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if i speak frensh ?



c'est vrai qu'on est là, mais peu actifs MDR, pourtant c'est ici que tous les francophones peuvent poster, y compris ceux qui ont du mal en anglais :joint:, a n'y rien comprendre cette histoire !
par contre j'ai rien compris au :
"lassez les bon temps roulez mes amies :)"
ca viens d'un traducteur cette phrase ou quoi ?


Nothing is ever random- Your buddies ratted you out. I hope you study hard for your tests coming up. Stay off the motorcycle it isn't safe with your vision.... Grow up old man 50 is a little to old to still be a troll. Now go back to your hole.
I don't really understand what you're saying, I guess i'm concerned because you quoted me, but I don't know what I did wrong to have made you angry.
If I said something wrong I'm sorry for that, otherwise I still do not understand.

and please, could you speak a correct French in that section, I thank you for doing this next time you post here :wink:



When you pretend not to speak english. You need a little more intellect.You have made a few faux-pas.
Didn't I mention your friends (3 of them) PM'd me. I also know your other 2 handles now. All because I donate to Icmag? I will donate again to ICmag just cause you dislike so much.Why are you even here??
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~Resident Puck Bunny~
Someone doesn't like the way another speaks....they are not forced to read it. Tata, I think you best stop this now.
When you pretend not to speak english. You need a little more intellect.You have made a few faux-pas.
which faux-pas have I made ? I'm French, so I do not pretend I speak perfectly English.
Didn't I mention your friends (3 of them) PM'd me. I also know your other 2 handles now. All because I donate to Icmag? I will donate again to ICmag just cause you dislike so much.Why are you even here??
could you please PM me to explain clearly what you mean ? I really don't understand, what do you mean by "I also know your other 2 handles now" ??

I have no problem whith the fact you gave to IC, and no problem with IC, I like this website, and I don't know why I should stop coming here.



~Resident Puck Bunny~
You're welcome to stay here....you are not free to suddenly appear and try to insult members with no provocation or reason. Feel free to continue on...without the quasi insults. I'm sure everyone can play nice, n'est ce pas?
I've just looked at a translation for Handle, and you probably mean "nickname" right ?
If that is what you mean, then, let you know I never changed my pseudo, and I never PM'd you, or whatever else.

bye and please stop thinking I don't like you or IC !
You're welcome to stay here....you are not free to suddenly appear and try to insult members with no provocation or reason. Feel free to continue on...without the quasi insults. I'm sure everyone can play nice, n'est ce pas?
who did I insult ? if you did not understand what i said in French, i can try to translate it in English, because I swear i never wanted to insult anyone
If you want me to translate it, just ask and I'll do so.



Well-known member
Let's drop this now and just continue on....nicely.

Je suis d accord. Faites-vous des amis prompts a vous censurer. Generalement, les gens qui savant peu parlent becoup, et les gens qui savent beacoup parlent peu.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!




What a delirious conversation, isn't it ?

I'm French and I understand English but I actually don't understand anything about what's going on with Tatachristin...

He has never ever insult anybody on this thread... Tata is well known on french forums and he is far to be a troll or a badass so I think the whole story is a huge misunderstanding !



same s**t !!!!!

i don't understand that clash

just misunderstanding, that's all and that's sure :joint:

he have to light a big spliff together , because we are fighting for same things


New member
payes ton embrouille !!!!

payes ton embrouille !!!!

Salut à toutes et à tous,

tata t'es mal barré, j'suis mort de rire, comme quoi la sémantique c'est important.

Aller une petite expression bien franchouillarde :

" Arrêtez de monter sur vos grands chevaux "

Sur ce bonne journée et bonne culture de l'esprit et de notre plante favorite.

salut lem,
sur ce coup là j'avoue n'avoir rien compris !
j'ai essayé de re copier mon texte dans un traducteur français/anglais et voila ce que ca donne :
it is true that one is there, but not very active MDR, however in fact here that the French-speaking people can poster, including those have English evil, has there anything to understand this history!
on the other hand I understood anything with:
“weary good time swindle my friends:)
do that come from a translator this sentence or what?"

le début : "it's true that one is here, but not very active", trichy a peu etre pris ca pour lui, alors que dans la phrase en francais, le 'on' en question c'est les francais/francophones

bref, vraiment le délire !


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