i was feeling pretty down myself, but i do get some encouragement from the MMJ factory situations<br>
not much liked by growers here, which i do understand, but it's funny in a way<br>
the DEA is looking at the prop 19 'scoreboard', and yelling 'we won'<br>
then these other guys don't give a crap and go on with building their 'screw DEA' factories<br>
new court cases coming soon! it's not prop 19, but it's the best game in town at the moment
not much liked by growers here, which i do understand, but it's funny in a way<br>
the DEA is looking at the prop 19 'scoreboard', and yelling 'we won'<br>
then these other guys don't give a crap and go on with building their 'screw DEA' factories<br>
new court cases coming soon! it's not prop 19, but it's the best game in town at the moment