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How To lock your cabinet doors... THE STEALTH WAY.


Active member
The thing is, I am researching to make hydroponic cultivation as my career that I am working towards, so I dont give a shit if you think my cab is rediculaous or not because even when I start a greenhouse, most of the stuff im my cabinet I will be able to use in a greenhouse without much for upgrading, so ridule that all you want. I'm not growing so I can be a greedy pothead. I still pay for my bags eventhough I am garenteed that I could grow great pot.

And my lame as "what if's". It's just like the idiot who wait for their house to get robbed and then decide to get a security system. I know those tot locks can't hold up to a real attempt to get inside the cabinet, they may hold again the average joe just pssing by and giving a pull, but if the land lord were to come around and just have a wonder (we all know that landlords dont follow the privacy laws). And if I were to grow pot, I would not take a chance with my family, I would pay any amount to feel secure that DCYF wouldn't bitch and complain that I'm growing pot.

But the case is more for my buddy anyways. I am helping him grow, and he does grow pot and he has the same concerns as I do. A lot of people agree that this is an excellent idea for full security, and that is what I am after.

I'm sorry I came off like a prick to you. I took offence to your comment though and felt the need to be stern so I dont have to hear about the tot locks again for a 6th time. you know?


DeadlyFoez said:
mechanical locks like that, they have to have a little bit of room so they will easily latch, which allows there to just have a little slag of looseness for the locks. So, with that lets say 1 mm of wiggle room, it is enough for someone to pull on them and have some light come out. And plus, really, those lock may work for you, but they dont work for me. a little too cheap and not strong enough

Totally understand.

If you have a big cabinet or hidden room, go with the electromagnets.


If you have just a small wardrobe size cab, spending £100 on door entry equipment is over the top IMO. The magnetic child locks are plenty good enough. Buy the screw fix ones, not the stickyback ones,
You just need to install them dead accurate for as tight a fit as you can get.

You could use two on each door for double the strength and rigidity, you have a bottom shelf that your tray sits on/resevoir sits under. You can fit catches to the bottom of this shelf, that way you would have locks top and bottom, you would need to hold 2 keys in the correct position(s) and pull the cab door(s) open with your teeth. (if unwanted persons could figure that out, i would eat my hat)

To stop light leaks you just have an interior curtain made of blackout curtain lining, you can make an interior frame made of doorstop behind your doors the the curtain can roll down over, and velcro onto. It would have to start from just behind your locks at the top so it doesnt come between the locks and the catches, and finish at your bottom shelf before the bottom locks/catches.
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