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howmany people here dont trust the vaccine or covid


Well-known member
As long as you have the Dems and Dominion Voting Systems there is no need for petitions or to even vote!

Then don't. I find great joy in participating in preventing the piece of shit from running this country further into the ground.

Your grasp on reality is hilarious!


See the world through a puff of smoke
Well as it shows, its all about money.The news from today

A shareholder of vaccine manufacturer Moderna wants the pharmaceutical to provide more information about the pricing of its corona vaccine. That writes The Financial Times Sunday on the basis of a document sent by Moderna to the American stock watchdog SEC.

The shareholder, British asset manager Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), wants to know why the prices of Moderna's vaccines are relatively high, while the company has received a lot of government money for the development and production of the vaccine.
LGIM also wants to know why Moderna does not open the technology behind the mRNA vaccines to poorer countries. According to the shareholder, it is inexplicable that Moderna received a lot of financial support, but then sold 88 percent of the vaccines it produced to developed countries.
In addition, scarcity would put the price of a Moderna vaccine above that in developed countries in some poorer countries.
The risks that Moderna would normally have run when developing a vaccine have often been removed by the financial support that the company has received, the group says. LGIM therefore wants Moderna to provide information about the company's pricing at the company's annual meeting in 2022.

Vaccines good for Moderna profit

The vaccine manufacturer asks in the document sent to the stock market watchdog to reject LGIM's request. The reason given by the pharmaceutical company is that it already plans to publish information about the pricing of the corona vaccine on February 15.
Moderna's profit has risen sharply in the past year due to the arrival of corona vaccines. In the first nine months of 2021, the company made a profit of 7.3 billion dollars (6.4 billion euros) on a turnover of 11.2 billion dollars. In the same period a year earlier, when the company had not yet sold any vaccines, Moderna had lost $474 million on $232 million in sales.

We want our money back.


Well-known member
from yesterday's run through the rabbit holes ...

The “Challenging Pseudoscience” operation designed for Thorn was launched in February 2021 by liberal science journalist Angela Saini. The author of several popular titles and a forthcoming book on “the origins of patriarchy,” she is also part of The Lancet Covid-19 Commission’s Task Force on Global Health Diplomacy.

The commission’s chief, Peter Daszak, a zoologist who serves as president of the US-based NGO known as EcoHealth Alliance, was forced to resign in June over conflict of interest issues.

In the years leading up to the outbreak of Covid-19, Daszak worked extensively on bat coronaviruses and gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. His organization received tens of millions in funding from the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a division “[countering] weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.” In December 2019, Daszak warned that coronaviruses can “get into human cells,” one can “manipulate them in the lab pretty easily,” and “you can’t vaccinate against them.”


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have come to the conclusion that the "un-vaxxed" and vaxers actually have this in common:

Neither will ever be fully "vaccinated".

Funny how they have coined that term "The Un-Vaxxed" to describe people. Kind of like the hags "Deplorables", or in India "the Un-touchables". The unwashed masses...

Three Berries

Active member
Imperator2 hours ago
I have been a practicing physician for over 4 decades and what has happened with Covid is driving ME crazy.
1. If you carefully looked at data from cruise ships and towns in Northern Italy in early 2020, you knew EXACTLY how Covid behaved, who was at the highest and lowest risk and gained a lot of information as to mortality and morbidity. Early death rates in those towns were estimated at about 3-4% - an inaccurate high percentage because the number of people who actually HAD the virus was underestimated. That's bad but not exactly the Spanish Flu, the Bubonic Plague or other pandemics throughout history. The real death rate was lower than that - very few people on the cruise ships died. Remember the stories of infection in US Naval vessels? These disappeared when the sailors recovered from the virus without problem, underlying the fact that the young and healthy were at VERY low risk from the virus. Who was dying? For the most part, the VERY elderly and/or the very sick. The exceptions (and there are always exceptions) "drove the bus", however.
2. Rather than reducing the mortality/morbidity for those at highest risk, the politicians quarantined the healthy - unprecedented in history - in order to STOP the spread of the virus. Did that work? No. Meanwhile, several things were done to INCREASE the likelihood of the elderly and the at-risk of contracting the virus, such as sending Covid-sick people to nursing facilities and sending college students home to their families.
3. "Masks and Social-distancing", along with lockdowns were introduced by politicians as a means of "stopping the spread". Did that work? No. Masks are porous and believing they can stop the virus leads to dumb behavior. The "6-ft" distance is entirely invented. There is ZERO data indicating that this would reduce the spread of a respiratory virus. Lockdowns and school closures are also ineffective. Worse, a "cost/benefit" analysis was NOT done prior to effecting these measures. Politicians and their "political" medical consultants had tunnel vision, just mandating these "CYA" measures to "do" something. They could deal with the side-effects later - just by blaming the virus for them. Do THEY actually believe these measures are effective? No - look at how they behave when they "think" they are in a private setting, off-camera.
4. Hospitals and physicians (along with funeral homes, etc.) were/are financially incentivized to put as many deaths into the Covid column as possible, thereby over-counting coronavirus deaths. In fact, if we wanted to maximize the statistical data for deaths in a pandemic, we would have done nothing different from what was done.
5. TREATMENT of the virus was discouraged or even banned in First World countries - which is WHY they have the highest mortality and morbidity to the virus. This is unprecedented. We physicians have ALWAYS used treatments and procedures that have positive effects on disease - sometimes through word-of-mouth, BEFORE "definitive" studies are done. REAL, unbiased studies regarding the effectiveness of inexpensive treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have not been done because they are expensive and NO entity will fund them. To THREATEN physicians who use harmless potential treatment regimens not "sanctioned" by the government is also unprecedented. Physicians telling people to "go home" without any treatment whatsoever until they get "really sick" is incredibly stupid, is malpractice and served to cause many thousands of needless deaths over the last 2 years - again, MAXIMIZING the mortality and morbidity of the virus. Physicians are now truly under the thumb of political masters.
6. Those 18 years in age or less have been really screwed by the response to the virus in many, many ways - especially since the risk of the virus to them has ALWAYS been known to be low. But the politicians and medical establishment will bend over backwards claiming justification for it.
7. Omicron - total fear porn. I feel like throwing a brick through the TV screen or computer monitor whenever I hear senseless "doom and gloom" pronouncements. Here's a common-sense question: if omicron spreads more readily than alpha and delta - and masks, social distancing, lockdowns, school closures, event cancelations and vaccinations didn't stop THEM, how are those actions supposed to to stop the (much less lethal) omicron variant? Hmmmm?




Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Then don't. I find great joy in participating in preventing the piece of shit from running this country further into the ground.

Your grasp on reality is hilarious!

Should we point him to the report that proved that in counties with Dominion voting systems, Trump won more votes than Biden?

N'ah. He'd likely decry it as fake news, poor deluded soul. Bless his heart.


See the world through a puff of smoke
"Experts" you mean and that is Creepy Joe and Beagel killer Foochie who is saying you need to get the booster shot with the Wuhan Flu spike protein mRNA against the Omnicron variant which already have 32 mutations in the spike protein.This sounds like when there is flu then it's better to take the 1958 flu shot to protect yourself.It wouldn't surprise if Foochie the Beagel killer has stocks of funeral homes.Its even a better investment than bitcoins nowadays.With new booster shots put in perspective which last only 45 days.


Active member
"Experts" you mean and that is Creepy Joe and Beagel killer Foochie who is saying you need to get the booster shot with the Wuhan Flu spike protein mRNA against the Omnicron variant which already have 32 mutations in the spike protein.This sounds like when there is flu then it's better to take the 1958 flu shot to protect yourself.It wouldn't surprise if Foochie the Beagel killer has stocks of funeral homes.Its even a better investment than bitcoins nowadays.With new booster shots put in perspective which last only 45 days.

You come across as exceptionally harsh with your false claims today. Are you feeling under the weather? Or do you just have a thing for fake beagle stories?

As an aside, i find it amusing that every time Dr Fauci is accused of something particularly egregious and sinful, it was during his service during the trump years. Dr. Fauci’s budget and subsequent payouts to research organizations are never made by Dr Fauci himself, but are overseen by several high ranking scientists with the final approval and oversight of the executive administration(White House).

Three Berries

Active member
"Experts" you mean and that is Creepy Joe and Beagel killer Foochie who is saying you need to get the booster shot with the Wuhan Flu spike protein mRNA against the Omnicron variant which already have 32 mutations in the spike protein.This sounds like when there is flu then it's better to take the 1958 flu shot to protect yourself.It wouldn't surprise if Foochie the Beagel killer has stocks of funeral homes.Its even a better investment than bitcoins nowadays.With new booster shots put in perspective which last only 45 days.

Fuaci is probably the worst mass murderer in history hands down.

Three Berries

Active member
Are you referring to the deaths of people or beagles?

His entire career. You can start with AIDS but there are several other projects he supervised. Fauci makes Hitler look like the Pope, oh wait.......

Fauci's and big Pharma's MO is cause/make a disease then find a treatment to apply for life. hello Covid boosters....

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