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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey thanks for the help with the pics. I think it will def make the new place more interesting. Anyway cant wait till you get some more shots up of your gear. Things must be looking FINE:headbange



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
high B/R
all is going well ....i had a few buisy weeks but its all slowing down again...for now...
as for the OGA beans...they are thriving....although they are under TL's....i got some pics to see :smile:...and in the next comming week i'll chop the rest i still have standing....also brought a few pics of that...so you can check yourself....thanks for asking my friend !

heya Tona you PICwhore...i'm shure i can oblige this repley hehehe...thx for the continuing support brother ! :respect:
but you have to excuse the black on the pics some things just had to go out....i'll make it up with pics when i trim'm

helllo Idoreallytry
mmmh they won't be a impressive as the big rooms harvest ...but i could't take pics of that fest...

heya Old soul !
HAHAHA a other PICwhore....i'm happy to oblige my friend....gotte be honest ..I too am a PICwhore LOL

LMAO....join the PICwhore club my friend hahaha...i'll have some up in a minute :wink:

heya,my main man NK !
np my friend...i'm shure it will....already came by....still need to rep ya ass hahahaha...

Nway some pics for my firends
i still got about 15 plants in flower...but cutting time i comming closer ....depnds on the decay of the leaves....i'll cut when i see mold danger...Nway here's the pics...


collection of SSSDH :rasta:

sorrry for the color but those are Amnesia Haze's in week 11


and my new ones....these are the Zombie's and Casey jones baby's

and these small ones are Block head F2.....Calfornian orange skunk and afghani hindu Kush


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ohw yea them pics of the plants drying...sorry had to blank out alot of stuff...een more then i wanteed to....also some plantparts...
i'll make it up when i'm cutting them up !





Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Core:wave:

Things are looking great around here really! I'm loving the look of those SSSDH's that strain really must be a keeper for you to have kept it around for so long. Also the Amhaze is looking real nice.

So your growing blockhead F2's huh? I am a big fan of the blockhead as you might know. I really hope you can find a killer pheno in there so that you can experience her full potential..

I am excited to see you working with those Casey Jones, been wanting to try that strain out for a while now after seeing Joe Schmoe and a few others documenting grows of it.. Anyway keep up the hard work, and smoke that fat stash I know you got:headbange



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Core...BIG UPS homie!:respect: THat SSSDH and AH look simply STUNNING:yoinks:! Good work man...keep it up!

good vibes


Looking good bro. How long do you normally need to take that Amnesia Haze?

Hoping to pick up some beans or a cutting of it somewhere down the line, been one of my favourite smokes in the past couple of years.

Big D

Hey man thanks for completely ignoring my last post! You got me on ignore?

Hahaha J/K!!!!

Man those pics of the drying plants are freaky. Peace...D


Well-known member
holycow man thats alota stuff to be taking care of bro AWESOME J.O.B.of doing so
greta show keepem green-n-girlie


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya NK

yea mate she's a real treat...she just won the IC mag cup.....thats how good she is :yummy:
mmmh did't kno you where a real blockhead fan....however i do hope i can find a good yielding pheno for my mate's 'big' room...
and i too woz looking for them casey jones beans...lucky i got to swap them with a friend of mine...
thx for the visit bro !

aaaah Outkastt !!
what a honor ....i'm gladd you finally found the entrance hehehe. no serious....its a real compliment comming from you, coz i know you've see your share of buds and threads :D

heya Whiskey...:wave:
thx mate..they are far out my top favorits....and for quite some time i may add....and i'm shure they will be for a long time more....imho its hard to top these in high !!

heya Mcsnappler!
my new 420 mate hehehe..
i normally take'm as long as i can...but i normally count 10 -12 weeks...
10 for a good high and 11-12 for a even better high hehe...
and you should't have to much problems getting it...pitty i just flowerd all my big mom's.....i'm just left with 1 cut myself....but that will get big again:wink:

omfg sorry Big D!!
did't wanne single you out my friend just noticed myself :eek:
naah man you're not on ignore!...hehe
i do hate trimmingbut its a job you have to do...can't get out of that job....and yes i do eeat waffles from time to time...with whiped cream and strawberrys :yummy: hehehe

mmmh this woz moderate Highlow i got my big plants just hanging down...
they will pull about a oz per....maybe little less...i got about 10 gram or less from these little pots...never the less i'm already enjoying the Core strains for full :D

heya Buzzed !
yea man still going....i think i'm not making any other threads this year ....i'll keep put haha....thx for comming in mate and i gotte check in at yours :wave:

heya chucky
yea man, but i'm sooooo lazy sometimes....and on top the big room had me occupied so i neglected the smaller room...but i'm catching up again :D

update...there is non....
i gotte take someharvest pics of my strains..they are rediculesly resinous...
a pleasure to smoke...Nway i'll get those pics in the comming days


Grower of fine herbs...
Nice to hear that it all came down my friend:headbange Should be some killer smoke out of there.

I didnt know that you were selecting for your friends big grow out of those blockhead f2's. It was really nice because it had the super heavy weight and a great stone at the same time. I wish you luck on finding a good one. Peace bro:wave:



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
well brotha i back read and i like what i am seeing as always. all of those CORE strains looked great and all the lil ones i am stoked about. especially the caliorange!! i love me some orangekush! i bet that cali rocks!


woah Core everything looked so great thruout this thread,,,keep on keepin on bro,,,peace

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Brother, that Dom is a perfect copy of what I had grown. Great work on the strain, a very tasty strong one.


Were there any pictures in here of cores 008 strains? If there were i must have missed it. I'd really like to see pics of these plants. I just got some as freebies and am really curious about them.

thanks in advance
@ NoSaint : yup there shure are 008 pix in this thread see hereand hereaannd finally, here I've got one lonely 008 going but it's still in the seedling stage at the mo
Core himself recommended me to grow those outdoors since they're capable of handling that :D
Hope this helped some..
:wave: Low
PS: Core ya gonna close this thread and start a new one then, or am I mistaken?
Eitherway, ill be checking ya new adventures soon enough :smoke:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
good to know NK....thats what i'm after with the blockheads....quality and quantiy

Buzzed hit me up if you do ^^

heya Sir
hahaha... i got some nice plans with them...you'll see in the nearfuture..;first need to grow'm up and see whats in store :wink:
thx for the visit ..should return that favour :)

Thx Idoreally
you are becomming a regular ey hehe ..not that i mind mate...thx for the kind words again!

thank you very much igrowitmatches!

heya my friend DrDog!
yea mine where similar too...notthing out of the ordenairygrowwise...but she has the punch for shure...

heya Nosaint
yea there's some inhere...a few of them are still up...
gotte look a few pages back....harvest shots are comming up in the next fex days...

heya Highlow...
thx for the links mate...hope he likes'm :D
as for the thread i'm keeping it open...i'm not as active in threads as before...now they know where to find me whole year tru hehehe
thx mate :wave:

first few harvest shot...PCR is first up

F pheno




Pheno E




Pheno C


