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Hydro Showdown: Under Current 6XL vs Bato Bucket - DCxGOO - 2,400Ws


Wow, looks great!

You should check out a SpinPro...has cut down my trimmer time by a ton! No, I don't work for them, but it has been a lifesaver, especially if you have to trim by yourself!:joint:


nice grow mate. how did you like the under current system, did you have any problems with it? and would you recommend getting one?


i just recieved my under current 12xl last week, took me 2 months to get it... seems worth the wait, havent set it up yet because it was missing the epicenter lid, a pump and a water filter....hopefully those will come soon I'd hate to wait 2 months again...


opt1c; looks great, I am interested to see the results of this one. I would like to know what you think all said and done once wights are in, you know cost, amount of time to build, total output, and ease of maintaining.


Active member
Well a partial update; the uc stuff is all trimmed and it came in at just over a pound; around 18 ounces. This is with a very low yielding cut too. I'm also growing under 600s not 1000s. All in all i think for 6 plants, one being a runt, the yield is very acceptable. Everything is top shelf; the entire plant is good enough to smoke. No popcorn nugs either.

I'll have the stuff from the bato buckets trimmed up in the next few weeks.
awesome grow log! good to see the bay area people representing on icmag, Im currently growing some casey jones from sr71, they do get very nice clones, just finished with their bubblegum, very nice!

So they dont have any deep chunk varieties anymore? i really wanted to try that cut but it was always gone from the first people in line:smokeit:;D lol


Active member
How much does a UC system Cost??? I can't find pricing info anywhere, thnx!

beautiful plants brotha, killer frost on them things can't wait for the smoke report. take care:tree:


Active member
As far as the uc systems go you can get pricing by calling them direct; probably the easiest way to get one too... that being said they aren't the cheapest setups in the world but you get what you pay for

the bato buckets came in at about a pound and a half; little bit more than the under current. the flowers on the bato's looked nice; not sure if it was because of the nutes or because i pushed em harder... going to try running higer ppms in the under current this round and see if that makes a difference

as far as the winning system goes i'm leaning towards the bato buckets; their modular nature and ability to move around is something you can't do with the under current. they are a lot cheaper to run as far as power consumption goes and the transition from cloner/cube into the system seems to give the cuts less shock and they really take off. the batos are also more forgiving if the power goes off. that and they're dirt cheap in comparison.

that being said i'm going to setup a small dwc veg setup for prevegging plants for the under current. This run i had one clone not take when transplanted; even all rooted out, so i'm growing 5 plants and not 6 which is sorta wack.

i addressed my previous main gripe with the bato bucket system which was the absence of a float valve and drain on my res. both of those situations have been fixed and the bato buckets are easier to use than ever this way; no more hauling pail after pail of ro water from the garage to the room

should be receiving a bubble hash washing machine today from aqualabs so i'm looking forward towards playing with the trim; which is nice and i have a lot of to say the least.

As far as a low yielding plant goes i will say that every single flower on that plant was able to go to market; the popcorn was danker than anything else around so with the low yield there was some silver lining


btw... round two the batos get 18 buckets of soma rockbud under 2 600s and the uc is rocking rez's chemhaze x sourd under 1k on the mover


Sounds like you have had some fun testing it all at least. The fact that you can't adjust the plant spacing with the UC system has been the main factor for me to not consider it as a possible future system.
I noticed that you said you were having to haul buckets of water. There is a much easier way that I have been useing for many years. Just go down to Home depot and buy a $3.00 hose adapter for the faucet of the bathroom nearest your grow room. It replaces the aereation tip found on most faucets that we used to steal the screens out of for our pipes when we were teenagers, LOL.
With that adapter and the proper length hose with one of those multi-tip spray guns on it you have water at hand when you need it and it is so handy for flushing plant sites, filling the resovior and also for cleaning. I used to do the buckets and one I got a hose adapter on my bathroom faucet my back felt sooooo much better. It is an indespensible tool for the growroom that nobody should be without. And the cost is so cheap that it is crazy not to have it.

It makes cleaning my ebb and flow table take about 10 minutes!
