason for producing one's own quality hashish and for legalisation in general, again roughly speaking.


Well-known member
Probably my favourite hash this year...

GMO by the hidden farm 11e a g

I have wanted to try this farm for a few years and finally got some of their drysift.

This is one of my favourite strains along with cheese, I like the funky ones.

The quality of this is up there with frozen and static of most other farms, these guys know how to make hash.

Really strong high perfect for bedtime, the terps were off the scale too, I used charcoal filters on my joints and no flavour was lost.

Definitely some of the best hash I've had and true to their reputation, wish I'd taken more photos, this shit is like butter.



Gelonoidz by the hidden farm

Yet again absolute power from this hash and some crazy flavours of tropical citrus and a long lasting high.

Yet again looking like a frozen but just standard drysift.


I wish I had got some more of this, will definitely try more of their products in the future.
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Well-known member
Wow that Looks super Nice for lebanese.. is it the real Deal? I had the last red leb in 2009 from old church.. Never forget that flavour😍

Nice find 🪬
Who knows but I would say one is more likely to find genuine Leb now than then as production has ramped up in recent years due to all kinds of crises in the region. They claim 10% THC and 10% CBD, sounds about right for a traditional style hash?


Well-known member
Who knows but I would say one is more likely to find genuine Leb now than then as production has ramped up in recent years due to all kinds of crises in the region. They claim 10% THC and 10% CBD, sounds about right for a traditional style hash?

It's definitely being produced and documented on Instagram, although the main account I've followed has vanished (often get deleted by Instagram)

They were even offering holiday tours of the growing areas

I've seen red, blonde, green, gold, yamouneh and a few other variants, I'm guessing just different phenos of the same plants.

Red is just the plants taken when the trichs are amber.

They call it all CBD plants now, might be a way to get around certain legalities.


Well-known member
All right then, firstly, I wish all members and readers of Icmag a happy new year. Hope you all had a good one!

Secondly, this holiday past December our second priority beside the ususal was to get hold of the latest releases from the ongoing Dutch Wiet experiment I reported about here.

For sure we needed to get stocked up on hashish before[ You know why! ] and choice was abundant in the provinces since we this time successfully avoided usually extra overrun Amsterdam in December, which often failed before[ compared to poor member and future, at least!, static artist Bibi40 who must have had the whole nine yards of traffic on site,
when taking his recent reviews into account, which I enjoyed reading over Crimbo. Only waiting for the last remaining review and conclusion in general – bit of a bummer almost only gear from the section all over the place was tested,
but despite they serve quality and my as mentioned personal discomfort with their cheap easy to see through hype all across the Netherlands since more than a year, I am sure it was one of the best available at that point+in general and it was fun to try so cheers for that!:tiphat:]!

So again this time first lot is some fresh frozen again from my most famous section. Strong kush taste it is and equally strong effect all together! Beautiful and high quality product!
1 Fresh Frozen High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, Dece...JPG

2 Fresh Frozen High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, Dece...JPG

3 Fresh Frozen High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, Dece...JPG

4 Fresh Frozen High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, Dece...JPG

Second one is from an other coffeeshop and again from my most favourite section. Unfortunately young lad behind the counter couldn't give further information about this very recent static release, as only he could tell that there is some ice involved in production so that's why special.

Ice involved but no ice-o-lator since static cleaned he said, what ever that means as I clearly asked, if this is the new season of 'static frozen' , which he both rejected respectively didn't know about anyway.

Indeed very sweet taste is even a touch more intense and noticeiably stonger effects compared to the fresh frozen above ; also even more light in colour
and I'd reckon the brightest I ever had off them.
Almost to the point of being suspectingly flavourful, but is still fine me thinks ; though this accumulation of flavour in parts I didn't experience yet from so called imports
from supposedly Usa and on the other hand they still were slightly better mostly.
Oilish consistency similar to the best , if really from there, from the Usa as well. Particularly more expensive than the above as well
and now in the range price again where they started with a few years back since the prices for static in the last year were roughly halved compared to introduction offensive back then. Is this 'justified' compared to their statics of the past? In my humble opinion definitely better quality, but not fair at all.

Apart from that in fact best piece found on this trip, easily! Though the fresh frozen above I'd prefer since the overall better product, when it comes to price-performance ratio.

Still very keen what quality level they will release in regards to the plasma static machine discussed before.

Looks like as mentioned in my previous posts
they[and probably others]seemingly go for a silly 'zero waste policy' and capatalize every quality obtained during a sifting session ; of course too giving them stupid names like 'frozen static' and all that.
5 Static High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, December, ...JPG

6 Static High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, December, ...JPG

7 Static High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, December, ...JPG

On a second note I can report that I had another release of the Transporters section on that trip[no pictures]. Without a doubt another high grade from them and I think it was advertised as frozen sift. Quite strong it was as well though the numbers saying about 40% of delta-9-thc, which isn't much at all in comparison, but again showing they are just numbers since terpenes, set and other factors play a role, too.

Sadly oldschool Moroc was tested at the most favourite private source as well, but again it only was nice enough mid-grade, despite being judged by look one of these rare genuine blonde versions. Looks like the reported family conflict takes its toll.
Times they are changing! Will check every now and then, but really gutted about the recent consistency ; definitely has to do with prices so it may still be around, but customers don't want to pay more so it goes to other circles. Have a subpar picture of it even, but will not post it as so annoying situation to me. Please regret me to the max, haha!

Probably my favourite hash this year...

GMO by the hidden farm 11e a g

I have wanted to try this farm for a few years and finally got some of their drysift.

This is one of my favourite strains along with cheese, I like the funky ones.

The quality of this is up there with frozen and static of most other farms, these guys know how to make hash.

Really strong high perfect for bedtime, the terps were off the scale too, I used charcoal filters on my joints and no flavour was lost.

Definitely some of the best hash I've had and true to their reputation, wish I'd taken more photos, this shit is like butter.

Ok, you are in advertising mode, aren't you? Just saying since you bravely claim they are better than most others – from personal experience or hearsay from trusted sources? I think the latter, right?

Sorry for my usual anal attitude, but in the end I can relate to your euphoria, at least in general and I appreciate such interest always!

Last but not least: many a good releases of 'dry sift' outta there in this stupid name game and all the cheaters using extra terms for their in fact lower grade product, that is for certain.

Wild labelling as usual and while I'm on it as far as people involved told us on jaunts, only a few sections in the Rif really produce certain sifts, while the rest on site or foreigners coming there to score sifts buy from them and put their own sticker on the slabs.

Or unpressed sifts imported to e.g. Spain and reprocessed there either for good or not. For example, this section all over the place Bibi40 recently reported about in more detail is supposed to buy from what I call my most favourite section or the section which produced the Onionz some time ago[I will from now on refer to them as 'Motorbreath section' as that batch was crazy as well back then, but they are not top 3 anymore to me, though still often deliver quality.].

Since they both are said to be big players there, what ever that means. Also possible it is not from the Rif but somewhere else. Also possible: all bullshit since I am not on site and many jealous competitors around:biggrin:!
A fact again: definitely a seedy and chaotic business! Not to forget this all happens there since the beginning of trade in this area.

You know what? This here coming is a match: I can't explain why, but I forgot to review that for some reasons.
I heard of them probably as early as you and on few occassions tried their material. However, creamy and crunchy taste this Gmo has, indeed! I can't praise your line high enough when you used the term 'funky' as it put a smile to my face due to me remembering it had this usual sorta kush profile many of the high grades with foreign genetics in recent years carry,
but while chonging on that sift there suddenly is this funky twist I can't describe at all[which of course isn't exclusive to them and can be even more refined, but is very welcome]when that other flavour kicks in.

Unususal taste but as said more of a twisted melange in a good way and not throughout, which isn't necessarily a bad point. Definitely too a potent smoke, category 'pinching stone', haha.

Personally not in my top 3 of past year, but for sure in my top 10.

Was about July I think when I came across this sample ; vaguely remember that known guy at the coffeeshop, when repurchasing at one point told us that there are at least two versions around[similar to last year when there was a Mulberry and Mulberry static around from one certain section I reported about here, which is as reported at the minute my second favourite].

Will ask what version it was when I am next time about and let you know!

Also had one other release of them which was fresh frozen as far as I remember more than a year ago and was spot on as well. Though I can't say much about their consistency as I only tried a few samples as said and not many coffeeshops carry them[means not much, haha].

While I am on it, it reminds me a bit of one other section I only tried very few material of, but was intrigued by this certain product.

As ususal for mentioned reasons I have to give them my own stupid name, but as usual it should be easy to figure out, when involved in this stupid name game[at least me thinks, right?]. You are ready?

So perhaps you should keep the name 'The Hash Plant'[have to pat myself on the shoulder again since it is such a genius nick created, so interpretable , haha!] in mind ; similarly rare at coffeeshops, but again this means nothing.
Hope more quality is coming your way!

Retrospect, 2024:

Many so called frozen and static sifts were consumed, which again were mostly better than previous year! Also consumed pretty much the same as in 2023, which is quite moderate and upholds my 'less is more' philosophy. Saying that, I am currently on my ususal yearly fasting to start my year for proper planing and all that [detox included ; as ususal nothing to do with new trends
I hear of at the minute, when it comes to this madness about staying healthy, which isn't basically a bad thing, if balanced, but some people seem to overdo it and expect eternal life] since New Year which at least will take a month and probably more.
Will see what happens this year and will be back then as usual hopefully.
See you then, take care!
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Well-known member
Happy new year all!!!


No need to apologise I love you style of analysis.

The budtender probably meant frozen static as that's now available along with double static 🙄.

With regards to the hidden farm, it was hearsay till I tried 4 different bars and then I knew that they are probably producing some of the best of so called "top" farms, I think I've tried most of the farms available now so this helped my judgement.

They just have the 2 sieve sizes on the label, no technical terms like static, but all of those hidden farm bars were 11e a g and they were up there with the others I tried priced at 18-20e a g, every bar also had the best terps, they just seem to know how to beat the plants correctly/have excellent hash makers in the group.

The plasma static tech has been used over the USA for a while now, it's also definitely over in Morocco too as I've seen a few menus mentioning it.

It's probably using this kit is how the USA produced so much static in a fast time, there's loads of it for sale.

I'm still under the impression that the USA static is mostly made from trim, unless someone can correct me?

I'm seeing now golden head warriors going for 50e to 60e a gram when last year they were 40e a g, I don't know who has put the prices up but they are hard drug prices to me.

I bought a few USA ones over Xmas, a farm called "Sahas Terps" at 30e a g, it was painful parting with the money for them but they were nice for a treat but, there's car better quality price ratio to be found over in Morocco.

I'll post up a review soon of them USA pieces.

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