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How Have You Changed ??


flubnutz said:
as i have aged, my hair has migrated down my body, from my head to my ears and eyebrows and to my back and ass. if by some modern miracle of medical science i was to live to be 150, i think it will have all moved to my ankles and i will look like alice the goon.

Hello, flubnutz and thanks for dropping in.

Hey, it’s not just hair that migrates. Look at what happens to our bodies as gravity works us over. No wonder we look like caricatures of ourselves in later life.

Over 40 almost 50, losing my hair, whats left is gray, comb over is not an option. Been lifting weights for almost 30 years so the guns are still pretty good and no sag. Balls are trying to reach the floor, one at a time dammit. Sex is good just not as often and for some reason older woman are looking better.I am saying 55 and 60 yuk, but they are looking better. What the hell is wrong with me? My back hurts, knees, neck,cant see shit two feet away. Takes an half hour to shit and wipe, hurts my arm to bend it that far around my fat ass. Still enjoy the old hit or three, but cant remember shit. I need a rock concert, maybe AC/DC if they would get off their old ass and play. Rod Stewart tickets at 100.00 a seat? Thats just wrong! My world is slowly dieing with me, kind of sucks but my pussy ass boy couldnt handle it if it didnt. All the good jobs are going to China, sold out by bush and his fuking ass wipe soldier pimps from hicktown. I am in a dream and the ending is waking up to the facts that life doesnt have a reverse. Oh well, sure has been a good run though. around the world, to fuking in a toyota at 17 late at night in my driveway. So the story goes on and on as we wither into death, how the miles of our lives wear the soul thin as death comes crushing in. Save the last hit for me as I am dreaming of the life I could have had, but no this is just a dream full of nightmares and rainbows, if I could just figure out how to create nothing to which we all have come from/these are the things my mind wonders at 40. God help me.


stoned agin ...
LOL listen to us. you do gain somethin tho, you heard older people telling you how your perspectives, priorities etc. change and you know it will happen in your head, but you finally get to the point where you know it for real because you have experienced it. its sort of like enlightenment.


dirtfarmer said:
Over 40 almost 50, losing my hair, whats left is gray, comb over is not an option. Been lifting weights for almost 30 years so the guns are still pretty good and no sag. Balls are trying to reach the floor, one at a time dammit. Sex is good just not as often and for some reason older woman are looking better.I am saying 55 and 60 yuk, but they are looking better. What the hell is wrong with me? My back hurts, knees, neck,cant see shit two feet away. Takes an half hour to shit and wipe, hurts my arm to bend it that far around my fat ass. Still enjoy the old hit or three, but cant remember shit. I need a rock concert, maybe AC/DC if they would get off their old ass and play. Rod Stewart tickets at 100.00 a seat? Thats just wrong! My world is slowly dieing with me, kind of sucks but my pussy ass boy couldnt handle it if it didnt. All the good jobs are going to China, sold out by bush and his fuking ass wipe soldier pimps from hicktown. I am in a dream and the ending is waking up to the facts that life doesnt have a reverse. Oh well, sure has been a good run though. around the world, to fuking in a toyota at 17 late at night in my driveway. So the story goes on and on as we wither into death, how the miles of our lives wear the soul thin as death comes crushing in. Save the last hit for me as I am dreaming of the life I could have had, but no this is just a dream full of nightmares and rainbows, if I could just figure out how to create nothing to which we all have come from/these are the things my mind wonders at 40. God help me.

Welcome, dirtfarmer:

One certainty in life is that change will occur, and it happens whether we approve or not. There is sooo much happening in all sectors of life, even those remote areas we are usually unaware of, such as the sciences. Are you up on the revolutions in medical advances, nanotechnology, automobile fuel / engines, space travel, physics theories, how the human brain works, architectural design, metallurgy, international economics, etc.? This list is just a tiny sample of a huge and growing list of innovation, and therefore new fields of employment...jobs none of us oldies heretofore dreamed of because they did not exist, and of which we know little about. But the newer generation does. As Baby Boomers, we are now observers on the sidelines of life. In a very real sense, we are taking the roll of our elders and ancestors in that we are no longer in the loop, we are thinking of retiring, we are settled in and set in opinion – all the things that life is not. Life is dynamic and ever changing, much the opposite of folks who are slowing down and set in their ways. So, of course people find the changes as an affront, angering, depressing, over whelming, too fast, just too much this, and too much that. But our kids are in tune with what is happening. They speak the language of the day, which is not our language, just as we spoke the language of our day, and our parents resented our Baby Boom culture. I am not saying that all that is happening is good, but it is not all bad either. I just know that I am on the sidelines; I am not part of the crowd that will reshape our world. I have my opinions, yes, but they are meaningful only to me and my friends, and do not influence the new generation of shakers-and-movers. I don’t possess that kind of power and, truthfully, never did.



Logos said:
I have my opinions, yes, but they are meaningful only to me and my friends, and do not influence the new generation of shakers-and-movers. I don’t possess that kind of power and, truthfully, never did.


i don't know about that one logos, read the past 7 pgs i missed out on and this is the first i have to disagree with :) the internet is a powerful thing. your words have influenced me, and id say im rather young :p and thank you for going out of your way to interact with us strangers.


bleezie said:
i don't know about that one logos, read the past 7 pgs i missed out on and this is the first i have to disagree with :) the internet is a powerful thing. your words have influenced me, and id say im rather young :p and thank you for going out of your way to interact with us strangers.

Hi, bleezie and thanks for droppin in.

Sorry about the delay, but some things cannot be helped. Glad I inspired you to think, so thanks for letting me know. My hard-won advice is to keep an open mind about everything, because just when you think you got a handle on "the answers", you later find out you (I) don't really know the truth after all. Since I only have two cents, that's all I can offer, but you and everyone else are welcome to it. At the end of the day, we all are only exchanging opinions ... for what it's worth. I do appreciate your compliment, and you are always welcome.

Steven Hawkins and I have similar thoughts, except he can prove his and I am just that uneducated. I enjoy thinking and problem solving, but without the tools to solve by example. Funny how you didnt reference the wither, god was created by men to help us in our last hours and to provide hope and control by the church. I am rather amused at the thought of buying my way into heaven, should have saved my money. What did einstein state/ Childish stories that are foolish. Without out god what would we fight wars over? Oil? I know lets combine them, to late its already been done.We are a stupid species that destroys our own world. Man? and to think we all believe we are so intelligent. Then we elect bush and reelect him again? Just to prove that destroying the world isnt proof enough that we are a waste of good dirt. The only hope is that whhen we explode into matter again maybe, just maybe my dna will get used in another life form that is intelligent. pondering is such a foolish waste of time/

Logos said:
Welcome, dirtfarmer:

One certainty in life is that change will occur, and it happens whether we approve or not. There is sooo much happening in all sectors of life, even those remote areas we are usually unaware of, such as the sciences. Are you up on the revolutions in medical advances, nanotechnology, automobile fuel / engines, space travel, physics theories, how the human brain works, architectural design, metallurgy, international economics, etc.? This list is just a tiny sample of a huge and growing list of innovation, and therefore new fields of employment...jobs none of us oldies heretofore dreamed of because they did not exist, and of which we know little about. But the newer generation does. As Baby Boomers, we are now observers on the sidelines of life. In a very real sense, we are taking the roll of our elders and ancestors in that we are no longer in the loop, we are thinking of retiring, we are settled in and set in opinion – all the things that life is not. Life is dynamic and ever changing, much the opposite of folks who are slowing down and set in their ways. So, of course people find the changes as an affront, angering, depressing, over whelming, too fast, just too much this, and too much that. But our kids are in tune with what is happening. They speak the language of the day, which is not our language, just as we spoke the language of our day, and our parents resented our Baby Boom culture. I am not saying that all that is happening is good, but it is not all bad either. I just know that I am on the sidelines; I am not part of the crowd that will reshape our world. I have my opinions, yes, but they are meaningful only to me and my friends, and do not influence the new generation of shakers-and-movers. I don’t possess that kind of power and, truthfully, never did.



dirtfarmer said:
Steven Hawkins and I have similar thoughts, except he can prove his and I am just that uneducated. I enjoy thinking and problem solving, but without the tools to solve by example. Funny how you didnt reference the wither, god was created by men to help us in our last hours and to provide hope and control by the church. I am rather amused at the thought of buying my way into heaven, should have saved my money. What did einstein state/ Childish stories that are foolish. Without out god what would we fight wars over? Oil? I know lets combine them, to late its already been done.We are a stupid species that destroys our own world. Man? and to think we all believe we are so intelligent. Then we elect bush and reelect him again? Just to prove that destroying the world isnt proof enough that we are a waste of good dirt. The only hope is that whhen we explode into matter again maybe, just maybe my dna will get used in another life form that is intelligent. pondering is such a foolish waste of time/

Good day to you, dirtfarmer.

Know right off the bat that I hear you loud and clear. I empathize with your thoughts big time, because I’ve been there and done that and even got a case load of tee shirts to prove it. I often state that, judging where we are as a species now as compared to thousands of years ago, what has changed from a psychological perspective over all that time? What have we learned? Nothing. Right now, man is just as greedy, just as murderous, just as self-centered, just as warring as ever. To me, modern man is the same as primitive man with the exception that we are primitives with advanced technology, that is, we are still motivated by the same basic drives to hurt one another but now we do it with better weaponry. The Catholic Church is still big on putting people on a guilt trip. I will admit that from a financial perspective, tithing pays the bills, but from a spiritual perspective, money is not on the list of requirements. As far as pondering goes, answers come from questions. Spiritually speaking, answers are totally subjective, meaning your answer may be meaningful for you but is not meaningful to the next guy. You cannot shove your answer down your neighbor’s throat, nor he yours. This leads to war. So, here we are, 5,000 years later and we still cannot agree on how to avoid conflict nor how to peacefully resolve conflict. We cannot do this as nations, and we cannot yet do this as individuals as witnessed by one-on-one crime. We cannot even agree on economic policy after all of these millennia. Dirtfarmer, I have literally agonized over these matters you site to the extent that I thought I was going crazy. There was a long period in which dared not engage in these thoughts because the emotion they created was almost too much to handle. Trying to balance my thoughts against the actions of humankind was (is) too depressing. “Why can’t the world see that it is crazy!?” I would (still do) rant and rave to whomever would listen, and feel exhausted and helpless at the end of my tirades. So, what is truth? Everyone must make decisions based either on emotion or intellect using those elements, those facts, that knowledge base the individual has at hand. To wit, if Joe is on a jury and hears a compelling argument that the defendant had motive, opportunity, and means, then Joe – armed with these facts - will probably convict. However, if a dedicated sleuth presents another fact, say, a video of the defendant elsewhere at the time of the crime, then Joe possibly has enough information to acquit. My point is that as we grow we gain a greater perspective, and with that enlarged perspective we reach other conclusions. And, with even more pieces of the puzzle revealed, we should discard old opinions in favor of a more accurate perspective or truth. At fifteen, I surely didn’t think as I did at 5. At 30, I didn’t think as I did at fifteen. I felt one way upon joining my church, and years later, I felt differently when I quit that church. Why? because I was armed with more information. As an aside, it is a fool who thinks himself knowlegable on all subjects. I know some of these self-grandizing bores. All I can say is: don’t dwell on the negatives, observe from a loftier vantage, remain detached. I am embracing you here, dirtfarmer. Please relax and let me hold you close. I know how you feel. It is too scary and painful to bear alone. I am very pleased that you felt free to unload here, even though it was just a fraction of what you wanted to express. Listen, for all the millions of selfish and hurtful pricks in the world, there are many millions more who don’t make trouble, who want peace, who in their quiet way add to the goodness. It’s this hope that eventually the goodness will outweigh the evil that keeps me going. Maybe my idealism will sooth your turbulent mind. And, just so you know, I believe you are on the threshold of discipleship with Spirit. It’s that higher awareness that highlights the inequalities and brutality of our time. You are moving from taker to giver. We need more of you, so don’t give up, please. And just to clarify, I do not believe God is a person on some heavenly cloud dispensing justice. To elaborate is encyclopedic and only incites some people to war. From the depths of my heart, peace, my dear friend.



Well-known member
For most of my life I always looked to the future with hope of one day being happy. Now in my late 50s, I look back at when I was.

Oh, if I could just do 1973 again.


Well-known member
how have i changed? i'm smarter, slower, fatter, have a more varied diet, don't drink near as much (or smoke as much, dammit) drive slower, and have much more respect for the sanctity of marriage. other than those minor details, i am still as opinionated & irritable a SOB as i was forty years ago...:tiphat:


Active member
For most of my life I always looked to the future with hope of one day being happy. Now in my late 50s, I look back at when I was.

Oh, if I could just do 1973 again.

MANY years ago, i saw some closeted young robotics boffin (eg. their "social life" would be ordering parts from mouser.com) in a robot maze compatition.

demonstrating their robot, it reached the end of the maze, and he said, in his superlatively shut-in voice, "now he's happy"

this makes sense to me... happiness as qualifying an objective.. and i interpret "fun" as "encouraged activities without clearly defined objective.." eg. all the games you are encouraged to play as a kid to build skills.. are "fun" - the appeal seems to disappear with age.. (?? i think adults don't play tag enough)

i gave up chasing things as happiness.. all desire is suffering :) weed is great because weed is a way out of being the douche your douchebag society wants you to be... et c.....

read that.....


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
As I look back, I realized two things....1. those were the REAL good ol' days', and 2. how really naive I was. Youth does that to you. Good thing I was young back then, instead of now. No way in hell I would want to be a youngster in this day and time. Lots of scary shit going on that didn't exist when I was coming up. Life was simple. Now, you can't eat anything, breathe anything, drink anything, screw anything without the possibility of contracting SOMETHING.


Soon to be 56...went to Peru last summer for a two week ayahuasca retreat -came back less mad, more balanced and with less anxiety. Mostly I learned not to force my life anymore -living isn´t a race, it´s a journey. If you drive throgh it at high speed (like I used to on my bike) you miss a lot of things...most things. I try try be nicer now. I regret not screwing more in my teens.


ICMag Donor
I don't put up with bullshit like I did when younger. Not as gullible either.

Amazed how the world connects the dots, figuring out things and nodding, yep!

I see a slight mental decline, and physical, I can still do...just not as gung-ho. Used to have 'summit fever' skiing or backpacking...now it's called meanders (hikes, but not power hikes).

Overall, not a bad life.

I don't agree that 60 is the NEW 30.....I smell dung! ;o)
I would say I lost hair, but my wife says my hair is not less, it just shifted to another place. The hair which was on my head is now on my breast, shoulders and back...

So ladies you're wrong. Men don't lose hair. Hair just shifts position.

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