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Not a bust - yet - but could well have been.
Last night I went to the grow/rented space to find that the Hanna PPM/Ph/EC meter, scale, cell phone, 5 brand new shirts, and some shades were stolen. Funny thing is the herb wasn't touched, but I have an eery feeling they will be back for a clean sweep. The person I think did it is my partner's estranged "wife". He married this ho, who turned out to be a tweaker and stole some money from his bank account and dissapeared.
My partner, being the genious he is, took her to the grow area once, but didn't show her the grow as it was in the back room. This last week she started calling after being missing for months and says she has something urgent to tell him. He couldn't get ahold of her, and thought nothing of it, then this....the crazy thing is she has no keys, so it had to have been through the window, or they jimmied their way in through 4 locks on the door.
If there is something to be learned, it is that the more people involved, the more chances of this kind of bullshit happpening. I never had a problem until I involved a partner in the grow.
Needless to say I had to cull 30 rooted Sour D V2.5 babies and adolescents.
Now I have to wait until the end of the month and pray they don't take the lights, and everything else that is in the oven, so I can at least have some premature herb to puff. I can't stay at the grow 24 hrs a day as I work and live elsewhere. I'm so depressed it ain't funny, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Store the gear and wait for a better area to become available I guess, the worst of all is not having a place for my keeper mom. Truly a lame day for me, I don't know what to do without my girls, I have grown for 2 years straight, it is my only happiness and hobby. :badday: :badday: :badday:
I also fear the possibility of this bitch being some sort of narc and taking the scale and PPM as some sort of evidence for a search warrant etc.. :yoinks: I feel sick to my stomach, I can't imagine going down because of some hooker on speed, and even worse, having to cull my girls...

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Illuminatty said:
pulled over for a broken taillight and searched my vehicle. found 2 ounces. court next week..
Around here...90% of the drug busts are for JUST THIS...speeding...expired tags..burned out headlight...taillight...NO turnsignal...etc...if it wasnt for "vehicles"...the cops would NOT have much to talk about at the monday mornin meetings!!


never been caught.
in 17 years of weed related life? damn im getting old..

*yes, i just knocked on wood.. real wood..not this pressboard bullshit that my computer desk is made of..*

I never, ever drive with it though, ever...unless im going to a friends party or something, in which case I roll a couple joints for the party and take those with me.. thats a misdemeanor here anyway, a glass bowl (or any pariph) costs more as a fine that less than a few grams does..

keep big amounts at home, always..
that is, unless you dont grow
in which case, id make fuckin sure when taking a weed run your cars all legal

edit:: i have had 2 friends (they dealt) get busted/raided.. and both times it was a RAT.. moral is dont deal & keep your freedom
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The reason I originally posted, was to find out if it always comes down to talk/snitch and so far that seems to be the case on grows anyways.
So many growers are worried (myself included) if hydro usuage or fly over helicopters with infa red are scoping them out.
I want to find out by tapping into this massive knowledge base what our main concerns should be. I've read a number of court cases in Canada and mostly they get caught by being careless, stealing hydro smell etc.
So far so good. Keep them coming
Loose Lips Sink Grow Ops. Don't tell anyone!! Don't deal. As long as you are the only one who knows about what you do then all you have to worry about is you snitching on yourself. It is really simple if you adhere to the simple rule of DO NOT TELL A SOUL!!!!!
PeterMoss said:
I wanted to throw something else in here too. The narc who set up my brother I actually seen driving around with the citys crack dealer. They drove by me one day and I had to double look just to make sure it was him and sure shit it was.. If the guy wasnt dealing crack id let him know hes hanging out with a narc but since I dont really know the guy to well and not into the crack scene he might have to find out the hard way.

If this dealer is hard-core, prone to violence, in a gang and/or carries a gun, I suggest you tell him the guy is a narc. He'll be dealt with in no time.

If you can find out where the narc lives and/or provide pictures of his family/friends to give to the dealer, all the better. Better still, would be a picture of the narc in a police uniform.

Just make sure you only talk to the dealer once. Don't mention how you know the info, just tell him/give him the info and walk away...DON'T tell him about your brother or that you are into the drug scene. Just give him the info you know he needs. He'll take care of the rest.

If he's a crack dealer and unwilling to "take care" of the narc, he can force one of his crackhead clients to "take care" of the narc.

Make sure you never run into the dealer again.

Your brother will have his revenge in short order.


About the highest tech method I've ever actually seen them use and make busts on is the sting. I think most of us are way to paranoid about our phones, infra-red, utility usage, etc. when this really isn't the problem. If they're listening to your phone, getting your utility records, and what not, then you're already under investigation, they most likely already have enough info to bust you.

In the town where I currently live, every year they do a month long sting at the college campus. It's a DEA/local PD/campus PD joint op designed to try and bust as many dealers on campus as they can get (They don't make any attempt to get those of us not dealing/living on campus). Basically they get kids to, for as little as $50, go and buy a bag of pot or coke from a dealer and bring it back, and write a statement. You get a few of these on one person and they're fucked. One of the guys I used to sell pot to got busted this way, that's how I found out about the op.

Also, on the final day of spring break there's a drug check point on the nearby major N/S highway just before the exit for this town.

When I got busted it was because of driving bullshit, and I wasn't even stoned, just had way too little sleep to be driving. Thankfully it was just personal amounts.

When a friend of mine got busted it was because he was careless in his dorm and didn't employ proper oder control, someone called the cops because they smelled it.

The only thing we need to fear is our fellow man. Some of them are the greatest people you'll ever meet, others are the lowest of the low, who would ruin another person's life for the low, low, walmart, fuck you in the ass, price of $50.
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New member
When you get high, you get sloppy. I was busted in a parking lot at a concert blazing with friends (out of beer can) many years ago. After a few weeks, charges were dropped. : )

We (I) were/was stupid. If you're going to be in public and blaze, and that includes being in your vehicle, you're taking a big risk.

If growing, TELL NO ONE. I agree the high tech stuff is only going to get you if someone has raised a red flag. The thermal imaging from the helicopter is not going to pick up your 400W light, unless you're under extreme surveillance already. Don't say stupid stuff on the phone, and be careful what you save on your computer. Don't keep detailed grow logs or, God forbid, track transactions.

Don't be Joe Pot, putting yourself out there as the 'guy to know' with lots of bragging. If you make yourself a target, you'll become a target.

I have a relative very high up in LE, and whether its drugs, murder or rape, 90%+ of the cases are solved by rats/tips. Every person you come into contact with who has knowledge or suspicions of your hobby represents a risk of flipping you to serve their purposes. Go ahead and live life-don't be a hermit, but think about what you're doing and allocate the risk. AGAIN, FRIENDS, GIRLFRIENDS, EVEN FAMILY DON"T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR GROW.

If you've got to tell someone, here we are.


New member
been busted once but was partly ma own fault, i was waiting for a m8 to come round to ma flat, there was a light chap at the door, my door has glass window in it but it was covered over, i opens the door with a J in ma month to find 2 police officers standing there lol

they had been along at someone elses flat and i'd been toking most of the day so place was a bit stinky, this being the reason they decided to chap. could have gotten away with it simply by no answering the door they said if i never answered they wouldn't have not bothered.

so i shalll never have that window covered again!

though i dont think they really that bothered about me as its only a personal grow with a little extra ;) its been acouple of years now doubt they be back they be to busy dealing with all the smackheads around here 1st.


My little pony.. my little pony
The sad part is your adult record is a permanent badge you wear for life from age 18 on up. This means every time your background is checked at every time you bump into the law [ traffic stops, domestic issues, neighbor problems ] your background is usually checked and when anything comes up regardless of when that cop lables you based on whats returned.

You got a dwi when you were 21? ... youre a drunk. Weed possession at age 18? ... youre a pothead ... possession of drug paraphernalia? ... youre whatever that cop wants to think because the rest of the ticket didnt distinguish a pot pipe from a crack pipe from a used needle.

They dont seem to care that you might be 45 years old now ... all they see is your record of crimes and being caught ... your record doesnt indicate rehabilitation. Only shows if your a repeat offender.

This will be the difference between being asked if you are carrying drugs or not when you are pulled over in the future. Best know your complete adult record and be aware of it will as it will usually come up if you are stopped.
Ram85 said:
You are exactly right. In fact I think I have even read that they must have a warrant before doing any infra red scans on your house.

Correct. The US Supreme Court ruled on that and said infra-red scans must be done with a warrant.

In the UK, that is not the case.

Don't know about other countries, though...


krustytheclown said:
Correct. The US Supreme Court ruled on that and said infra-red scans must be done with a warrant.

In the UK, that is not the case.

Don't know about other countries, though...

Fine print in that ruling is that they are not banned from making the scans, just that the IR scans made without a warrant cannot be used as evidence... Besides if the scan without a warrant, do you thing they'll really 'fess-up?? Instead, they'll find likely targets and try to build a case.

So if Lazy LEO decides to scan a neighborhood, then performs trash pulls on the couple "hotties", he just might get lucky...

While not possible in all areas of the country, I think that basement/ crawl space grows might be the safest route...



Active member
Just had to pop in here with a true story.

My step-daughters fiancee had been asked by his grandmother (60+) to get her some ecstasy. This kid is not into that, and refused. She nagged him for a year. He finally gave in and got her some. She was a cop, and he's doing 1 year hard time. She also accused him of some other stuff too, but that got thrown out. That woman desperately needs to meet some unfriendly bikers out back behind a bar in a dark alley......

Trust is a fools trait. Finally, at my old age, I'm learning that.


Keefhead said:
Just had to pop in here with a true story.

My step-daughters fiancee had been asked by his grandmother (60+) to get her some ecstasy. This kid is not into that, and refused. She nagged him for a year. He finally gave in and got her some. She was a cop, and he's doing 1 year hard time. She also accused him of some other stuff too, but that got thrown out. That woman desperately needs to meet some unfriendly bikers out back behind a bar in a dark alley......

Trust is a fools trait. Finally, at my old age, I'm learning that.

:laughing: fucked up..............how do you not know that you're grandma's a cop?


Active member
I've learned to never underestimate the sneakyness of them pigs. Some of them are so power hungry they will put their own mothers away. That very thing has happened in real life many many times. Go Google and see. Turns out a very good friend of mine in high school is now an undercover cop for the sheriffs office in Stockton. Turn-coat bastard. To bad I can't post his name here.....

Gramma was very undercover. They all thought she was a volunteer at the hospital. But the family was pretty messed up too. The kid only saw his dad once, and he got a beating then. He lived with various relatives till he was 16, then moved to the street.

And he's marrying my step-daughter. I can only wish him (and her, a 3-time felon, meth) the best of luck.

Nobody, except for my grow buddy who helped me build it, even my wife, has seen the inside of my grow room. I hope to keep it that way, with locks and "more". I can only say that I hope others take this security thing seriously. I haven't done so enough, and I hope to never regret it.

Man, life is a friggin' zoo. KEEP SAFE......
krustytheclown said:
If this dealer is hard-core, prone to violence, in a gang and/or carries a gun, I suggest you tell him the guy is a narc. He'll be dealt with in no time.

If you can find out where the narc lives and/or provide pictures of his family/friends to give to the dealer, all the better. Better still, would be a picture of the narc in a police uniform.

Just make sure you only talk to the dealer once. Don't mention how you know the info, just tell him/give him the info and walk away...DON'T tell him about your brother or that you are into the drug scene. Just give him the info you know he needs. He'll take care of the rest.

If he's a crack dealer and unwilling to "take care" of the narc, he can force one of his crackhead clients to "take care" of the narc.

Make sure you never run into the dealer again.

Your brother will have his revenge in short order.
this sounds like bad advice
I mouthed off to a family member once that I grew. Thing is, he was jealous that I didn't include him, so he went around to various family members and started blabbering. It got back to me in a real suttle way.

Just keep yer fucking mouths shut.....I know it's hard, but it will only be for the best.

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