how about those kiwi's in new Zealand " - highly illegal still and will be held this way as long as a Conservitve party is kept in govt office as is the case now,
Nz has one of the highst percentage rates for human consumption of marijuana world/wide and still declear it a dangerous substance, lol well why not fucking control it then if this be the case, so much money involved where as everyones a winner winner chicken dinner, but no,
No winners allowed for the little man, only the man who work for the Man, just this one time we could all benefit from the good things this plant has to offer.
Nz has one of the highst percentage rates for human consumption of marijuana world/wide and still declear it a dangerous substance, lol well why not fucking control it then if this be the case, so much money involved where as everyones a winner winner chicken dinner, but no,
No winners allowed for the little man, only the man who work for the Man, just this one time we could all benefit from the good things this plant has to offer.