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How do you feel about Cannabis laws where you live?

How do you feel about Cannabis laws where you live?

  • They're just fine

    Votes: 22 8.2%
  • They're too harsh

    Votes: 245 91.8%
  • They're too liberal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
In Germany it´s mostly OK. You can loose your driving license, I think thats the greatest Problem for most of the People. If you are a huge grower or dealer it can cost you some years, if they catch you often. For the first time you get mostly probation. In Bavaria the law is tougher but it´s a joke in contrast to Texas. Before some days I saw a guy (black of course) on tv, who is in jail in Texas for the rest of his life, at last for 30 gramm weed! Unbelievable sad.
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ICMag Donor


Medical Legal Michigan USA

Medical Legal Michigan USA

Even legal here in Michigan the state will take away a child from a mothers breast. Law Enforcement can still come into your home a take what they want
As long as the losers in the war on cannabis get to write the laws we are fucked.


Kiss My Ring
we're stepping backward here in Washington.

medical was good until I-502 passed and now the LCB wants to eliminate personal grows and collectives and make you purchase medicine from state licensed stores.

I know it's better than elsewhere, but...shoot i'm never satisfied.


Active member
we're stepping backward here in Washington.

medical was good until I-502 passed and now the LCB wants to eliminate personal grows and collectives and make you purchase medicine from state licensed stores.

I know it's better than elsewhere, but...shoot i'm never satisfied.

Note to activists- Do not use I-502 as a template. Use A64 with its personal growing provisions. With that, authoritarians are completely punked. Without, well, witness Washington's LCB. Puh-ricks.
I got hemed up when I was a teen in the Midwest for like .5 then sent to kids jail where I had to shower in front of some big guard then put in a cell by myself for five days...oh and didn't give me my seizure meds then gave me a p.o. .....if you get busted with weed on the west coast you get a ticket.......I'm no teen now I'm 26 but still has not changed much.....:ying:


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I'm glad some of you fuckers think everything is just peachy..it would be nice if you thought about someone besides yourself for a change.


I live in Washington state and marijuana is now totally in the hands of the government and all it can see are dollar signs. It is using mj as a revenue stream, which means that it will now strictly enforce it's new monopoly or cash cow. In other words, private growers look out; if you think it was bad before, wait until you get caught now because the government will now see you as stealing THEIR money. They really, really don't like that and they will punish you severely for that. The one thing government agencies do better than anything else is protecting their monopolies. They are excellent at that.
What I'd like people to do if they are trying to legalize pot in their state is to look very closely at what happened in Washington and do just the opposite. It is a real good lesson on how not to do it.
Many people think that we need to compromise and let the government have it's share. I think people need to stop this thinking that the government is always entitled to have a share in everything. As anyone can plainly see once a government gets it's teeth into a steady, big stream of revenue, it's not ever going to let it go. Washington state lost, it at first appeared, it's stream of revenue with liquor sales or did they really? No not really. It no longer has state liquor stores but the exorbitant taxes it placed on liquor with the new law, makes you realize that it gave up some control but not the money.
The same will be true with marijuana. People think that in the future we will be able to change the laws again and make it so anyone can grow pot for their personal use, legally. Now that will never happen. It will be illegal for anyone but a state licensed business to grow mj now and probably forever. Marijuana is no longer the great healing spiritual herb that it is; in Washington, it is now only a business and marijuana is just a commodity.
Some people are happy with the fact that is better than it was before. IMO the fact that it was illegal to grow my own before and it is illegal now, is not an improvement. I'm speaking for the minority, although the majority of people on this site grow (doesn't everyone on this site grow?), the vast majority of the general public do not grow. Most people want to be able to go into a store and buy a small amount of mj at an exorbitant price. I don't. I'd rather grow it myself cheaply and have the knowledge that I know exactly what is in it and the satisfaction of growing it myself.
The growing it myself part is the the most important part of this whole deal for me. It's a thing that we've lost in almost everything these days. That special part of us as humans is having that feeling of being more whole or more alive when we do something for ourselves. There is a pride, a level of satisfaction and dignity in doing it yourself that is totally missing when you go into a store, lay down some cash and leave with a product. That feeling, that level of pride, dignity and satisfaction is what being alive is all about for me. It's what makes living worthwhile and beautiful. Without that, I'm just a robot.
I know this is a very personal opinion but for me if it is still illegal to grow pot for myself, then it is not legal. That is my definition of legal. If people took the time to understand how government agencies work, you will find that once it gets control of something it almost never lets go. Governments turn you into that robot I mentioned above. They want to tell you what to do and what not to do. How to do it and how not to do it. They want to think for you and to dictate to you until you become that robot.
There is also the practical finances of this whole deal. Not only do I get the satisfaction of growing myself, which I have already stated is the most important aspect of growing for me but I get it so much cheaper. My cost to grow is 30 cents a gram. So why in the world would I want to, first and foremost, lose that satisfaction and fulfillment of growing it myself in order to pay someone else $16 a gram? That's what it is going to cost to buy pot in Washington. The state says they are going to sell it for $12 a gram but that is before the 25% tax is added and the other tax the retailer has to charge which I think is another 6 or 7%. So that's an additional $3.84 in taxes added to that $12.
Hell it was a crime to grow before legalization, it's a crime now and believe me when I tell you that it will remain a crime as long as the government has any say. Yeah it's better than in some of the more barbaric states in this country and believe me I have great sympathy for you guys trying to grow in those nazi states but man it's all about the growing for me and if still I'm going to get arrested for doing that, then it still sucks.
The part of the new law that I like is that it is legal to carry around an ounce of mj with you. It's only legal though if you paid the state store about $450 dollars for that ounce. If you are a regular user who doesn't grow, who uses an ounce a month, which is a little less than a gram a day and everyone that I know who smokes uses at least a gram a day and you can afford $450 a month for mj, then you should be happy as a clam with the new law.
I definitely want mj to be legal in all states and in all countries throughout the world. Yes you can compromise and it will be made legal under the states terms. You do have to realize though that the compromises you make will be the compromises you will always live with. If growing is important to you, make that part of your states law.
Now a lot of the bigger seed sellers don't seem to care at all about the people who have made them wealthy all of these years by buying their seeds. It's clear they only really care about themselves and their business because they have made it abundantly clear that they are going to get their mj business licenses with the new state laws and they will go along with allowing it to still be illegal for the growers who sustained them all of these years. Man they dropped the growers like hot potatoes when they saw the wind shifting. So please don't look at them as leaders in this legalization cause. They have the same point of view as the governments, they see dollar signs.


Well-known member
now the cannabis laws are changing all over the usa ,,,will a Brit who has served jailtime for weed be allowed into the usa for a holiday ?

lost in a sea

now the cannabis laws are changing all over the usa ,,,will a Brit who has served jailtime for weed be allowed into the usa for a holiday ?

I doubt it, even if all of amurica went "legal" you are still a criminal as far as they are concerned.

we're all terrorists remember.

I don't like any cannabis laws anywhere, fuck the man and his trolls..

I live in Washington state and marijuana is now totally in the hands of the government and all it can see are dollar signs. It is using mj as a revenue stream, which means that it will now strictly enforce it's new monopoly or cash cow. In other words, private growers look out; if you think it was bad before, wait until you get caught now because the government will now see you as stealing THEIR money. They really, really don't like that and they will punish you severely for that. The one thing government agencies do better than anything else is protecting their monopolies.

This is exactly what the whole plan is and dumbass starry eyed stoners think it can only be a good thing where this is all going with it becoming a legal "revenue stream" controlled by oligarchs(just like George Soros strangely enough ;)) and pseudo political autocrats .. You have you head screwed on right lemongrove bro.

Get ready to go deeper underground..


ICMag Donor
To all those who not in a legal or med state....keep up with "quiet" activism...the tides will change. Well, if Jeb isn't elected, times will change. Sigh.

And tell no one about your hobby.


Well-known member
Was reading an earlier post about when weed was lowered to 'class c' here, I remember it well!
After about 1 year, the experts said it was working well, lower crime etc....
So our backwards facing, idiot government reclassified it back up to class b !


My state has made medicinal use only legal. And only in a certain from to be produced by a few companies. I don't feel it's a better situation for anyone since the state is now in control. Seems they could make things much worse for the growers who are not in some way on their payroll. I have well under a felony amount of plants I feel that being in competition with the people who makes the laws and rules may put me in greater danger if in fact I am busted.
Like many have said, legalization gives the government more control. And when money is involved it makes for a dangerous environment.

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