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How do you feel about Cannabis laws where you live?

How do you feel about Cannabis laws where you live?

  • They're just fine

    Votes: 22 8.2%
  • They're too harsh

    Votes: 245 91.8%
  • They're too liberal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
They really suck here in GA. It's never going to change until we get rid of all of the native southern politicians. I fucking hate it here!


I don't live there, but I'm more optimistic. The recent wave of legalizations, particularly in DC, seem to have put the whole thing over the tipping point. It's like a wheelbarrow full of horseshit- tough to lift the handles to get there, but once there it'll go right on over. The tireless efforts of MMJ advocates did most of the heavy lifting. The real results of having it do the rest. Older seniors, in particular, have been heavily influenced because they know that it's improved the lives of people they know or know about, their contemporaries. That's real concrete experience. The usual propaganda can't stand against it.

In political terms, it's actually happening rather quickly but it sometimes looks like super slow-mo from a normal perspective.

If DC brings in Retail Marijuana, as they seem to want to do, Congress will be forced to recognize reality & act accordingly.

W/O federal prohibition, the whole rotten mess will likely collapse very quickly, even in States one might not expect. Georgia might surprise you.

I've never been there, but I worked closely with a group of techs from one of our suppliers whose home was in Marietta. Regular working guys, more senior. Indigenous Southerners. Their attitudes about a lot of things were refreshing, intelligent & constructive, often more so than some of my coworkers. Much respect.

I think there may yet be hope for us all.


Active member
1000 grams can land 5 years, plus post release that could return to prison to redo half the original sentence. A total of 7 years for whatever they choose to call a kilo. Not to mention all the time waiting for due process. People get off easier with plea deals, even in federal court. The greatest injustice are the inconsistent sentences handed out.


Natalie J. Puffington
Being in Colorado, I’ll be happy as long as the right to grow Cannabis is still in our Constitution… :dance013: :watchplant:
Although, I suppose it would be nice to have more than 6 plants/person, if I wanted to complain…but you can get a waiver for more plants if you are a medicinal patient. :tiphat:

I hope every one of you get the chance, soon, to feel as safe and free as I do, here. :wave:


Active member
Being in Colorado, I’ll be happy as long as the right to grow Cannabis is still in our Constitution… :dance013: :watchplant:
Although, I suppose it would be nice to have more than 6 plants/person, if I wanted to complain…but you can get a waiver for more plants if you are a medicinal patient. :tiphat:

I hope every one of you get the chance, soon, to feel as safe and free as I do, here. :wave:

Thank you, ma'am, for telling it the way it is.


California messed law just said enough to get the hippies to vote for it. almost 20 years later and its still a mess.
everybody was told to vote for that democrat kamila harris in 2008 as state AG and that hasn't helped much. Now she wants to be a senator. democrat run state hasn't helped fix the laws one bit. Then i over heard the fools on aMessNBC throw out jerry the clown brown and a presidential contender because he could carry cali.


Cultivation of any number Mandatory 1yr in the big house with a max of 5.
Automatic $15k fine.
Need I say more?


Code enforcement

Code enforcement

Laws are changing rapidly in this modern era... what do you think NOW?

I love the laws now,,only because I'm in California,it's really sad that people who suffer from,,post traumatic stress retired from the military,,,police,dept,,were talking sever symptoms from having to perform unspeakable duties,to keep society safe,just trying to experiment,and self medicate,,themselves,,because all the pharmcutical companies want to do is keep you barly alive till your next appointment,,theirs,no MONEY in the cure,the money is in the medicine,,thay,,,are also bieng targeted for a few plants,that I don't get, people. Who served in any branch of government ,civil servants,,should have FIRST PICK ON THE BEST QUALITY CANNABIS,,FREE,,,LIFE..if thay did,things wouldnt be so shitty now,because thay would have first hand knowledge and experience with the medication,,therfore,sympathizing more with those in desperate need of the cannabis..maybe its just me,,on one hand it would be great to have cannabis legalized,,on the other hand.if by legalizing cannabis is going to take away my right to grow my own,,then im 100%AGAINST legalization,,Whats the point,,,the quality of organic cannabis will go extinct over night,,and only the RICH will be able to heal themselves with the healthy cannabis while the middle class and the poor,,literally,smoke toxic nuclear waste,combined,with spacific population control,chemicals to destroy their reproductive,,systems,no more children from the,middle class and poor people,,is,the, next agenda for atleast 100 years,,just my opinion none of this is fact proven,,so,,you make your own judgment..you asked,sorry if i got of subject,,but,,,everything is really connected in one way or the other....HAPPY GROWING..


if it smells like fish
california is doing fine .its almost legal as in anyone with a pulse can get a rec..didn't get mine this year like 68 $ laminated picture card with 24/7 verification..too far to go to san diego from here..330+ miles each way give or take .yeehaw... I do have an old rec with no expiration date like it is supposed to be.. not a moneymaking yearly deal..the cops/courts are overwhelmed with so many growers they don't have a chance but with the biggest fish for the most part...and with some grey areas in the law its almost funny...I am fine with how it is now.. full legalization would make things worse I think...anyone needing to have marijuana legally in cali can spend a few bucks ,get a card/rec and not worry bout it..the one time cops did see my inside grow they didn't even count plants once they seen paperwork on back of door,,,they wanted no part of it and the one older female said she was gonna try it after her days on force was over..soon I guessed from her smile..only time I had a friendly police encounter ever ,, it was like a twighlight zone episode


Well-known member
Shit brother I would be happy to pay $68 to feel safe.

I agree with Jhhnn, Its all going to topple like a house of cards!!! Just as prohibition collapsed so shall this. Even in the southern states, of which I reside.

Brother GA is on the slide as well. FL will pass there medical bill next year for sure, AL has one in the house, GA aint far behind you can bank on it.

Once the FED backs out all 50 will collapse. Then the best weed will be grown in the Southeast!!!! Move over Cali the rednecks are on there way!!!:biggrin: LOL just kidding!!! or am I???:tiphat:



To Have More ... Desire Less
I value my privacy... and BELIEVE in my medical needs... as does my REAL Doc...
I have maintained a Med rec for 5 straight yrs...following the rules...in WA
BUT if my greedY state government tried / try's any harder... to take away my right to grow my own... there will be HELL to PAY... and mutiny statewide

pretty much the ONLY thing legal RECREATIONAL weed has done for me... in WA..... is prove the system and the folks running "IT"... are one big corrupt JOKE !!!!!

keep medical... just that MEDICAL
california is doing fine .its almost legal as in anyone with a pulse can get a rec..didn't get mine this year like 68 $ laminated picture card with 24/7 verification..too far to go to san diego from here..330+ miles each way give or take .yeehaw... I do have an old rec with no expiration date like it is supposed to be.. not a moneymaking yearly deal..the cops/courts are overwhelmed with so many growers they don't have a chance but with the biggest fish for the most part...and with some grey areas in the law its almost funny...I am fine with how it is now.. full legalization would make things worse I think...anyone needing to have marijuana legally in cali can spend a few bucks ,get a card/rec and not worry bout it..the one time cops did see my inside grow they didn't even count plants once they seen paperwork on back of door,,,they wanted no part of it and the one older female said she was gonna try it after her days on force was over..soon I guessed from her smile..only time I had a friendly police encounter ever ,, it was like a twighlight zone episode
same experience with cops here when it comes to MMJ (they are still pigs with everything else) and I prefer California's ambiguity to Colorado's regulation right now.


if it smells like fish
yup ..out of k or would of hit ya up^^^... confused regulation is better than over regulation....yeehaw

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
WASHINGTON (AP) -- For the first time, the District of Columbia State Fair has been set to include a marijuana growing contest.

Possession of small amounts of marijuana was legalized in the District earlier this year. People have been permitted to grow their own plants at home.

Participants in the pot-growing contest were scheduled to be judged on appearance, odor and touch -- including whether the stem is sticky and whether it bends or snaps. ...:bis:

The D.C. State Fair was meant to showcase the culinary, artistic and agricultural talents of the District. It was set to be held on September 12 at the Old City Farm and Guild.


Most laws are designed to protect the children,especially marjiuana,, SO if your state allows,cannabis in your town,, i believe their saying thay Dont give a crap about the children in that spacific town,,same,,with,liquor stores,,gun stores,,check cashing,places on every corner,,the big picture,is to give you enough rope to destroy yourself and your children,,if your aware of what their trying to do to you,,then you could have a good time.,and live your life,use their ideas againts them and SUCCEED....HAPPY GROWING..,

Bud Green

I dig dirt
WASHINGTON (AP) -- For the first time, the District of Columbia State Fair has been set to include a marijuana growing contest.

Possession of small amounts of marijuana was legalized in the District earlier this year. People have been permitted to grow their own plants at home.

Participants in the pot-growing contest were scheduled to be judged on appearance, odor and touch -- including whether the stem is sticky and whether it bends or snaps. ...:bis:

The D.C. State Fair was meant to showcase the culinary, artistic and agricultural talents of the District. It was set to be held on September 12 at the Old City Farm and Guild.

You must spread some reputation around before....Blah, blah, fuckin' blah....

Washington DC; who woulda ever thunk it ?!?!


Well-known member
i gotta be honest here. (actually, i always am) i don't really give a fuck about the laws these days, there are bigger fish to fry. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and estimate that probably 90% of the folks busted with weed were unlucky as hell, or doing something stupid & brought it on themselves. (riding around getting ripped, i did it too) i think the laws are gonna change, we are past the tipping point. what I want to see is the removal of cannabis from drug testing for any reason whatsoever, nada, nil, zip. no, not even for folks on parole or probation, nor kids on the football/chess team... i think that would be a much bigger step forward for freedom these days. :tiphat:


Active member
Most laws are designed to protect the children,especially marjiuana,, SO if your state allows,cannabis in your town,, i believe their saying thay Dont give a crap about the children in that spacific town,,same,,with,liquor stores,,gun stores,,check cashing,places on every corner,,the big picture,is to give you enough rope to destroy yourself and your children,,if your aware of what their trying to do to you,,then you could have a good time.,and live your life,use their ideas againts them and SUCCEED....HAPPY GROWING..,

What? I thought "Reefer Madness" was shown to be absolutely stupid over 50 years ago. Some people apparently like living in denial and darkness.

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