typo,LOL - You are very rude though.
c'est vrai qu'on est là, mais peu actifs MDR, pourtant c'est ici que tous les francophones peuvent poster, y compris ceux qui ont du mal en anglais, a n'y rien comprendre cette histoire !
par contre j'ai rien compris au :
"lassez les bon temps roulez mes amies"
ca viens d'un traducteur cette phrase ou quoi ?
which faux-pas have I made ? I'm French, so I do not pretend I speak perfectly English.When you pretend not to speak english. You need a little more intellect.You have made a few faux-pas.
could you please PM me to explain clearly what you mean ? I really don't understand, what do you mean by "I also know your other 2 handles now" ??Didn't I mention your friends (3 of them) PM'd me. I also know your other 2 handles now. All because I donate to Icmag? I will donate again to ICmag just cause you dislike so much.Why are you even here??
who did I insult ? if you did not understand what i said in French, i can try to translate it in English, because I swear i never wanted to insult anyoneYou're welcome to stay here....you are not free to suddenly appear and try to insult members with no provocation or reason. Feel free to continue on...without the quasi insults. I'm sure everyone can play nice, n'est ce pas?
Let's drop this now and just continue on....nicely.
Bonjour TroubleJ'espere que tu es bien