How I Have Changed...
How I Have Changed...
hmm... i am one bitter, impatient person...i have more gray grows where i don't want it...i have lots of titanium in my body...i can't drink as much...i don't smoke as much...(quit the ciggies long ago)...i still expect everything to come out perfectly the first time...i cut my own grass...i grow my own herbs...i pay my own way...i know how to ask for help...i am worth more dead than alive...i like to ramble on incessantly...

How I Have Changed...
hmm... i am one bitter, impatient person...i have more gray grows where i don't want it...i have lots of titanium in my body...i can't drink as much...i don't smoke as much...(quit the ciggies long ago)...i still expect everything to come out perfectly the first time...i cut my own grass...i grow my own herbs...i pay my own way...i know how to ask for help...i am worth more dead than alive...i like to ramble on incessantly...