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How Have You Changed ??


Active member
How I Have Changed...

How I Have Changed...

hmm... i am one bitter, impatient person...i have more gray hairs...hair grows where i don't want it...i have lots of titanium in my body...i can't drink as much...i don't smoke as much...(quit the ciggies long ago)...i still expect everything to come out perfectly the first time...i cut my own grass...i grow my own herbs...i pay my own way...i know how to ask for help...i am worth more dead than alive...i like to ramble on incessantly... :muahaha: :redface:


peaceful_mind said:
soooo true! through growing i found my life meaning. it's being close to nature.
man, i'm reading icmag forum, and i see a lot of people, i mean a lot, that are contributing to this experience on earth!:respect:

I agree, J2, there are so many people who make the honest effort to contribute to a better world, and it may take thousands of years more to get to a truly better, stabilized, world, but at least more and more people are raising their awareness that they must clean up their own house before they can complain about another's. Well, of course you can complain about your neighbor, but that does nothing for your own cleaning, and adds hypocrisy to the list of defects you must address if you are to purify you being. I am one of those people who likes to read stories of success and triumph, of "can do" and overcoming trials. I enjoy people who accent the positive, as they say, and this is what I am getting on this thread. You people are inspirational, so keep writing, my friends.



Sleepy said:
hmm... i am one bitter, impatient person...i have more gray hairs...hair grows where i don't want it...i have lots of titanium in my body...i can't drink as much...i don't smoke as much...(quit the ciggies long ago)...i still expect everything to come out perfectly the first time...i cut my own grass...i grow my own herbs...i pay my own way...i know how to ask for help...i am worth more dead than alive...i like to ramble on incessantly... :muahaha: :redface:

Hello Sleepy!!

I just cannot help myself. Reading this, I started laughing, thinking, "I'd like to smoke a J with Sleepy." Yeah, that titanium is pretty expensive. Does it set off the metal detectors? I'd get tired of that pretty quickly unless I wanted to mess with the guy who mans the detector. Question: does impatience cause bitterness, or is it a lack of honey? Here: :rasta: :rasta: this is you and me!
And they're big fat ones too! Love ya all day long!



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm not sure I've changed very much. I still think I am going to live forever and can't wait to prove it. I guess I'm a year older.


Kaos! said:
I was 6' when I hit 40yrs old, now I'm 5' 11"...


Hello to you, Kaos. Nice to have you drop in and add to my day. What you said cracked me up, sounds like a quote from a birthday card or should be. So, shrinking with age, ummm. I wonder how long it would take you to officially be a midget? You could make the argument that as you get older you find that you have more and more people to look up to. This also means that as you age, you have fewer people to look down on. Must be nature's way...



Things I learned from the plant?
Nature keeps her promises. Life goes on.
Watching a seed grow to fruition is to witness a miracle.

I was previously in my life psyched into believeing that I couldn't grow good pot.
What else have I been psyched not to try?

My biggest lesson the past few years, and growing has been a good part of that, has been learning that I can take care of myself. And paying attention of how to do that the best way.
I need light, fresh air and good nutrition too!hehe

peace all


on a lighter note

on a lighter note

Here is something that has REALLY changed-
since I started growing-
I Can NOT smoke schwag!
Would much rather go without than smoking some dirt weed of unknown origin.
It's not only disgusting to smoke with little effect- it's big business dope; around here it sits in semi trailers sometimes for years at a time.
It's dirty all the way down the line and I don't want to have anything to do with it.
Most times, at social engagements, when passed a joint, I just sniff at it and pass it along. If it smells interesting and I ask, they usually don't know anything about it, or give it some name that sounds iffy.
I have become a pot snob. :rasta:


juana2 said:
Things I learned from the plant?
Nature keeps her promises. Life goes on.
Watching a seed grow to fruition is to witness a miracle.

I was previously in my life psyched into believeing that I couldn't grow good pot.
What else have I been psyched not to try?

My biggest lesson the past few years, and growing has been a good part of that, has been learning that I can take care of myself. And paying attention of how to do that the best way.
I need light, fresh air and good nutrition too!hehe

peace all

Hey, JJ:

Your point about being psyched is one that I can readily relate to because it too is partly how I have changed over the years. Like most people, I was brainwashed from birth to think and behave within strict parameters, that is, to be a lemming or sheep to the American "culture". I will give you a tiny example. My long-dead grandmother was raised to believe that America - the government - was forthright and honest and morally superior, beyond reproach. Then there was a news story about the US spying on other countries. It may have been the U2 incident with Gary Powers. Hearing the accusation, my grandmother was shocked and indignant. I distinctly remember her adamently refusing to believe that her honorable government would do something so vile. I used to believe that there were honorable politicians, but I have grown and changed, and so has my thinking. Some entity is constantly and continually trying to hijack your free thinking for some sinister self-promoting agenda. Sometimes the attempt is from a fairly benign source, like advertisers, and you can resist with no consequence. Sometimes it is from an organization that will retaliate against resisters, as with organized religion, unions, school districts, governments, etc. If you do not espouse the propaganda, if you find fault, if you question, if you want change, then you are a threat to the status quo and must be dealt with accordingly. It is no wonder that the people of the world are such mental messes. We are complicated, unlike nature. Nature will take care of itself. A little water, a bit of sunshine, some love and life will bloom. Simple.



Logos said:
... changes you, which changes your aura, which is what those around you are picking up on. YES, it is energy, everything is energy. You do get it! I just wonder how did you get it, because this truth, although fundamental, is usually known to the occultist and not the general self-centered public. Yes, this is a great thread because of all the special people who have been attracted to it and contributed ...

to answer your question.

when i was about 15 years old, i started reading
all this books about personal power, time management, motivation, nothing spiritual though.
those books was given to me by my brother, who started to work in marketing.
i think, that was the time when my focus in life changed.
i realized, that i have the power to control what is happening to me,
and how important is to look at the things, situations in a different way.
i knew, that i can get and do everything i want in my life.
after few years of changing my beliefs.

my spiritual path began with eckhart tolle and wayne dyer,
two really wonderful men. it was, again a sudden and big shift!
i realized, that having everything and wanting more and more is not how i want to live.
the journey to myself began, living in the present moment was more and more fun.
mental noise that i have about life, faded away.
it's still there, but is much more quiet and still.
a lot of changes and all really great.

i'm 21 years old now and i love life.
love in my heart and peace in my mind, what else do i need, hehe.

love you all! :wave:

this is where i am now, still not ready for harvest :muahaha:

Last edited:


Kaos! said:
I was 6' when I hit 40yrs old, now I'm 5' 11"...


another 4O here. Stretching will stop that kaos. n/j

I'll get the full name of what I do if you want. It helps! 3O minutes a day and you will feel Soooo much better.

How have I changed? as a teen we had a saying, " do not trust anyone over 3O!"

now....I laugh at that and think bad thoughts I'll keep to myself.

I want nothing to do w/anyone that has less to lose than me.

I hate change, but I am so ready for some!


peaceful mind!
you are a perfect example of the young people who are steering us towards a better future. You are why I don't believe the doom sayers.
Keep going sweetie! I'm behind you!


peaceful_mind said:
to answer your question.

when i was about 15 years old, i started reading
all this books about personal power, time management, motivation, nothing spiritual though.
those books was given to me by my brother, who started to work in marketing.
i think, that was the time when my focus in life changed.
i realized, that i have the power to control what is happening to me,
and how important is to look at the things, situations in a different way.
i knew, that i can get and do everything i want in my life.
after few years of changing my beliefs.

my spiritual path began with eckhart tolle and wayne dyer,
two really wonderful men. it was, again a sudden and big shift!
i realized, that having everything and wanting more and more is not how i want to live.
the journey to myself began, living in the present moment was more and more fun.
mental noise that i have about life, faded away.
it's still there, but is much more quiet and still.
a lot of changes and all really great.

i'm 21 years old now and i love life.
love in my heart and peace in my mind, what else do i need, hehe.

love you all! :wave:

this is where i am now, still not ready for harvest :muahaha:

Good day to you, PM:

After reading your post, I remember that my search in earnest also began with motivational and self-help books. As the years progressed, so did I, moving closer to the spiritual literature. It was not something that I did consciously, but was simply a developing interest. In retrospect, I now understand that it was a natural progression, a series of baby steps toward weightier truth, an out-picturing of what was occurring internally. You might say it is a maturing in the cosmic sense. So, yes, being able to view people and situations in a different (better) way is indicative of a maturing process that bypasses the ego – and so a circle begins. What you speak of is very real and totally personal, and so someone who has not experienced it cannot relate. The ancient sages declared that the cosmos, even God, is contained in the moment. Within the moment one can find the past, the present, the future, the essence of one’s self, and God. In short, the moment is pure joy, and to connect with the moment is to expose yourself to a force that will change the old you into the real you. I must confess, PM, that I am surprised that you are at this awareness at 21! You are an old soul, as they say, and ever-growing.



The_Leader said:
another 4O here. Stretching will stop that kaos. n/j

I'll get the full name of what I do if you want. It helps! 3O minutes a day and you will feel Soooo much better.

How have I changed? as a teen we had a saying, " do not trust anyone over 3O!"

now....I laugh at that and think bad thoughts I'll keep to myself.

I want nothing to do w/anyone that has less to lose than me.

I hate change, but I am so ready for some!

Hi, TL:
I am glad you decided to drop in. Yeah, I remember well the rebel call, and also thought at the time that it was a stupid thing to profess. And I know what you mean about resistance to change because it threatens our sense of identity, which is our sense of security, which is the known as opposed to the unknown, and it is natural to fear the unknown. Yet, it is an absolute fact that every living soul on this planet is experiencing change in some form or another every day. The trick is to control what you can, and be the change you want. I have spent decades painfully learning this, and will spend untold years learning to perfect how to change. Also, I, for one, am interested in the 30 min, technique you mention.



juana2 said:
peaceful mind!
you are a perfect example of the young people who are steering us towards a better future. You are why I don't believe the doom sayers.
Keep going sweetie! I'm behind you!


And I am behind you.



looks like i got some two very good friends over here!
i appreciate it a lot!


peaceful_mind said:
looks like i got some two very good friends over here!
i appreciate it a lot!

Hey, PM:

You have more friends than you know. This is very comforting to finally realize. A strong percentage of the population will voluntarily reach out to help a victim, a stranger in need, as when calamity strikes. Yes, there are those few primitives on forums who get their jollies by dissing others from the security of a keyboard, but I have found that most people here are pretty mature and willing to exchange ideas without prejudice. All in all, I think you and I are in good company.

If you want to part with two cents more, by all means throw them in the pot.



stone fool
I cut my hair, I never should have cut my hair. And then I followed that model into the city. By the time the city spit me out, I had become a stone asshole. I should have never cut my hair. And my wee willy winky never got any bigger, but everything else did.