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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
All right back from Dam where I report about here.

[Interlude]Before that, just for the record, I returned to consumption after self-imposed and this time more than two months fasting[some day it will be forever I guess:biggrin:]which also and always means completely sober by the way[as I know others switching to consuming a beer crate a day or what ever then – self-deceit, anyone?] ; fast-breaking was finished by some dry frozen white coloured 120micron fresh frozen ice-o-lator one mate brought from Spain which could have been tastier – still tastier than one certain product we bought this trip - but provided a strong and long lasting , uplifting experience which eventually faded into a somewhat narcotic finish when my mate[who is a well experiencied daily driver and almost felt asleep, too] and myself went to a cafe for some tea and games straight after a lovely bong session..[end of interlude].

Ok, enough self-praise below is the winner of this trip's hunt for quality hashish[along with a picture of current Dam square].

A hell of a lot overpriced piece of resin but static(and fresh frozen supposedly)filtered gearw hich is a winner in all departments doesn't matter if strength, taste and smell. Very fruity unique smoke again so smooth one could think one is vaping:dance013:. One of the best in the last years I have to underline but of course still not the holy grail I hope to never find.
1 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, March, 2023.JPG

2 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, March, 2023.JPG

3 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, March, 2023.JPG

4 Dam Square, March, 2023.JPG

The other one below is another 'Semi-Dry' I picked up this month, too. There was a note on a blank sticker saying 'Gmo x Strawberry Banana 90u', haha. Usual look, oily on the outside with bright inside. Similar to my previous post in this thread

More pricey than the one before though more tasty as well – reminds me of the first batches I roughly encountered about five years ago in the Netherlands ; that sorta lemon yet cinnamonic taste which was quite a standard when they popped up[while the newer ones don't taste that way anyonmore so often, at least in my experience].
Lovely trip down memory lane but also confusing why it returns now:biglaugh:. As said before now the least I want to consume so Semi-Dry or not a commercial high grade to me then.
5 Semi-Dry Respectively Commercial High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco, M...JPG

6 Semi-Dry Respectively Commercial High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco, M...JPG

7 Semi-Dry Respectively Commercial High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco, M...JPG

8 Semi-Dry Respectively Commercial High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco, M...JPG

@Karma G

Enjoy your *clack* then which looks like the usual quality old school Moroc. Reminds me I need to see some people, cheers.


What do you know about artificial plant terpenes used to cut hashish? Topic comes up every now and then but wasn't fully covered yet.
Do you experiencied that personally? How to recognize that one?
Only heard it is very artificial on the palate/tongue when having experiencied different grades before.


Cherry Pie looks good, enjoy. Thanks for coming back for a picture, appreciated.

Curing: I see you mentioned sous vide water bath for such and I remember again as we had this discussion before that Speula first mentioned that about 3 years back and I am not a fan of this and other procedures and would always vote for natural aging as you seemingly decided for yourself, too ; again, to me only another method of working hashish but each to their own[tried worked hashish and noticed smoother taste and such but I prefer time over this and cooking].

Quality takes time in every department in life generally speaking and I can wait ; maybe I'm though just again an outdated fool as there would be no difference when trying both approaches – time vs cooking – when doing let's say a blind test, haha.

Nice to hear you built up a colllection may this indeed carry you though 2023! Hope this digital way works out for you. Always remember you're having to do with people not interested in you at all but your money you won't even meet in person, stay safe.
Would be interesting as you explained roughly how it works digitally how much farmers earn more when selling sorta straight to a customer - I'm afraid not much more as the same people sadly involved mostly, amen.

Asked about the possibility of fresh frozen material static sifted too in Amsterdam when meeting people and got mixed opinions as on one side they put it like you did and the other – me included as I had it a few years back at one shop and their flagship hashish from Morocco – were saying there are batches coming in that way.

I mean, why not?

It is possible to bubble wash fresh frozen material so why not static technique with fresh frozen material?Should be a standard my spoilt mind thinks.

Probably by hand a time consuming method thus either in a very cold room unless that static method is taken to a new level for processing a lot of material which maybe is already in effect and if not should be at one point. Anyone?

That section coming with Semi-Dry almost as good as others 120u you mentioned before but haven't come across yet.

Will keep an eye out for this, cheers[Though by the way what came up this trip is that I had material off most famous sections in this game already].

Though I am sceptical as with recent experience in Amsterdam and also before with more and more so called filtered stuff more and more available I wonder where is the catch as on one had they as pointed out seemingly producers[always remember this is only a minority and there is still so much garbage to be had on the black market ; still lots of low and midgrades about] are hand in clove with each other and on the other such cheaper products seem to lack something compared to the real deals from other sections.

Maybe this section you mention is doing serious work while the rest of the so called Semi-Drys nowadays are indeed too often careless produced sift as already went totally commercial[ as I suspect the first batches about 5-6 years ago – and this only in Netherlands as Spain was probably even earlier - already only were mostly so called Semi-Dry] so they come across better. Just thinking too on my recent purchase privately shown above.

Blue Cheese, yes? I dearly remember almost 10 years ago I found a Cheese hash at a coffeeshop in Amsterdam and in retroscpect this must have been one of the first batches of this new wave of hashish back then(I mean not the 'Semi-Dry approach' but a lot more western genetics than before were popping up].

As mentioned before I have a soft spot for Cheese[ I refer to the one cut Homegrown Fantasy had during roughly 2004-2009 ; sorry but I don't care at all what's the name of the cut I simply refer to this for now as the real deal , never seen this at any coffeeshop in later years and we only managed to grow Blue Cheese from Big Buddah as a substitute among our crew and selecting a Blue Cheese clone carrying at least a funk of the taste - while according to this ongoing thread no original cut was used for the cross -
and smell but got lost years ago]so when you say this section you mention produced a Semi – Dry of Blue Cheese
I'd be keen trying this as I know this section from personal experience as well and had several items from them over the last year ; I ballot for them as they indeed seem to produce a well rounded product even though the strenghts of effects can be discussed but taste again is to some degree crazy.

So crazy it often happened with their products during a session on holidays in Nederland several mates, often more leaning to grass smoking, commented on the thick flavour of certain resins and it was always at least this section having produced it
as I tend to number at least my purchases and am not interested in names, prices and such to give a product a more objective[needless to say this is still merely semi-professional]view as I'm mad about many stuff objectivity included so this is saying something.

All in all those guys' work deserves to be described as amazing!

Could imagine old schoolers whinning about the decrease[again it is still available, do your homework and look around!] of traditional Moroccan landrace would love their approach.

Again, taste is really good when getting a proper batch as that stuff covers one's pallate heavily similar to the best batches of traditional Moroc I had throughout my life to this very day.

You said Semi-Dry is their lowest grade and there are 3 higher ones. Not sure what I had
off them but I suspect mostly 90u which seem to be too often Semi Dry as well[ for the record though: I know it isn't about a certain micron size but the size of trichomes].

What do they offer ? Do they do fresh frozen as well? Do they do static? 120Microns? Would love to try their versions but don't think they are much cheaper then. Elaborate, please.

No clue what formula they do when producing such aromatic Semi Drys, hope and think it is really as you put it too an artisan product.

Though I can tell you that I had more or less lots of their product yet and definitely not all of them come with a strong taste department which is splitting hairs here again but the ones not so tasty were as good as other filtered ones, just not special indeed but good enough product.

Last but not least compared to the winner of this trip and its section I can say that I had a similar range of products from this section and all of them were proper quality yet [apart from the price, haha].

Also they perform well in general on all aspects and it is at least roughly a grade above the mentioned one beforehand.

While I still don't rate theri price policy as well as their omnipresence I think you should try this as well.

Sure it is debatable if it is really a grade better but definitely remarkably better ; prices are too stupid so this is a point of distraction when talking about it but in my humble opinion it marks a difference in quality – we need some [randomised double]blind tests to be sure.
I write it again, what this expensive section is producing should be the gold standard and affordable for anyone. This is how hashish should be at least. Would like to buy this stuff at home and would probably ply between these Blue Cheese section and the winner of this trip and their products.

What ever, as said in my previous post those so called Semi-Drys[ by the way thanks to member Semi-dry on here when about a year ago that person pointed out, maybe in a bit cryptic way , a bit about different grades which now makes a lot more sense and what others in 'Dam explained lately]are the least I want and will consume now apart from genuine classic Moroc but again as you see there is no real standard in this illegal game and seemingly sadly part of the marketing stragety from the people involved.

Sounding like a broken record again though I think producers in the Rif should static and fresh frozen the shit out of their original landrace to have a real competitor on the market instead of what happens since years that 'Western Genetics' simply are somewhat 'outsourced' and grown in Morocco to produce more potent and more[yield] hashish which is only interesting due to a lower priced end-product as illegally grown and cheap labour involved though on the other hand indeed is nothing special since those genetics[they claim to grow the up to date stuff there but mostly it is again a cheap marketing trick to attract customers] are grown all over the place worldwide.
Originality versus repitition, anyone? Don't get me wrong no black/white shit but the major part of the genetics should be the one already acclimated locally since decades let alone ages but of course there should always be room for experiments and other strains.

Would it be up to me I'd purely process the 'perfect micron size'[preferably measured before harvest]and not sift for other microns only fishing for immature trichome heads or shit but use this other microns[if necessary to produce such anyway]for edibles[for recreational market or cheap medicine].

Why bother with low quality? Of course because they still earn enough money with it and it is part of this omnipresent protit driven society. Dreaming is still allowed, isnt't it?

In my humble opinion ice-o-lators either with fresh frozen material or not is only a substitute in my book as well as while potency is spot on mostly the taste tends to be stale[ have seen and smelt also a lot of that from Usa and some were tempting ; still amazed to see that they seem to be big with rosin but can't produce proper dry sifts – well, maybe the schwag is sent to Europe and elsewhere again as it is no rocket science again producing this ; at some point they for sure will up their production if there is demand] ; though I can see why people do this at home because of lack of space et cetera.. So again only dry sift with the full package containing taste, smell and potency, I 'm too old to consume other crap and just won't. Needless to say : each to their own though.

By the way: you mentioned a video showing the process of producing the lowest quality of Pakistan/Afghanistan aka 'soapbar from this region' as I like to call it always, feel free to show this here as it would be interesting but I don't mind if it is too much of a hassle and in the end not that interesting though as people familiar with qualities and hashish in general know already that this is pure crap and full of contaminants BUT it is soft hashish, huh? Again, as said before some old schoolers are still keen to consume this out of sheer nostalgia - there is just no sensible reason otherwise, yuk!
Too let us know what you think about the other fresh frozen gear you got lately, cheers.


Enjoy your Moroccan presents then! Bummer about the flu, hope it was no covid19.

Best Morocs I had yet were mostly on the hard side of things at room temperature and best ones we produced at home, too. Though this is again only a rough tendency.

Agree on grass being more plant material to smoke, especially in a bong this is quite noticeable as proper hashish just smokes easy while even longterm real cured homegrown is too raw for me these days as since years I mostly consume hashish ; every now
and then I indulge but it isn't too smooth while it is proper grown material. So funny as since a while now I have access again to some proper organic and cured homegrown from mates but now this is less interesting to me since I on one hand got older and on the other I focuss again on resin which also got stronger in recent years respectively got my hands on better
gear so grass is even more laughable to me.
I remember when the first batches of Dutch indoor arrived here and how strong it appeared compared to available resins back then.
Still I'd say that the best Moroccan traditional high grade isn't as strong as the average skunk strain due to much Cbd involved on the Moroc side.
I mean hashish is a concentrate, isn't it? Now with better procession and technique hashish is certainly stronger again compared to grass. Achievement, anyone, haha?

Even would say that the taste is also more to my liking hashwise, also more intense.

What I want to say: I still don't like the black market and many people I have to deal with there for obvious reasons let alone the lack of informations coming with their products so a home grow is the place to be again.
Though I know about the effort and such and for my laughable consumption it just isn't worth the trouble – not to forget costs a lot of time - and I will not talk mates into producing sift.
Still my in my utopia I'd grow and harvest and cure only for hashish and the laughable harvest then would suit my needs in fact perfectly.
Though then again I have to work with clones and shit again and this needs attention so back to square one aka the black market until opportunities are better. First world problems again:biglaugh:.

Kudos to you if you really produced your own sift from outdoor plants ; the way to go with proper sunlight and all that. Also numbers could be lovely harvestwise and be very helpful for producing more hashish[again I can understand people indoor tend to produce bubble but it will only be a substitute to me as I want the real deal dry sift preferably outdoor grown with proper conditions ; again my utopia]

Last but not(?)least: deep respect for mentioning your family situation.
See, I don't hate police as to some degree this is necessary but have to mention – no offence intended – I'm not surrounded by many so called normal people but freaks in my circle . me included.
Since knowing their backgrounds and in general interested in people I me(e)t abroad I can say that as a tendency(not destiny!) I noticed the craziest kids/adults either in a positve or negative(mostly though)way then came from a household where parents either worked as a policeman, teacher or soldier. In my theory has to do with their too often conservative thinking and pressuring due to being in public and all that. Just saying as this is a very interesting topic in general, behaviorism, cause and effect and all that.
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Well-known member
So I've been lucky to find a Lebanese crew offering the same services.

They are taking the modern techniques (still using the Leb landrace) and are starting to teach them to their people in the Bekaa.

Learnt something new from them already as I was only aware of the 2 major types of Leb.

Yellow (Shakra) and Red (Hamra) but there seems to be a third called Green (Khadra).

They are all apparently made from the Lebanese landrace, I've yet to ask them if it's all from the same plants taken at different stages of the trichromes maturing, or if there's a few distinct plants that produce these 3 types.

They only had the yellow in stock for now so I grabbed a slice of that.

Looks wise it's like a semi dry or around that area but seemingly not so much resin heads when held to a flame or under macro.

Smoke wise it's up there with the semi drys but I guess it has a broader spectrum of cannabinoids compared to modern hybrids.

I'm more of an Indica type as Sativas (hazes especially) seem to give me anxiety, but this is a great all day smoke that causes no anxiety at all and put you in a great mood.

Really nice floral woody taste which is quite different to a batch of Leb (that was a lot thicker bar) I previously had last year.

High is a lot better than the previous Leb too, I assume that's just the usual export Leb.



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Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
New season dry hash .
70 microns filtered ... Gorilla glue .
Top material. Not fresh fozen.
Awesome in the morning with the coffee lol .
Cheers !!
A Lil Guy ... But i know Maroc very very good lmao .. its my second House .
View attachment 18832189

When the new maroc varieties are referred to as frozen, what does this mean? They aren't freezing live plants then sifting them, so is it that the hash is frozen immediately after sifting and pressing?

Looks great man, a lot of the top grade modern maroc is now hard to differentiate from bubble hash ime but I'm no hash expert.
