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The Proper Way to Mix H&G

The Proper Way to Mix H&G

do you still have to wait all effn day to mix your base????

Varying accounts of the proper way to mix our House and Garden Nutrients have always been floating around, so we appreciate your question and the opportunity to address this issue.

In the past, the official company line was to mix Base A, wait 15 minutes, then mix B, wait 15 minutes, then adjust your pH; then add the additives one-by-one ignoring the changes in pH at this point due to mislead pH readings attributed to the biological activity of some additives.

Although a grower will be OK performing the above mixing directions, it is outdated and inconvenient for a grower, especially a grower new to H&G, and has since been removed from the website and the feed chart.

The reasons that it needed to be improved upon are as follows:

-Amino Treatment was incorporated into the line around 2012, and the silica raises the pH on a non-biological level. This is not taken into account in the old mixing directions, because the H&G line did not have any products containing silica.

-Shooting Powder affects the pH on a non-biological level as well.

-The multiple 15 minute waiting periods are inconvenient and unnecessary, as long as the grower is mixing the solution thoroughly with each addition and never mixing concentrated solutions. Removing the long waiting periods will not only work just as well, it will make it easier for a grower to switch to H&G from a line like GH, which takes less than 5 minutes total to mix a reservoir.

-The biological effects on the pH reading are insignificant compared to the more pronounced effects of the Amino Treatment and Shooting Powder on the pH readings.

In summary, the proper way to mix an H&G reservoir:
1. If using RO water, after filtering, immediately add pH Osmosis / Stabilizer (or Cal-Mag) to 100-150 ppm.
2. Mix Base A, Base B, and all of the additives one-by-one; mixing thoroughly in between each one.
3. After adding everything, allow reservoir to fully mix and circulate for a few minutes.
3. Adjust pH to 5.8-6.2, depending on medium.

This has been successfully implemented in Humboldt reservoirs and successfully advised across California over the past 2-3 years.

Feedback and discussion is more than welcome!


Thank you for your interest in our ingredients. Unfortunately, we consider this information to be proprietary and therefore will not be disclosing them.

You we're the one who brought it up. So why not disclose the patent no? If you make these claims as a firm i would like to see them backed up. I am not asked for propriety mixes or such but rather ask which patents you base your claims?

Last video i saw from your production included Yara Fertilizers you mix into a blend. Maybe they hold a patent.


Our products are now made in Humboldt County, California. We have not only brought over the equipment from our facility in Holland but the chemists and mixers as well. We are happy to say that things are up and running here in the US and that despite the big move we have managed to retain the same consistency and quality that House & Garden has become famous for.

Hey there H & G! Seeing as how you guys are now in my state and are up and running any chance I could get some samples of your line? On a budget but would love to try what has to be the best nutrients on the market from what I am reading. :)


New member
So if running the Bio1 component should I adjust PH after everything has been added or adjust PH after the bio1 is added?


Active member
Had never ph after base and before additives (run other brands atm). Intended to last night but after a 50 gallon rez mix i forgot and kicked myself. Glad tp see that its cool to ph after everything as i was doing


New member
Boys, thanks for the info. I just want to point out that the actual molecules used in drip clean are listed in this safety sheet


It says

Phosphoric Acid* (CAS Number: 7664-38-2)

This type of phosphoric acid is an ORTHO as well as seen here:


And also contains

Potassium Oxide* (CAS Number: 12136-45-7)


Aka potassium monoxide, which turns into KOH in water.