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House & Garden Nutrients

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
what , damn that's wack!,....I got 2 brand new 20L , on ice , that sux really like the coco food , roots excel and drip clean, I look onto this



Well-known member
Alright got the story straight, their closing down and moving to the US but during the moving process they will be stocked up and still supplying. Also good news is I heard they will drop prices too.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Alright got the story straight, their closing down and moving to the US but during the moving process they will be stocked up and still supplying. Also good news is I heard they will drop prices too.

PHEW!!! kinda crazy that I'll end up having to import it to Holland but hopefully the price change will cover the P&P :D

Thanks for the info... :tiphat:


Well-known member
Good shit I was just about to place a huge order from amazon guess I can hold off on that and spend it on aeeds


was reading most of the thread and decided that Im gonna give HNG a shoot.
its gonna be my first time with coco, till now only soil.

was thinking about:
coco A+B
drip clean
root excelurator
bud XL
top booster (is it PK?)
multi enzym

was thinking to add bloombastic, it should be with or instead top booster? and is it right to use top booster with bug XL or just waste of money?

what you guys think about my plan?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
bud xl and top boost can (and should) be used together bud xl is a carboload/sweetner and booster is a pk boost... do NOT use Bloombastic together with Top Booster (Bloombastic is also a pk boost)

I wouldn't bother with the drip clean unless you know you need it... the zym should keep everything clean and if you're watering with a decent amount of run off you wont get salt build up...(unless you're using a drip system.. thats a different thing, I handwater and forget about rez maintenance lol)


dont have the time for hand-watering. have 100L rez and 2500L/h water pump. its gonna be with a drip system
couldnt find any H&G soil nutes in UK, so i emailed the company, and as posted above, they are moving to US so in the process of moving and restarting elsewhere.

The guy said UK can expect a restock in September. So fingers crossed. Couple of hydro shops said the same. lol, one guy tried to convince me they went bust and will never be back. lol

Looking on amazon or ebay, some people are charging stupid money for the nutes, just cause the supply isnt there just now.

Bring on September. :woohoo::woohoo:


a bit confused, according to HNG site, top booster should be used on week 4 and only for 3-4 days while bloombastic need to be used during the last 4-6 weeks.


Active member
Anyone used Aqua flakes AND cocos in a coco DTW setup and notice any differences between the two of them? Kinda hard to find label images online to see if there is any profile differences, i know they are supposed to be similar but didnt know if cocos "really" has more CAL/MG or something like that. I will be running a rez that i load with a weeks worth of solution that has a mixing pump kick on every hour or two just to mix it up if that makes a difference. I know AF is supposed to me more stable in hydro but does it make a difference for a dtw rez?

Also trying to calculate what i need for a run of this stuff.....i dont care about additives, especially for first few runs will be sticking to base only and possibly some GH rapidstart samples somehow i came into a crap ton of :biggrin:.

What are you guys seeing as far as ml/gal needed of each a&b to get to 1.2 ec (AF or cocos)? I have nasty tap that i sometimes cut varying amounts to RO. Lately been keeping enough tap to keep it ph stable ~ 100-150ppm depending on how i feel and how much time i have.

Its seems this stuff is pretty cheap now that they are US based, especially when looking at larger qtys, 10L+. Possibly cheaper than GH unless im missing something on the concentration levels and amount needed, hence the above question.


Active member
Had a very hard time trying to find 5L Cocos. I usually buy off eGay..and the prices for 5L is insane...clearly trying to rip off growers. I went with Canna instead..and paid about $75 for A+B..not $600. Something is going on with H&G..lets hope they are ok.



Active member
Used both aqua flakes and cocos and one worked as good as the other. I use 5-7ml/gal to get to 1.0-1.2 ec with 2ml/gal protekt. Used to use al additives, but got similar or better yield and quality with just base +silica. After trying many recipes, i found that base+protekt +hydroplex and moab the last couple weeks was the best for me.

Snow Crash

Active member
House and Garden is finally coming back up in the US. Only a handful of things are unavailable now. We just put in a big order with them yesterday and it's all looking good.


New member
Anyone else notice that there is an almost complete absence of P in the H&G range?

It all seems to be in the shooting power / top shooter.


H@G, best nutrient i have ever used, hands down....

agree! Ive used all the "top brands" out there; AN, GH, heavy 16, bio bizz, Humboldt nutients, canna, and more. And h&g far superior. the first crop i started using there cocos a&b + some additives i seen VERY noticeable growth, health, end flavor potency, and yield.
They own and manage their own labatory, and do vigorous testing and refining for their formulas.

The only nutrients i will ever use.


Just so you are aware (oh, and I am a fanboy) - laws changed for manufacturing which promoted the end of H+G van de zwaan. It appears they were willing to shut down entirely and leave us in the lerch. As far as I am to be told - Mr. William did not seem interested in furthering the line - it appears it was a fun side project because it was an option. No option, no line.

It was bought by an American (company) and is an entirely new company in my opinion. Just take that as a grain of salt going forward with the line built off of a previous reputation, management and oversights of dedicated individuals. There was always a love of the plant and the product with the company and its representatives, as of recently (6mo to a yr) that whole mantra and feeling seems to be gone and little to no support of the product for the small fish.

imho its time to start mixing salts :/


Active member
^this is disheartening news. I was just getting used to H&G... amazing stuff, founded on REAL science. The Dutch Greenhouse Industry don't joke around....


^this is disheartening news. I was just getting used to H&G... amazing stuff, founded on REAL science. The Dutch Greenhouse Industry don't joke around....

me too, I recently got really used to h&g down to the T. I been running their Line for a couple of coco runs now and its now the only nutes I will use with dtw or dwc.
I really hope their formulas don't change, or if so for the better. Because I really don't went to change nutrients anytime oon. Took me awhile trying brands before I settled with h&g.

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