They really suck here in GA. It's never going to change until we get rid of all of the native southern politicians. I fucking hate it here!

They really suck here in GA. It's never going to change until we get rid of all of the native southern politicians. I fucking hate it here!
They really suck here in GA. It's never going to change until we get rid of all of the native southern politicians. I fucking hate it here!
Being in Colorado, I’ll be happy as long as the right to grow Cannabis is still in our Constitution…![]()
Although, I suppose it would be nice to have more than 6 plants/person, if I wanted to complain…but you can get a waiver for more plants if you are a medicinal patient.![]()
I hope every one of you get the chance, soon, to feel as safe and free as I do, here.![]()
Laws are changing rapidly in this modern era... what do you think NOW?
same experience with cops here when it comes to MMJ (they are still pigs with everything else) and I prefer California's ambiguity to Colorado's regulation right now.california is doing fine .its almost legal as in anyone with a pulse can get a rec..didn't get mine this year like 68 $ laminated picture card with 24/7 verification..too far to go to san diego from here..330+ miles each way give or take .yeehaw... I do have an old rec with no expiration date like it is supposed to be.. not a moneymaking yearly deal..the cops/courts are overwhelmed with so many growers they don't have a chance but with the biggest fish for the most part...and with some grey areas in the law its almost funny...I am fine with how it is now.. full legalization would make things worse I think...anyone needing to have marijuana legally in cali can spend a few bucks ,get a card/rec and not worry bout it..the one time cops did see my inside grow they didn't even count plants once they seen paperwork on back of door,,,they wanted no part of it and the one older female said she was gonna try it after her days on force was over..soon I guessed from her smile..only time I had a friendly police encounter ever ,, it was like a twighlight zone episode
WASHINGTON (AP) -- For the first time, the District of Columbia State Fair has been set to include a marijuana growing contest.
Possession of small amounts of marijuana was legalized in the District earlier this year. People have been permitted to grow their own plants at home.
Participants in the pot-growing contest were scheduled to be judged on appearance, odor and touch -- including whether the stem is sticky and whether it bends or snaps. ...
The D.C. State Fair was meant to showcase the culinary, artistic and agricultural talents of the District. It was set to be held on September 12 at the Old City Farm and Guild.
Most laws are designed to protect the children,especially marjiuana,, SO if your state allows,cannabis in your town,, i believe their saying thay Dont give a crap about the children in that spacific town,,same,,with,liquor stores,,gun stores,,check cashing,places on every corner,,the big picture,is to give you enough rope to destroy yourself and your children,,if your aware of what their trying to do to you,,then you could have a good time.,and live your life,use their ideas againts them and SUCCEED....HAPPY GROWING..,