Sweet, can't wait to see whats grown with the 150 seeds, should def get some nice stuff!
I nominate Sherry
mojave green IS NOMINATED!Done Jaymer!
yes it is ...not sure if the mass was the female or the male...usually I label the female first in a description....yeehaw..not so good for bag appeal but man theres thc everywhere ..definitely a strain for hash/concentrates...pictures or it never happened - is that the Hash plant /Critical Mass? im a hash lover and on the hunt for good resin producer
Please nominate:
007craig 2chainz 50YardLine 604sour acrgator Alaskan_Ice Alien dream AndreCheese Andyo apeshot Archangel aridbud Asylum athomewithkyle av8or azez babe ruth bad lie bakelite bandit60001 BatmanX BCSticky Berry0420 bigdad41296 billy_big_bud! Biohpilic birdman_ BityMagicBeanz blastfrompast bloyd BluesHarp Bob Green Bobbo4200 Bobby_Stainless BoldAsLove Bongstar420 Boss Cocky bpwilly bsasd bucketswithsoil budsicles budsnblunts Caddypercent Cakeboy Callagan canna farmer cannascholar Capt. Kush Capt.Ahab CaseyFJones ChasingGreen chatoo123 chronic82 CHRONICMAN Cool Moe cooterbrown420 Copperfield CountCanabinoid crazycarguy DabStar dansbuds Dave Coulier DaveQueBud Dawn Patrol DD831 Dean420 DerGaertner² dill786 DinosaurCocks dirtbag22 Don Dump drajo DrBlaze Drucifer ELDandy eltiterito emobilemobile EssentialGround fabvariousk Farmer B farmerlion Fattanza fazor federiconick Fly by Night Foreverfamily Frosty 420 fungzyme Fur fuzzdog Gaboon galaxy447 Ganjaganjakush GanjaGuerilla Ganoderma gardener60 GET MO gh0st9 Giampi Goats Golden Tree gone rayson GonjaLove goodkarma17 gorilla ganja gothic arch Grandma Grows grassyknoll GrowGoddess GrownMyOwn GrownOut GSPfan guanito Hashmasta-Kut Hattasan Hazeking HazeOil Heusinomics HHULKK Highland Fire hopesluck Horizont2 Hot_Wheels Iggytree igrowone Infinite808 iTarzan J man JamesFarmer jamvan Jason Voorhees jd123 jefe noche jesbuds Jhhnn jmk18 johnsonbulldog jswick93 jump /injack junglist1 KayaSeedCo Keif Stoned Keru krinen Kush_Kloud Kygiacomo!!! LakeEffect lil_wayne99 LostTribe luchetto9 Lurking4Years macamus33 mako44 Man_ maxwuff Mbobwa MicroRoy midsummer Mike Myers mikehorse mojave green monty49 morgandecaptain Motarello mowood3479 Mr Blah mr.brunch mr.rogers67 MrBungle mrmop mrpotatoed MrTea mstilltokin MtnSkunk mugenbao Mullup NeDank neverforget4/20 Neversummer Nez Nopapersleft NorCalFor20 noyd666 Np386 Obsidian oceangrownterps Old Gold OlDirtyHuman OrganicFarmer ostrichfarmer Pangea pchaser Ph-patrol pic book pittymick porkchop buddah poshbass PrimalHaze Primprimo psychicpilot q3corn random farmer RaStone RckyMtRdnk REALSTYLES redlocks ReikoX ReWine rizzed Roadsaw Robby Benson Robrites rockymountainJ Roji Rott saekeaton64 samhigh Samson4 sativaking Scrappy-doo sdd420 Seaf0ur Shcrews shellybelly shishkaboy siftedunity singularity SirSmokalot Siskiyou Skinny Leaf smilley Snook Sorceror SourDank SpaceBros. spearwarrior SPOTHEBRAINCELL StankyBeamer Starmstr Stash stemarmel stewpac15 Stinkymutt stonedwarrior Stoner4Life Storm Shadow stormin22 Stowna studpecker surf n smokes t.roj Tactical Farmer TanzanianMagic taylormade1 Telstar TerpeneDream testymctester th3gr33ncur3 thehighestman TheOutlawTree TheScrogFrog thesloppy Timm timmur Tonatiuh Tonygreen topheavy420 toretto Tru Blu Tudo Tugboat907 unclefishstick uraverage veraciouse Verhi walt cunningham Walt Jabsco Weezard WelderDan who dat is windycitysmoker WiseAssYT wodi WoodFired Pizza Wozzle xanderskunk xmobotx xxxbra ZenDuddhist Ziggaro _tessarecting