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  • ICMag and The Vault are running a NEW contest! You can check it here. Prizes are seeds & forum premium access. Come join in!

ICMag.com & The Vault Contest - August 2024


Well-known member
Which is your best/funny short story from when you were high?

In the early '70s I was 16 years old and had some Panama Red, the real deal stuff. One early evening, my older brother and I decide to get high while putting around the lake we lived on. Got so stoned that we could not recognize where our dock was as it was pitch black darkness by then so we kept going around the lake until we ran the fuel tank dry. We drifted for hours until we came down a bit to realize where we were at, which was not far off from our place. Being a better swimmer, I jumped in the water and pulled the boat with the ski rope back to our dock, which took another hour but seemed like forever. It was a 16 foot fiberglas trihull with a 65 hp outboard engine. It was not funny then but sure was the next day after. That was some awesome weed!

edit: Thanks for the contest ICMag. and The Vault ;) :smoke out:
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Best funny short story

My best buddy and I are super into indian food, specifically Indian buffet at the time. We religiously got beyond baked before every visit. One time, we were discussing the waste involved w buffets and how dish heavy the place must be because they required you to grab a new plate for each trip(sanitary reasons). So, being the high dumbasses that we are we discussed how extreme this could go. After several ideas by far the dumbest yet funniest was to imagine if instead of just going up and grabbing new silverware and utensils, that we literally fold up the corners of the tablecloth, tie it, put the entire cloth sack on the floor and then just go sit at a new table with all new plates and silverware all over again. Somehow we tied that into medieval times, its so so stupid, but we just could not get over how funny and stupid that would be. Crying laughing hysterically in this Indian restaurant, I still laugh thinking about that moment. Not sure why it was so funny but i dont know if ive ever laughed harder, my girlfriend was there just looking at us like we were insane, she also doesnt smoke weed so i can imagine we just looked and sounded insanely stoned. Great moment ill never forget. Im actually gonna hit up my buddy now and remind him of this haha.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
Delighted to recount the funniest incident while high - After scraping the seeds from a bumper crop of Ghost Peppers I decided to take a shower to clean up from the day in the garden and began lathering up my nether bits and was given a burning lesson in using gloves next time I handled this particular varietal. The wife still laughs at my idiocy and helplessness as I rinsed and repeated until I no longer wanted to chop off my package.


New member
Dear ICMag users,

We’re thrilled to announce our latest contest here at ICMag! In partnership with THE VAULT, we’re giving you the chance to win some nice seeds and premium forum access!

🎉 Contest Details:
  • How to Enter: Answer ONE of the following questions:
    What is the best grow advice you ever got? (or)
    Which is your best/funny short story from when you were high? (or)
    Which are 5 favorite cultivars of yours?
  • Deadline for Entries: Sunday, 1st of September 2024 (2 weeks from now)
  • Who can play: Any ICMag user registered before 18 August 2024
  • How Winners Are Chosen: Totally random from the valid entries!
🏆 Prizes:
  1. 3 packs x 5 seeds of your choice from Phoenix Seeds, perfect for your next grow!
    6 months of "Premium user" access to ICMag, that allows you to check all premium areas of the forum (VIP Lounge, Exclusive Grow Area, Trading Post & ICMag Archive)
  2. 2 packs x 5 seeds of your choice from Phoenix Seeds, perfect for your next grow!
    6 months of "420club" access to ICMag, that allows you to check some of the premium areas of the forum (VIP Lounge & ICMag Archive)
  3. 1 pack x 10 seeds of your choice from Phoenix Seeds, perfect for your next grow!
    6 months of "420club" access to ICMag, that allows you to check some of the premium areas of the forum (VIP Lounge & ICMag Archive)

    View attachment 19050116
Let’s celebrate our shared passion for cultivating the best cannabis possible! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your experiences and possibly win some amazing prizes.
Thank you @The_Vault_Cannabis_Seeds for sponsoring this, you can check their vendor subforum here: https://www.icmag.com/forums/the-vault-cannabis-seed-store.85/ & their website here: https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/breeders/phoenix-cannabis-seeds .
The best advice I got was “check the PH!”


The Mad Monk
Best advice… if your room needs heat, add another light. Thanks, Chaco. :D

Not the funniest story but a good one. The funniest is probably my mother eating an edible but I’ll save that for another time.

My first apartment was below ground, you walked down into it from the door at street level. And there were two additional apartments above me.

When I smoked in my apartment the first floor tenant could usually catch a whiff. She never complained, but did mention she could smell it at the back door of her place at certain times. Noted.

One day I was smoking with a buddy of mine and about 20 minutes into our session I hear a frantic set of foot steps coming down the stairs to my back door. Seconds later there is a hurried knocking at my door along with a whispered hiss of my name that is being repeated.

“Rasputin! Psst! Rasputin!”

My first thought was, what the fuck? Who is whispering like some weirdo at my door at 9:30 at night? I passed the joint to my friend and went to the door.

It’s the 1st floor tenant looking like she’s going to shit her pants.

“Hey! We have a problem!” She’s still whispering.

“Really? What’s the problem?”

“There’s a SKUNK in the house!” When she said skunk her voice jumped, and she lunged her head towards me. I couldn’t help but laugh.

I turned inside to my buddy and said, Hey she thinks there’s a skunk in the house! This is some good shit!

After a minute or two of laughing in her face, I assured her know there was no skunk, it was the weed we were smoking. She was initially skeptical but then relieved.


Well-known member
What a lovely idea! I'm in.

My best high story is undoubtedly the following one:

I was in high school (ironically!) and, being a lightweight, I'd usually share a spliff with a toking friend of mine and have it last us a whole night, or maybe it was just a couple hours? Go figure.
Doing the math, 20.-* worth of weed would usually last us a whole month, four weekends worth of adventures, that is. One day, after not seeing each other for a while, we decided to burn a whole 20.- worth in two joints. First joint got me totally spaced out, the kind of stone that makes you forget to hop in a train because you forget being at the train station. Almost five hours later, while starting to come down, such friend lighted the second joint. To this day, I don't remember something hitting me as quickly as the first hit from that pure** joint. We smoked it on a swing and, immediately after getting off such swing, I started losing memory frames, which back then felt like teleporting. We then proceed to explore his small town and ended up meeting what must have been some kind of religious confraternity, dressed up like monks in black robes and singing Gregorian hymns at 2AM.
High me thought we were witnessing the CCC strolling through the city. My only memories of that night are that and having scrambled eggs with bread at 6AM falling asleep with my contact lenses still in whilst watching a movie about a man shooting some pedophiles near a river. Definitely the highest I've ever been my life. It must have taken me a week to feel my teenager body again after that night.

* Swiss Francs
** smoking weed without baccy was uncommon back then


Active member
Count me in! Here is my story. In 1992, I was in college and we took a trip to the Smithsonian aircraft restoration center. This entailed a 4 hour bus ride to get there. My college stoner buddies and I were formulating a plan during that 4 hour ride where we were going to get high on the capitol mall, right in front of the Museum. We arrived, and the rest of the students made their way into the museum, while my friends and I slipped away unnoticed. We finally find a spot where we are comfortable smoking and assumed that no one would catch us, and we wouldn't bother anyone. As soon as we decided to fire it up, we had a group of Hari Krishnas decide to come ask us heathens if we knew the way. As they approached, the wind was blowing the smoke right into their faces. Tbh, I do not think that I have ever seen the look that they gave us on a human face before. They immediately changed their minds about talking to us, and did a quick pivot away from us. Doesn't end here though. When we finished smoking up, we headed for the museum, and lo and behold, there are the Krishnas, dancing and handing out flowers. We slid in beside them and started dancing too. Well, they must have recognized us, because they took off quicker than a sprinter in a starting block! Best day ever!

Tldr: we scared some Hari Krishnas by smoking weed.


Most Loved
not really much advice being given back in the old days lotta gate keeping, gas lighting and other assorted bs. "two more weeks and 2tbsp calmag" type ish. but lemme think has anyone given me any actual good advice that wasnt just trying to shit on my grows...

oh...who ever told me to stop using miracle gro soil and exactly why. he's the real mvp. too many salts, too much wood bark, hard to maintain ph kinda hydrophobic. literally anything is better medium.

special shout out to anyone who gave me seeds to test and that one guy you know how you are who passed me that bubba.

H e d g e

Active member
best grow advice - of course, stop smoking tobaco so you don't destroy your lungs and you can enjoy weed for the rest of your life.

tobacco-free since December 2023
Something I had to figure out for myself..

You can’t trust government health advice re medicinal plants.

Tobacco is the most commonly prescribed medicine in the Amazon, if you can get stuff that’s not covered in formaldehyde ect it cures most of the ailments we’re told it causes and increases uptake of cannabinoids by 45%.

The longest lived humans on the planet are all enthusiastic tobacco smokers.
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